Part 4 (1/2)

Soon Bab asked: ”You don't need me any more, do you, mother? Because, if you don't, I am going up to look in the treasure chest. I want to find something to re-trim Mollie's hat. The roses are so faded, on the one she is wearing, it will never do to wear with her nice spring suit.”

There was a little attic over the cottage, and it almost belonged to Barbara. Up there she used to study her lessons, write poetry, and dream of the wonderful things she hoped to do in order to make mother and Mollie rich.

Barbara skipped over to the trunk, where they kept odds and ends of faded finery, gifts from rich cousins who sent their cast-off clothes to the little girls. ”This is like Pandora's chest,” laughed Barbara to herself. ”It looks as if everything, now, has gone out of it, except Hope.”! bang! cras.h.!.+ the chandelier s.h.i.+vered over Mrs. Thurston and Mollie's heads. Both started up with the one word, ”Bab,” on their lips.

It was impossible to know what she would attempt, or what would happen to her next.

Just as they reached the foot of the attic steps an apologetic head appeared over the railing. ”I am not hurt,” Bab's voice explained. ”I just tried to move the old bureau so I could see better, and I knocked over a trunk. I am so sorry, mother, but the trunk has broken open. It is that old one of yours. I know it made an awful racket!”

”It does not matter, child,” Mrs. Thurston said in a relieved tone, when she saw what had actually happened. ”Nothing matters, since you have not killed yourself.”

She bent over her trunk. The old lock had been loosened by the fall, and the top had tumbled off. On the floor were a yellow roll of papers, and a quaint carved fan. Mrs. Thurston picked them up. The papers she dropped in the tray of the trunk, but the fan she kept in her hand.

”This little fan,” she said, ”I used at the last party your father and I attended together the week before we were married. I have kept it a long time, and I think it very beautiful.” She opened, with loving fingers, a fan of delicately-carved ivory, mounted in silver, and hung on a curious silver chain. ”Your great-uncle brought it to me from China, when I was just your age, Mollie! It was given him by a viceroy, in recognition of a service rendered. Which of my daughters would like to take this fan to Newport?”

Barbara shook her head, while Mollie looked at it with longing eyes. ”I don't believe either of us had better take it,” protested Bab, ”you have kept it so carefully all this time.”

But her mother said decidedly: ”I saved it only for you girls. Here, Mollie, suppose you take it; we will find something else for Bab.”

As Mollie and her mother lifted out the tray of the old trunk, Bab's eyes caught sight of the roll of papers, and she picked them up.

”h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo!” a cheerful voice sounded from downstairs.

”It's Grace Carter,” said Mollie. ”You don't mind her coming up, do you, mother?”

Grace was almost a third daughter at the little Thurston cottage. Her own home was big and dull! her mother was a stern, cold woman, and her two brothers were much older than Grace.

”No,” said Mrs. Thurston, going on with her search.

”I couldn't keep away, chilluns,” apologized Grace as she came upstairs.

”Mother told me I'd be dreadfully in the way, but I just had to talk about our trip. Isn't it too splendid! You are not having secrets, are you?”

”Not from you,” Mrs. Thurston said. ”See what I have found for Bab.”

Mrs. Thurston held out an open jewel-case. In it was a beautiful spray of pink coral, and a round coral pin.

”I think, Bab, dear,” she said, ”you are old enough, now, for such simple jewelry. I will buy you a white muslin, and you can wear this pin at your throat and the spray in your hair. Then, with a coral ribbon sash, who knows but you may be one of the belles of a Newport party?”

Barbara flushed with pleasure over the gifts, but she looked so embarra.s.sed at her mother's compliment that Mollie and Grace both laughed.

”I declare,” Grace said, ”you have less vanity than any girl in the world. Oh, wasn't it fortunate I discovered your money yesterday? Just as we all jumped out of the car I heard something clink, and picked up one of your twenty dollars. Harry Townsend said he found the other tucked away in the leather of the front seat.”

”And I sat in the back seat all the time I was in the car,” reflected Barbara, under her breath.

When a turquoise blue heart on a string of tiny beads had been added to Mollie's ”going-away” treasures, she and Grace went down stairs.

Barbara still held the roll of papers in her hand and kept turning them over and over, trying to read the faded writing. She caught sight of her father's signature. ”Are these papers valuable?” she asked her mother.