Part 12 (2/2)

Page 46 ”not just to herd the flock but also to keep the wolves away” Pesic, Miodrag D. Operation Air Bridge Operation Air Bridge: Serbian Chetniks and the Rescued American Airmen in World War II Serbian Chetniks and the Rescued American Airmen in World War II [English translation from the original Serbian]. Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Serbian Masters' Society, 2002, p. 171. [English translation from the original Serbian]. Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Serbian Masters' Society, 2002, p. 171.

Page 48 ”they had bailed out much later and farther away than the other crew” The pilot and copilot of Wilson's B-17 were aided by a separate group of Chetniks but never joined up with the other crew. They made it out of Yugoslavia safely.

Page 48 ”was a machine gunner on a B-17 when he bailed out over Yugoslavia on July 4, 1944” Pesic, p. 164. Mike McKool's story is a summary of the account he provided in Operation Air Bridge Operation Air Bridge, along with newspaper articles from 1946, in which he described his experience while campaigning to save Mihailovich.

Page 49 ”was flying a borrowed plane” Oliver, Thomas. Unintended Unintended V Visit to Yugoslavia. Unpublished ma.n.u.script donated to the United States Air Force Academy, 1990, p. 1. Thomas Oliver's story is a summary of the account he provided in his unpublished ma.n.u.script. Unpublished ma.n.u.script donated to the United States Air Force Academy, 1990, p. 1. Thomas Oliver's story is a summary of the account he provided in his unpublished ma.n.u.script.

Page 50 ”Another pilot blamed Dinah Sh.o.r.e when he found himself in trouble over Yugoslavia” Pesic, p. 164. Richard Felman's story is a summary of the account he provided in Operation Air Bridge Operation Air Bridge, along with multiple speeches he gave about his account, and various newspaper and magazine articles in which he described his experience.

Page 53 ”Felman was immediately struck by Vasi's appearance” Ibid.

Chapter 5.

Page 63 ”known as Captain Milankovic, spoke English” Pesic, p. 166.

Page 65 ”afternoon on horseback, accompanied by three soldiers” Oliver, p. 2.

Page 74 ”joined Mihailovich's forces in conducting sabotage against the Germans” Felman, Richard. ”Mihailovich and I.” Serbian Democratic Forum, October 1972.

Chapter 6.

Page 80 ”Please advise the American Air Ministry that there are more than one hundred American aviators in our midst” Martin, David. The Web of Disinformation The Web of Disinformation : : Churchill's Yugoslav Blunder Churchill's Yugoslav Blunder. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990, p. 232.

Page 83 ”Are you involved in trying to get them out?” These are not the exact words from Mirjana's letter, which is no longer available, but George Vujnovich recounts this version as the gist of what she wrote to him.

Page 83 ”One agent reported finding a half-starved B-24 tail gunner who had been shot down in the first raid on Ploesti” Ford, Corey. Donovan of OSS Donovan of OSS. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970, p. 205.

Page 94 ”When Hitler first heard of the coup d'etat and the country's attempt to withdraw from the Axis, he thought it was a joke.” Testimony of Her mann Goering at Nuremburg Military Tribunals, Proceedings of the International Military Tribunals at Nuremburg, Proceedings of the International Military Tribunals at Nuremburg, p. 344. p. 344.

Page 94 ”Winston Churchill described what happened next” Winston Churchill, The Second World War, Volume 3: The Grand Alliance. The Second World War, Volume 3: The Grand Alliance. Boston: Mariner Books, 1986, p. 175. Boston: Mariner Books, 1986, p. 175.

Chapter 7.

Page 110 ” 'It's Mrs. Goebbels!' ” There is no way to verify that it actually was Magda Goebbels on the plane, but George and Mirjana Vujnovich both thought it was her and said that she acted as one would expect the powerful wife of a top n.a.z.i officer to act. George and Mirjana responded accordingly at the time and remained confident after the war that Magda Goebbels had saved them from a likely arrest.

Chapter 8.

Page 123 ”individual commanders who were accustomed to working independently” Ford, Kirk, Jr. OSS and the Yugoslav Resistance 1943 OSS and the Yugoslav Resistance 1943-1945. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 1992, p. 6. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 1992, p. 6.

Page 124 ”Mihailovich took a firm position that he could not expose the people of Yugoslavia to such risk unless the outcome was great enough to justify the inevitable deaths . . .” Ford, Kirk, Jr., p. 7.

Page 125 ”chief of the Yugoslav prime minister's military cabinet and the former Yugoslav military and air attache in Was.h.i.+ngton” Knezevic, Zivan. Why the Allies Abandoned the Yugoslav Army of General Mihailovich, with Official Memoranda and Doc.u.ments, Why the Allies Abandoned the Yugoslav Army of General Mihailovich, with Official Memoranda and Doc.u.ments, First Part. Unpublished ma.n.u.script donated to the United States Library of Congress, 1945, p. 4. First Part. Unpublished ma.n.u.script donated to the United States Library of Congress, 1945, p. 4.

Page 126 ”the deaths of seventy-eight thousand Serbians between the ages of sixteen and fifty” Ibid.

Page 127 ”many of those joining the Partisan movement had no such dreams” Ford, Kirk, Jr., p. 8.

Chapter 9.

Page 130 ” 'grand finale against the Axis' ” Deakin, F. W. Embattled Mountain Embattled Mountain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, p. 152.

Page 131 ”he announced that for every German soldier killed by Mihailovich, one hundred Serbs would be shot” Martin, p. 34.

Page 131 ”In a telegram sent from Mihailovich on March 2, 1943 . . .” Knezevic, First Part: p. 7.

Page 134 ”The English are now fighting to the last Serb in Yugoslavia” Knezevic, Second Part: p. 2.
