Volume I Part 35 (1/2)
_Recorder_. Murray, you're a deep fellow. You got a Green Mountain boy into an alley, and played at ”shuffle and burn,” and you burned him out of a hundred dollars. You must go to Sing Sing for five years; and we hope the reputable reporters attending for the respectable public press will warn our respectable country friends, when they come into New York, not to go into Orange street, and play at ”shuffle and burn” among bad girls and bad men, or they'll very likely get burnt, like this Green Mountain boy.--Go to the next.
William Shay, charged with shying gla.s.ses at the head of a tavern-keeper. Guilty.
_Recorder_. This rioting is a very bad crime, Shay, and deserves heavy punishment; but as we understand you have a wife and sundry little Shays, we'll let you off, provided you give your solemn promise never to do so any more.
_Shay_. I gives it--wery solemnly.
_Recorder_. Then we discharge you.
_Shay_. Thank your honour--your honour's a capital judge.
John Bowen, charged with stealing a basket. Guilty.
_Recorder_. Now, John, we've convicted you; and you'll have to get out stone for three months on Blackwell's Island--that's the judgment of the court.
Buckley and Charles Rogers, charged with loafing, sleeping in the park, and leaving the gate open, were discharged, with a caution to take care how they interfered with corporation rights in future, or they would get their corporation into trouble.
Ann Boyle, charged with being too _lively_ in the street. Let off on condition of being quiet for the time to come.
Thomas Dixon, charged with petty larceny. Guilty.
_Dixon_. I wish to have judgment suspended.
_Recorder_. It's a bad time to talk about suspension; why do you request this?
_Dixon_. I've an uncle I want to see, and other relations.
_Recorder_. In that case we'll send you to Black well's island for six months, you'll be sure to find them all there. Sentence accordingly.
Charles Enroff, charged with petty larceny--coming Paddy over an Irish shoemaker, and thereby cheating him out of a pair of shoes.--Guilty.
Sentenced to the penitentiary, Blackwell's island, for six months, to get out stone.
Charles Thorn, charged with a.s.saulting Miss Rachael Prigmore.
_Recorder_. Miss Prigmore, how came this man to strike you?
_Rachael_. Because I wouldn't have him. (A laugh.) He was always a teasing me, and spouting poetry about roses and thorns; so when I told him to be off he struck me.
_Prisoner_ (theatrically). Me strike you! Oh, Rachael--
”Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love, But why did you kick me down stairs?”
_Prisoner's Counsel_. That's it, your honour. Why did she kick him down stairs?
This the fair Rachael indignantly denied, and the prisoner was found guilty.
_Recorder_. This striking of women is a very bad crime, you must get out stone for two months.
_Prisoner_. She'll repent, your honour. She loves me--I know she does.