Part 17 (1/2)
”I most certainly am capable of taking care of myself,' Kelly said vehemently. ”Oh, Todd and that d.a.m.ned awkward sense of honor of his! Well, he wouldn't be Todd without it.” Hrriss contented himself with a nod. ”Be yourself. Be helpful, be cheerful. And now let us all be helpful and see what we can learn.” He glided across the room to the computer station and flicked it on with just the nail of his first finger. Sitting down, he logged on his user number. ”I shall begin with Hrrula's ranch. He mourns every time one of his hrrsses goes missing. It is a personal affront to his care of them. I will drop a note to obtain permission.
Nrrna and Kelly watched while the data base brought up the user message board. Hrriss had his fingers poised over the keyboard when the screen cleared to show the last user number accessing the file.
”I cannot continue,' Hrriss said, his voice sad and reluctant.
”That is Zodd's number at the bottom.”
”But if he's not on the net now, surely .
”Not now. The time indicates that he logged off thirty minutes ago.” ”Then go ahead.”
”I cannot. It might be construed as an infringement of our oath not to contact each other. What if it was suggested that he left messages in a file for me to find and erase?”
”Sometimes . . .” Kelly raised hands above her head in pique, then lowered them, accepting such a scrupulous interpretation of their restriction.
”You're becoming as paranoid over this as Todd.
”Thank you,' Hrriss said solemnly. ”In that context, it is a compliment.” Kelly rolled her head and threw up her hands again, this time turning to Nrrna for guidance.
”Well, then, Nrrna. It's up to us. We'll investigate on our own, won't we?” Nrrna nodded enthusiastically. ”So move out of that chair and let either me or Nrrna log on. Get you out of the room so you cannot be tempted, scaredy cat,' and Kelly made shooing gestures with her hands at Hrriss. ”If you're so concerned about our involvement, we may or may not tell you what we learn. Your place or mine, Nrrna?”
”Stay here!” Hrriss said, his tone just short of pleading. ”I will not look.” And he went to sit on the pillows farthest from the computer station.
”You can be in the same room with us while we're jeopardizing our reputations in helping you?” Kelly said teasingly.
”You both do us honor,' Hrriss said gravely, and picked up a tape viewer, turning his head away.
”But please tell me when you have located that leopard Appaloosa hide.”
KELLY FOUND ALl KIACHIF IN ThE PUB of the Launch Center, weaving to a circle of his captains a story of derring-do during an ion storm in which he and one of his men had rescued the s.h.i.+p, getting the cargo and everyone on board to their destination with nary a scratch.
The Codep captain's talk was punctuated with alliterative triads and circ.u.mlocutory references, but he had a knack for making a story come to life. When the others drifted apart to discuss the merits (and veracity) of his tale, Kelly approached him.
”Captain Kiachif?” The s.p.a.cer looked up. ”What may I do for you, little lady?”
”My name's Kelly Solinari. I'm a friend of Todd Reeve.”
”That's something we have in common,' he said kindly. ”Come and commune, with a cup of cheer?”
”No, thank you,' Kelly said, declining the offer of a drink. ”I don't really feel very cheery. His father said that you offered to help clear him of these accusations against him.”
”I've been of that mind, if you understand me.” Kelly dropped her voice to a discreet whisper. ”It is Admiral Landreau, isn't it, who hates Todd and his father enough to frame them?”
”Hates ”em lock, stock, and block. Always has since they made a fool of him. Only he made more of a fool of himself. They didn't have to help much, if you see what I mean,' Kiachif said. Having spoken his mind in as guarded voice as she had used, he took a deep drink and let out a sigh of satisfaction as he put the gla.s.s down.
”You don't happen to remember any other distinctive horses wearing Reeve markings?” Kiachif screwed his face. ”I remember that one, like I told Ken. But perfect pat and plain, Miss Kelly, I didn't think much of that incident. You see, that Aden feller, their manager, was doing the s.h.i.+pping, so it seemed natural that all the horses had Reeve Ranch marks. That leopard-spotted one just stood out so much among the bays and browns.”
”But it did have a Reeve brand on it, then?”
”Yup, it surely did.”
”But how could it have?” Kelly's voice went squeaky as she tried to keep it low and couldn't repress her outrage.
”Well, now, the freeze brand is not supposed to be alterable.
Technique's practically perfect. But nothing's perfect.
”Oh, don't tell me someone has a system for altering brand marks!
Can you think of the havoc that'll cause?”
”Nope, don't want to think about it. I want to think how I can prove Todd Reeve never rustled nothing in his life, never stole nothing, never fiddled with log tapes or deviated from his registered flight plans. I want to think how s.h.i.+ps been getting through one of the most secure security systems in the galaxy. That's what I want to think about. And this helps.” He lifted his empty gla.s.s and signaled a pa.s.sing harman.
”Bring the bottle!” When the bottle had been brought, he inspected the cap with a narrowed eye before he broke the seal and filled his gla.s.s.
Kelly was somewhat astounded by his capacity but she kept her expression polite.
”Can't be one of the Codeps. I got them under my thumb,' and he held it up, flat and broad and stained, ”if you know what I mean. They know all better'n accept stolen goods ”cause it makes me mad and besides that, makes it look like the government's condoning theft.
Fred Horstmann was some upset about that bundle of hides but I calmed him down. That Zapata provenance checked out genuine. So we got to go back further in this rustling-business, hide-marking, moneymaking nonsense. I do remember'-Kiachif paused thoughtfully-'carrying a feller back to Earth. He'd done his prison term. Knew all about lasers did Askell Klonski. A weasely little wart, if my memory doesn't mislead me. Claimed he could change a tattoo of a wanton, winking woman so she was blinking with the other eye and you'd never know it hadn't been that way to start.” Kelly smothered a laugh, for his words conjured up an indescribable vision.
Kiachif held up his hand.
”He'd be just the sort to deftly do the deed, if you know what I mean. Now, I don't know if he was bragging or not. Those types do.
He'd served his sentence, but he didn't learn it, if you understand me.
The guards in the galley said he was a genius in laser techniques.
Served as a trustee his last years on the Rock because he was the only one who could fix the alarm system. He was so good no slips, skips, or blips went undetected. No escapes at all during his tenure.
Shortened his sentence slightly, where it shouldn't have ended at all, if you follow me. If I hadn't had orders signed by Varnorian himself, I doubt I would have carried him anywhere.”
”Where is he now?” Kelly asked eagerly.
Kiachif ma.s.saged his whiskers. ”Still on Earth, so I hear. No decent colony would have him. He was pushed in on a snooty section of Corridor and Aisle, to the infinite consternation of his neighbors.
They say he's ”not our type, dear.”
”Kiachif did a humorous imitation of a proud matron looking down her nose at Kelly. ”Spending a lot of money, too. I'd like to know where he got it. With his record, the chances that it was hardly honest are high. ”Hmm,' Kelly said thoughtfully. ”Any chance of contacting him soon?” Kiachif nodded his head up and down, refilling his gla.s.s again. ”Strangest part is that that man was released just about ten years ago. ”Oh!
”That's what I said. Ten years ago. Not so lon before I saw that leopardy horse. The moon played hide-and-seek with the doud as the two girls sneaked down toward the transportation grid on the Hrruban side. A thin spot ol light penetrated the clouds, striking the ground in front of them, and they ducked behind the bushes.
Kelly hoped there were no small nocturnal predators abroad, not when they didn't wish to draw attention to themselves. Night critters all had mean bites.