Part 10 (1/2)

The following is another loose a.s.sertion by Mr. Turner:

”Mr. G.o.dfrey appears to consider that the hooping and vertical reinforcement of columns is of little value. He, however, presents for consideration nothing but his opinion of the matter, which appears to be based on an almost total lack of familiarity with such construction.”

There is no excuse for statements like this. If Mr. Turner did not read the paper, he should not have attempted to criticize it. What the writer presented for consideration was more than his opinion of the matter. In fact, no opinion at all was presented. What was presented was tests which prove absolutely that longitudinal rods without hoops may actually reduce the strength of a column, and that a column containing longitudinal rods and ”hoops which are not close enough to stiffen the rods” may be of less strength than a plain concrete column. A properly hooped column was not mentioned, except by inference, in the quotation given in the foregoing sentence. The column tests which Mr. Turner presents have no bearing whatever on the paper, for they relate to columns with bands and close spirals. Columns are sometimes built like these, but there is a vast amount of work in which hooping and bands are omitted or are reduced to a practical nullity by being s.p.a.ced a foot or so apart.

A steel column made up of several pieces latticed together derives a large part of its stiffness and ability to carry compressive stresses from the latticing, which should be of a strength commensurate with the size of the column. If it were weak, the column would suffer in strength. The latticing might be very much stronger than necessary, but it would not add anything to the strength of the column to resist compression. A formula for the compressive strength of a column could not include an element varying with the size of the lattice. If the lattice is weak, the column is simply deficient; so a formula for a hooped column is incorrect if it shows that the strength of the column varies with the section of the hoops, and, on this account, the common formula is incorrect. The hoops might be ever so strong, beyond a certain limit, and yet not an iota would be added to the compressive strength of the column, for the concrete between the hoops might crush long before their full strength was brought into play. Also, the hoops might be too far apart to be of much or any benefit, just as the lattice in a steel column might be too widely s.p.a.ced. There is no element of personal opinion in these matters. They are simply incontrovertible facts. The strength of a hooped column, disregarding for the time the longitudinal steel, is dependent on the fact that thin discs of concrete are capable of carrying much more load than shafts or cubes. The hoops divide the column into thin discs, if they are closely s.p.a.ced; widely s.p.a.ced hoops do not effect this. Thin joints of lime mortar are known to be many times stronger than the same mortar in cubes. Why, in the many books on the subject of reinforced concrete, is there no mention of this simple principle? Why do writers on this subject practically ignore the importance of toughness or tensile strength in columns? The trouble seems to be in the tendency to interpret concrete in terms of steel.

Steel at failure in short blocks will begin to spread and flow, and a short column has nearly the same unit strength as a short block. The action of concrete under compression is quite different, because of the weakness of concrete in tension. The concrete spalls off or cracks apart and does not flow under compression, and the unit strength of a shaft of concrete under compression has little relation to that of a flat block.

Some years ago the writer pointed out that the weakness of cast-iron columns in compression is due to the lack of tensile strength or toughness in cast iron. Compare 7,600 lb. per sq. in. as the base of a column formula for cast iron with 100,000 lb. per sq. in. as the compressive strength of short blocks of cast iron. Then compare 750 lb.

per sq. in., sometimes used in concrete columns, with 2,000 lb. per sq.

in., the ultimate strength in blocks. A material one-fiftieth as strong in compression and one-hundredth as strong in tension with a ”safe” unit one-tenth as great! The greater tensile strength of rich mixtures of concrete accounts fully for the greater showing in compression in tests of columns of such mixtures. A few weeks ago, an investigator in this line remarked, in a discussion at a meeting of engineers, that ”the failure of concrete in compression may in cases be due to lack of tensile strength.” This remark was considered of sufficient novelty and importance by an engineering periodical to make a special news item of it. This is a good ill.u.s.tration of the state of knowledge of the elementary principles in this branch of engineering.

Mr. Turner states, ”Again, concrete is a material which shows to the best advantage as a monolith, and, as such, the simple beam seems to be decidedly out of date to the experienced constructor.” Similar things could be said of steelwork, and with more force. Riveted trusses are preferable to articulated ones for rigidity. The stringers of a bridge could readily be made continuous; in fact, the very riveting of the ends to a floor-beam gives them a large capacity to carry reverse moments.

