Part 13 (1/2)
”Good evening.” Grace left the house, feeling singularly disappointed, in spite of the fact that Mr. Stapleton's decision apparently meant that Richard's work in Paris, as well as her own, was likely to be brought to a sudden termination.
As she was leaving the house, she saw Richard drive up in a cab. The sight of him filled her with joy; although she was forced to conceal it, and pa.s.s him by with a look of indifference. In the darkness, she knew she was safe. He recognized her of course,--recognized her, that is, as the woman he had seen in Valentin's room,--and her presence here at Mr.
Stapleton's house evidently filled him with surprise. For a moment, she thought he was about to speak to her, as he descended from his cab; but she turned away and hurried down the street, and when she looked back, he had entered the house.
Mr. Stapleton was standing in the middle of the library, when Duvall entered. He turned to him excitedly.
”Mr. Duvall,” he said, ”I have just heard news that I hope will restore my boy to me within the next twenty-four hours!”
”From the woman who just left the house?”
”Who is she?”
”An agent of the police.”
”Ah! Are you certain of that?”
”I know only what she says.”
Duvall looked at him curiously. ”What is the news she has brought you?”
”A message from the scoundrels who have stolen the child. They want a hundred thousand dollars, to return him.”
”And she brought you that message?”
”Yes.” The banker regarded his questioner uneasily.
”Does it not seem rather singular, Mr. Stapleton, that a member of the Paris police should come to you with a message from the kidnappers?”
Mr. Stapleton frowned. ”I had not considered that aspect of the case, Mr. Duvall. I was--and am--too anxious to get my boy back, to care by whom these fellows deliver their terms.”
”What was the message, Mr. Stapleton?”
”I am to drive along the road to Versailles tomorrow evening, leaving here at eight o'clock, and moving at the rate of twelve miles an hour.
Somewhere on that road, an automobile in pa.s.sing will signal me with a blue light. I am then to slow up and toss into the other machine a package containing one hundred thousand dollars. If I do this, and make no attempt to follow or capture the rascals, they agree to deliver the child here--at my house--by the time I return home.”
Duvall listened to Mr. Stapleton's words with growing interest. ”They are a shrewd lot,” he exclaimed. ”They will get away in their machine, and have ample opportunity to examine the package to see that it contains the amount they demand. By signaling to confederates at any point along the road, or in another automobile, they can advise them whether or not to return the child.”
”But how will they be able to do this, without running the risk of being caught?”
”That is easy. They take the boy to Paris, employ a pa.s.serby--a man of their own cla.s.s, no doubt--for a few francs, to deliver him at your door. To trace them, through that means, will be impossible. If you give them the money, the chances are that they will never be caught.”
”Nevertheless, I shall give it to them.”
”I expected that, Mr. Stapleton. I can understand your feelings. It is not right, of course, to submit to this blackmail; but no doubt, were I situated as you are, I would do the same thing. Still, it is a great pity.”