Part 2 (1/2)

In a moment the automobile had stopped, and almost before she realized it, a small, foreign-looking man stood on the doorstep before her.

”Madame Duvall?” he inquired, quickly, in a voice which showed plainly his nationality.

”Yes,” she replied.

”Your husband! May I see him?”

”He is not at home.”

The newcomer seemed greatly disturbed. ”Then I fear, Madame, that I shall be obliged to wait until he returns.”

”He will not return. He has gone away for sometime.”

”Ah! That is indeed a calamity!” The man's face showed the keenest disappointment. ”May I ask where I can find him?”

”It will be quite impossible.” Grace had no intention of telling her visitor where her husband had gone. She knew too well the intricacies of his profession, for that. ”You cannot find him.” She made as though to close the door, and thereby terminate the interview.

The newcomer realized her intention. Slowly he raised his hand, in the palm of which showed the seal of a ring, turned inward. It was of silver, with curious figures worked into it in gold. The man glanced from the ring to Grace, eying her steadily. ”I think, Madame,” he said, with a meaning smile, ”that you can trust me.”

Grace recognized the ring at once. It was similar to one she herself had worn, while engaged in the memorable search for the ivory snuff box for Monsieur Lefevre, Prefect of Police of Paris. Dear old Lefevre--the friend of Richard's, and of her own! This man who stood before her must be a messenger from him.

”Come in, please,” she said, quietly, and led the way to the library.

The man followed her, calling out a few words to his chauffeur as he did so. No sooner had they reached the great book-lined room, than he drew from his pocket a sealed envelope.

”Madame Duvall,” he said, earnestly, ”Monsieur Lefevre has cabled to his representatives in Was.h.i.+ngton a message. That message is contained in this envelope. I have instructions to deliver it to your husband immediately. In case I could not find him, I am to hand it to you.

Permit, me, Madame.” With a bow, he placed the message in her hand.

Grace took the envelope, broke the heavy seal which it bore, and drawing out a slip of paper, hastily read the contents. The message was from Monsieur Lefevre. It said:

My dear Duvall:

You promised, on the occasion of our last meeting, to come to me should I ever need you. I need you badly, my friend. Come at once, both you, and your dear wife. LEFEVRE.

Grace looked up at the man before her, the letter crumpled in her hand.

Here was a message the urgency of which could not be denied. She knew that, had Richard been at home, he would have gone to Paris at once in response to it; for it was to Monsieur Lefevre that they in reality owed all their happiness. She recalled vividly their wedding, with the lovable old Frenchman, acting as her father for the occasion, giving away the bride. She remembered the farewell dinner at the Prefect's house, and the beautiful gift he had given her on that occasion.

Evidently Monsieur Lefevre desired Richard's presence very greatly, and her own as well. The thought suddenly came to her--why not go to him?

True, Richard had left her in charge of things at home; but she knew that, for a reasonable time, at least, they would go on smoothly enough without her. Hendricks, the overseer, was a capable and honest man, devoted to her and to her husband.

She could safely leave matters in his charge. Then, too, the thought of surprising Richard on the steamer sailing the next day appealed to her sense of mischief. How astounded he would be, to find her strolling along the deck! And how delighted, too! She wondered that the thought of accompanying him had not occurred to her more strongly before. She turned to the man, who stood watching her narrowly.

”You know the contents of this message?”

”Yes, Madame,” he bowed. ”It came to us by cable--in cipher.”

”There is a train for New York at midnight, and a steamer tomorrow morning.”

”Yes, Madame.”

”Can you drive me to Was.h.i.+ngton in your car?”