Volume II Part 42 (1/2)

Grimes, impelled by curiosity, and likewise having an idea that it might be one of the rebels, with whom he still connected the disappearance of his daughter, thrust himself, edgeways, into the crowd; his primitive appearance causing no slight merriment amongst the bystanders.

Guarded by soldiery and a bevy of constables before and behind, came a tall, muscular figure, attired in a ragged suit--probably a disguise, and not of the most reputable or becoming description. He looked haggard and dejected--hara.s.sed, in all likelihood, by long watching and fatigue. His hair was intensely black, surmounted by a coa.r.s.e cap or bonnet, such as the mechanics then wore at their ordinary occupations.

The old man looked steadfastly at the prisoner.

”Surely it cannot be!” said he half-aloud. He pressed into the foremost rank, and near enough to receive a l.u.s.ty blow from one of the constables; but not before he had, with an exclamation of joy and astonishment, recognised the features of his former servant and dumb inmate at the farm.

Grimes, caring not a whit for the blow, in his ready and imprudent zeal stepped up to the leader of the party, thinking there was doubtless some mistake in the person they had seized, and anxious, too, for an opportunity of speaking with the prisoner anent his errand.

”Stand back!” said the official representative gruffly.

”Friend, I know thy prisoner well. He was lodged and victualled at my house not six weeks agone.”

”The ---- he was; then we may as well try a hand with thee too,” said the constable.

But the simplicity and openness of the old man was his protection; for the constable walked on, without deigning to bend his truncheon to such low and inglorious enterprise.

”But look thee,” said the pertinacious and unsuspecting fisherman, ”he is my servant; and you are i' the wrong to capture him without my privity.”

”And who art thou?” inquired another of these myrmidons of justice, eyeing Grimes and the cut of his habiliments from head to foot. ”I do bethink me thou art i' the roll. Thee would make a grim fixture for a pole here hard by.” He looked significantly towards the reward of treason hung in front of the Town Hall above them.

”Like enough!” said the other, taking the offender by the collar; who, astonished beyond measure at this proceeding, was unable for a while to give such an account of himself as to satisfy the officers and regain his liberty. The prisoner looked at him, but did not betray the least symptom of acknowledgment.

”Ill-mannered varlet!” thought the old man; ”but what can they be a-wanting with our Dummy?”

Still urged on by the crowd, he resolved to see an end of the business; so, pus.h.i.+ng with them through the gateway of the inn, he came so near the prisoner as to touch him gently by the sleeve during the press and scuffle in the entry. For a moment--and it was a glance observed by the fisherman alone--the pale features of the unfortunate rebel showed a glimpse of recognition; but immediately they relapsed into their former stern though melancholy expression.

Being much amazed at this conduct, the old man could not forbear exclaiming--

”Varlet!--my daughter--thou”----But the prisoner was out of sight and hearing, and the crowd were driven from the gateway. Grimes heard a few of the bystanders speaking of some great man that was taken, and of the reward that would be obtained for his apprehension; but the old fisherman smiled at their ignorance. He knew better. It was none other than his dumb retainer at the farm; and he set his wits to work--no despicable auxiliaries at a pinch--in order to procure an interview.

In vain he attempted to persuade such of the crowd as would give him a hearing of the real state of the case, and the great injustice of the man's arrest. But they listened to him with impatience and suspicion.

The old man was doubtless either crazed or guilty as one of the rebel partisans.

”I tell thee what, old crony; if thou dost not change thy quarters, we will lay thee by the heels i' the cage, presently. Budge! move, quick; or”----Here the speaker, a little authoritative-looking personage, would have made a movement corresponding to the words; but Grimes, perceiving that he was not to be trifled with, unwillingly drew aside out of harm's way.

Hungry, weary, and dispirited, the old man inquired his way to an obscure lodging in one of the wynds near the market. It was a low, dismal-looking tavern, wherein sat two or three unwashed artificers, drinking beer and devouring the news.

”I'm right fain he's taken,” said one of the politicians, whose black leathern ap.r.o.n and s.m.u.tty face betokened his occupation. ”There's but old Lovat, they say, now, to chop shorter by a handful of brains.

Proud Preston, say I, for ever. Hurra!”

”Ay, and the mayor's wife too, say I; and may she never want a pair of garters to tuck round a rebel's neck!” replied a little giggling, good-humoured fellow, who seemed to imbibe ale as he drew his breath--both being vitally necessary to his existence.

”She's a rare wench, and would sooner see a rebel hanged, than bod her nose at a basin of swig and roasted apples.”

”She played the husband's part to some purpose when Charles Edward levied the tribute forsooth, Mr Mayor being gone to look after his children, by Longridge; but old Sam the beadle says he was afeard o'

the wild Highlanders, and slunk out of the way.”

Whilst this conversation was going on Grimes untied his handkerchief, doffed his stocking boots, and embracing his satchel, drew forth a piece of hard, unsavoury cheese, and some barley-cake, with which he proceeded to entertain, if not satisfy, his stomach. A gla.s.s of beer finished this frugal repast, when the old man retired into the shadow of a huge projecting chimney, ruminating on the perplexities by which he was encompa.s.sed, and on the possibility of his final extrication.