Part 5 (1/2)
Thither he hied, enamoured of the scene: For rocks on rocks piled, as by magic spell, Here scorched with lightning, there with ivy green, Fenced from the north and east this savage dell; Southward a mountain rose with easy swell, Whose long long groves eternal murmur made; And toward the western sun a streamlet fell, Where, through the cliffs, the eye, remote, surveyed Blue hills, and glittering waves, and skies in gold arrayed.
Along this narrow valley, you might see The wild deer sporting on the meadow ground, And, here and there, a solitary tree, Or mossy stone, or rock with woodbine crowned.
Oft did the cliffs reverberate the sound Of parted fragments tumbling from on high; And, from the summit of that craggy mound, The perching eagle oft was heard to cry, Or on resounding wings to shoot athwart the sky.
One cultivated spot there was, that spread Its flowery bosom to the noon-day beam, Where many a rose-bud rears its blus.h.i.+ng head, And herbs, for food, with future plenty teem.
Soothed by the lulling sound of grove and stream, Romantic visions swarm on Edwin's soul: He minded not the sun's last trembling gleam, Nor heard from far the twilight curfew toll, When slowly on his ear these moving accents stole.
'Hail, awful scenes, that calm the troubled breast, 'And woo the weary to profound repose; 'Can pa.s.sion's wildest uproar lay to rest, 'And whisper comfort to the man of woes!
'Here Innocence may wander, safe from foes, 'And Contemplation soar on seraph wings.
'O Solitude, the man who thee foregoes, 'When lucre lures him, or ambition stings, 'Shall never know the source whence real grandeur springs.
'Vain man, is grandeur given to gay attire?
'Then let the b.u.t.terfly thy pride upbraid: 'To friends, attendants, armies, bought with hire?
'It is thy weakness that requires their aid: 'To palaces, with gold and gems inlaid?
'They fear the thief, and tremble in the storm: 'To hosts, through carnage who to conquest wade?
'Behold the victor vanquished by the worm!
'Behold what deeds of woe the locust can perform!
'True dignity is his, whose tranquil mind 'Virtue has raised above the things below; 'Who, every hope and fear to heaven resigned, 'Shrinks not, though Fortune aim her deadliest blow.'
This strain, from midst the rocks, was heard to flow In solemn sounds. Now beamed the evening-star; And from embattled clouds, emerging slow, Cynthia came riding on her silver car; And h.o.a.ry mountain-cliffs shone faintly from afar.
Soon did the solemn voice its theme renew; (While Edwin, wrapt in wonder, listening stood) 'Ye tools and toys of tyranny, adieu; 'Scorned by the wise, and hated by the good!
'Ye only can engage the servile brood 'Of Levity and l.u.s.t, who, all their days, 'Ashamed of truth and liberty, have wooed, 'And hugged the chain, that, glittering on their gaze, 'Seems to outs.h.i.+ne the pomp of heaven's empyreal blaze.
'Like them, abandoned to Ambition's sway, 'I sought for glory in the paths of guile; 'And fawned and smiled, to plunder and betray, 'Myself betrayed and plundered all the while; 'So gnawed the viper the corroding file.
'But now, with pangs of keen remorse, I rue 'Those years of trouble and debas.e.m.e.nt vile.
'Yet why should I this cruel theme pursue?
'Fly, fly, detested thoughts, for ever from my view!