This strength is frequently taken advantage of at the end floor-beam, where a tie is made to rest on a bracket having the same riveted connection as the stringer. A small splice-plate across the top of the stringers would greatly increase this strength to resist reverse moments. A steel truss span is ideally conditioned for continuity in the stringers, since the various supports are practically relatively immovable. This is not true in a reinforced concrete building where each support may settle independently and entirely vitiate calculated continuous stresses. Bridge engineers ignore continuity absolutely in calculating the stringers; they do not argue that a simple beam is out of date. Reinforced concrete engineers would do vastly better work if they would do likewise, adding top reinforcement over supports to forestall cracking only. Failure could not occur in a system of beams properly designed as simple spans, even if the negative moments over the supports exceeded those for which the steel reinforcement was provided, for the reason that the deflection or curving over the supports can only be a small amount, and the simple-beam reinforcement will immediately come into play.

Mr. Turner speaks of the absurdity of any method of calculating a multiple-way reinforcement in slabs by endeavoring to separate the construction into elementary beam strips, referring, of course, to the writer's method. This is misleading. The writer does not endeavor to ”separate the construction into elementary beam strips” in the sense of disregarding the effect of cross-strips. The ”separation” is a.n.a.logous to that of considering the tension and compression portions of a beam separately in proportioning their size or reinforcement, but unitedly in calculating their moment. As stated in the paper, ”strips are taken across the slab and the moment in them is found, considering the limitations of the several strips in deflection imposed by those running at right angles therewith.” It is a sound and rational a.s.sumption that each strip, 1 ft. wide through the middle of the slab, carries its half of the middle square foot of the slab load. It is a necessary limitation that the other strips which intersect one of these critical strips across the middle of the slab, cannot carry half of the intercepted square foot, because the deflection of these other strips must diminish to zero as they approach the side of the rectangle. Thus, the nearer the support a strip parallel to that support is located, the less load it can take, for the reason that it cannot deflect as much as the middle strip. In the oblong slab the condition imposed is equal deflection of two strips of unequal span intersecting at the middle of the slab, as well as diminished deflection of the parallel strips.

In this method of treating the rectangular slab, the concrete in tension is not considered to be of any value, as is the case in all accepted methods.

Some years ago the writer tested a number of slabs in a building, with a load of 250 lb. per sq. ft. These slabs were 3 in. thick and had a clear span of 44 in. between beams. They were totally without reinforcement.

Some had cracked from shrinkage, the cracks running through them and practically the full length of the beams. They all carried this load without any apparent distress. If these slabs had been reinforced with some special reinforcement of very small cross-section, the strength which was manifestly in the concrete itself, might have been made to appear to be in the reinforcement. Magic properties could be thus conjured up for some special brand of reinforcement. An energetic proprietor could capitalize tension in concrete in this way and ”prove”

by tests his claims to the magic properties of his reinforcement.

To say that Poisson's ratio has anything to do with the reinforcement of a slab is to consider the tensile strength of concrete as having a positive value in the bottom of that slab. It means to reinforce for the stretch in the concrete and not for the tensile stress. If the tensile strength of concrete is not accepted as an element in the strength of a slab having one-way reinforcement, why should it be accepted in one having reinforcement in two or more directions? The tensile strength of concrete in a slab of any kind is of course real, when the slab is without cracks; it has a large influence in the deflection; but what about a slab that is cracked from shrinkage or otherwise?

Mr. Turner dodges the issue in the matter of stirrups by stating that they were not correctly placed in the tests made at the University of Illinois. He cites the Hennebique system as a correct sample. This system, as the writer finds it, has some rods bent up toward the support and anch.o.r.ed over it to some extent, or run into the next span. Then stirrups are added. There could be no objection to stirrups if, apart from them, the construction were made adequate, except that expense is added thereby. Mr. Turner cannot deny that stirrups are very commonly used just as they were placed in the tests made at the University of Illinois. It is the common practice and the prevailing logic in the literature of the subject which the writer condemns.

Mr. Thacher says of the first point:

”At the point where the first rod is bent up, the stress in this rod runs out. The other rods are sufficient to take the horizontal stress, and the bent-up portion provides only for the vertical and diagonal shearing stresses in the concrete.”

If the stress runs out, by what does that rod, in the bent portion, take shear? Could it be severed at the bend, and still perform its office?

