Part 29 (2/2)
”Make a fight for it,” said Maitland, ”if you can do nothing else. Make for the back-door.”
But George stood aghast, while Mary trembled in every limb. The door was burst open, and a tall man coming in said, ”In the King's name, I arrest you, George Hawker and William Maitland, for coining.”
Maitland threw himself upon the man, and they fell cras.h.i.+ng over the table. George dashed at the door, but was met by two others. For a minute there was a wild scene of confusion and struggling, while Mary crouched against the wall with the child, shut her eyes, and tried to pray. When she looked round again she saw her husband and Maitland securely handcuffed, and the tall man, who first came in, wiping the blood from a deep cut in his forehead, said,
”There is nothing against this woman, is there, Sanders?”
”Nothing, sir, except that she is the prisoner Hawker's wife.”
”Poor woman!” said the tall man. ”She has been lately confined, too. I don't think it will be necessary to take her into custody. Take away the prisoners; I shall stay here and search.”
He began his search by taking the tongs and pulling the fire to pieces.
Soon he came to the remnants of the china ornament which George had thrown in; and, after a little more raking, two or three round pieces of metal fell out of the grate.
”A very green trick,” he remarked. ”Well, they must stay there to cool before I can touch them;” and turning to Mary said, ”Could you oblige me with some sticking-plaster? Your husband's confederate has given me an ugly blow.”
She got some, and put it on for him. ”Oh, sir!” she said, ”Can you tell me what this is all about?”
”Easy, ma'am,” said he. ”Maitland is one of the most notorious coiners in England, and your husband is his confederate and a.s.sistant. We've been watching, just to get a case that there would be no trouble about, and we've got it.”
”And if it is proved?” she asked, trembling.
He looked very serious. ”Mrs. Hawker, I know your history, as well as your husband's, the same as if you told it to me. So I am sorry to give a lady who is in misfortune more pain than I can help; but you know coining is a hanging matter.”
She rocked herself wildly to and fro, and the chair where she sat, squeezing the child against her bosom till he cried. She soothed him again without a word, and then said to the officer, who was searching every nook and cranny in the room:
”Shall you be obliged to turn me out of here, or may I stay a few nights?”
”You can stay as long as you please, madam,” he said; ”that's a matter with your landlady, not me. But if I was you I'd communicate with my friends, and get some money to have my husband defended.”
”They'd sooner pay for the rope to hang him,” she said. ”You seem a kind and pitiful sort of man; tell me honestly, is there any chance for him?”
”Honestly, none. There may be some chance of his life; but there is evidence enough on this one charge, leave alone others, mind you, to convict twenty men. Why, we've evidence of two forgeries committed on his father before ever he married you; so that, if he is acquitted on this charge, he'll be arrested for another outside the court.”
All night long she sat up nursing the child before the fire, which from time to time she replenished. The officers in possession slept on sofas, and dozed in chairs; but when the day broke she was still there, pale and thoughtful, sitting much in the same place and att.i.tude as she did before all this happened, the night before, which seemed to her like a year ago, so great was the change since then. ”Then,” thought she, ”he was nothing but a villain after all. He had merely gained her heart for money's sake, and cast her off when it was gone. What a miserable fool she had been, and how rightly served now, to be left penniless in the world!”
Penniless, but not friendless. She remembered Captain Saxon, and determined to go to him and ask his advice. So when the strange weird morning had crept on to such time as the accustomed crowd began to surge through the street, she put on her bonnet, and went away for the first time to seek him at his lodgings, in a small street, leading off Piccadilly.
An old woman answered the door. ”The Captain was gone,” she said, ”to Boulogne, and wouldn't be back yet for a fortnight. Would she leave any name?”
She hardly thought it worth while. All the world seemed to have deserted her now; but she said, more in absence of mind than for any other reason, ”Tell him that Mrs. Hawker called, if you please.”
”Mrs. Hawker!” the old woman said; ”there's a letter for you, ma'am, I believe; and something particular too, 'cause he told me to keep it in my desk till you called. Just step in, if you please.”
Mary followed her in, and she produced a letter directed to Mrs.
Hawker. When Mary opened it, which she did in the street, after the door was shut, the first thing she saw was a bank-note for five pounds, and behind it was the following note:--