Part 2 (1/2)
Unless otherwise pointed out--by brackets, or in the notes--the text, spelling, and punctuation of the MS. have been strictly adhered to.
INO, EUNOE. Nymphs attendant upon Proserpine.
ARETHUSA, Naiad of a Spring.
Shades from h.e.l.l, among which Ascalaphus.
Scene; the plain of Enna, in Sicily.
_Scene; a beautiful plain, shadowed on one side by an overhanging rock, on the other a chesnut wood. Etna at a distance._
_Enter Ceres, Proserpine, Ino and Eunoe._
_Pros._ Dear Mother, leave me not! I love to rest Under the shadow of that hanging cave And listen to your tales. Your Proserpine Entreats you stay; sit on this shady bank, And as I twine a wreathe tell once again The combat of the t.i.tans and the G.o.ds; Or how the Python fell beneath the dart Of dread Apollo; or of Daphne's change,-- That coyest Grecian maid, whose pointed leaves Now shade her lover's brow. And I the while Gathering the starry flowers of this fair plain Will weave a chaplet, Mother, for thy hair.
But without thee, the plain I think is vacant, Its [Footnote: There is an apostrophe _on_ the s.]
blossoms fade,--its tall fresh droop, Nodding their heads like dull things half asleep;-- Go not, dear Mother, from your Proserpine.
_Cer._ My lovely child, it is high Jove's command:-- [2]
The golden self-moved seats surround his throne, The nectar is poured out by Ganymede, And the ambrosia fills the golden baskets; They drink, for Bacchus is already there, But none will eat till I dispense the food.
I must away--dear Proserpine, farewel!-- Eunoe can tell thee how the giants fell; Or dark-eyed Ino sing the saddest change Of Syrinx or of Daphne, or the doom Of impious Prometheus, and the boy Of fair Pandora, Mother of mankind.
This only charge I leave thee and thy nymphs,-- Depart not from each other; be thou circled By that fair guard, and then no earth-born Power Would tempt my wrath, and steal thee from their sight[.]
But wandering alone, by feint or force, You might be lost, and I might never know Thy hapless fate. Farewel, sweet daughter mine, Remember my commands.
_Pros._ --Mother, farewel!
Climb the bright sky with rapid wings; and swift As a beam shot from great Apollo's bow Rebounds from the calm mirror of the sea Back to his quiver in the Sun, do thou Return again to thy loved Proserpine.
(_Exit Ceres._)
And now, dear Nymphs, while the hot sun is high [3]
Darting his influence right upon the plain, Let us all sit beneath the narrow shade That noontide Etna casts.--And, Ino, sweet, Come hither; and while idling thus we rest, Repeat in verses sweet the tale which says How great Prometheus from Apollo's car Stole heaven's fire--a G.o.d-like gift for Man!
Or the more pleasing tale of Aphrodite; How she arose from the salt Ocean's foam, And sailing in her pearly sh.e.l.l, arrived On Cyprus sunny sh.o.r.e, where myrtles [Footnote: MS. _mytles._] bloomed And sweetest flowers, to welcome Beauty's Queen; And ready harnessed on the golden sands Stood milk-white doves linked to a sea-sh.e.l.l car, With which she scaled the heavens, and took her seat Among the admiring G.o.ds.
_Eun._ Proserpine's tale Is sweeter far than Ino's sweetest aong.
_Pros._ Ino, you knew erewhile a River-G.o.d, Who loved you well and did you oft entice To his transparent waves and flower-strewn banks.