The writer can conceive of an inclined rod taking the shear of a beam if it were anch.o.r.ed at each end, or long enough somehow to have a grip in the concrete from the centroid of compression up and from the center of the steel down. This latter is a practical impossibility. A rod curved up from the bottom reinforcement and curved to a horizontal position and run to the support with anchorage, would take the shear of a beam. As to the stress running out of a rod at the point where it is bent up, this will hardly stand the test of a.n.a.lysis in the majority of cases. On account of the parabolic variation of stress in a beam, there should be double the length necessary for the full grip of a rod in the s.p.a.ce from the center to the end of a beam. If 50 diameters are needed for this grip, the whole span should then be not less than four times 50, or 200 diameters of the rod. For the same reason the rod between these bends should be at least 200 diameters in length. Often the reinforcing rods are equal to or more than one-two-hundredth of the span in diameter, and therefore need the full length of the span for grip.

Mr. Thacher states that Rod 3 provides for the shear. He fails to answer the argument that this rod is not anch.o.r.ed over the support to take the shear. Would he, in a queen-post truss, attach the hog-rod to the beam some distance out from the support and thus throw the bending and shear back into the very beam which this rod is intended to relieve of bending and shear? Yet this is just what Rod 3 would do, if it were long enough to be anch.o.r.ed for the shear, which it seldom is; hence it cannot even perform this function. If Rod 3 takes the shear, it must give it back to the concrete beam from the point of its full usefulness to the support.

Mr. Thacher would not say of a steel truss that the diagonal bars would take the shear, if these bars, in a deck truss, were attached to the top chord several feet away from the support, or if the end connection were good for only a fraction of the stress in the bars. Why does he not apply the same logic to reinforced concrete design?

Answering the third point, Mr. Thacher makes more statements that are characteristic of current logic in reinforced concrete literature, which does not bother with premises. He says, ”In a beam, the shear rods run through the compression parts of the concrete and have sufficient anchorage.” If the rods have sufficient anchorage, what is the nature of that anchorage? It ought to be possible to a.n.a.lyze it, and it is due to the seeker after truth to produce some sort of a.n.a.lysis. What mysterious thing is there to anchor these rods? The writer has shown by a.n.a.lysis that they are not anch.o.r.ed sufficiently. In many cases they are not long enough to receive full anchorage. Mr. Thacher merely makes the dogmatic statement that they are anch.o.r.ed. There is a faint hint of a reason in his statement that they run into the compression part of the concrete.

Does he mean that the compression part of the concrete will grip the rod like a vise? How does this comport with his contention farther on that the beams are continuous? This would mean tension in the upper part of the beam. In any beam the compression near the support, where the shear is greatest, is small; so even this hint of an argument has no force or meaning.

In this same paragraph Mr. Thacher states, concerning the third point and the case of the retaining wall that is given as an example, ”In a counterfort, the inclined rods are sufficient to take the overturning stress.” Mr. Thacher does not make clear what he means by ”overturning stress.” He seems to mean the force tending to pull the counterfort loose from the horizontal slab. The weight of the earth fill over this slab is the force against which the vertical and inclined rods of Fig.

2, at _a_, must act. Does Mr. Thacher mean to state seriously that it is sufficient to hang this slab, with its heavy load of earth fill, on the short projecting ends of a few rods? Would he hang a floor slab on a few rods which project from the bottom of a girder? He says, ”The proposed method is no more effective.” The proposed method is Fig. 2, at _b_, where an angle is provided as a shelf on which this slab rests. The angle is supported, with thread and nut, on rods which reach up to the front slab, from which a horizontal force, acting about the toe of the wall as a fulcrum, results in the lifting force on the slab. There is positively no way in which this wall could fail (as far as the counterfort is concerned) but by the pulling apart of the rods or the tearing out of this anchoring angle. Compare this method of failure with the mere pulling out of a few ends of rods, in the design which Mr.

Thacher says is just as effective. This is another example of the kind of logic that is brought into requisition in order to justify absurd systems of design.

Mr. Thacher states that shear would govern in a bridge pin where there is a wide bar or bolster or a similar condition. The writer takes issue with him in this. While in such a case the center of bearing need not be taken to find the bending moment, shear would not be the correct governing element. There is no reason why a wide bar or a wide bolster should take a smaller pin than a narrow one, simply because the rule that uses the center of bearing would give too large a pin. Bending can be taken in this, as in other cases, with a reasonable a.s.sumption for a proper bearing depth in the wide bar or bolster. The rest of Mr.