Part 9 (1/2)
Ba'tiste,” he called softly, ”what kind of an operator is this fellow?”
”No good. A boy. Just out of school. Hasn't been here long.”
”That explains it.” Houston was talking to himself again. ”He got the two messages and--” Suddenly he bent forward and examined a notation in a strange hand:
”Missent Houston. Resent Blackburn.”
It explained much to Barry Houston, that scribble of four words. It told him why he had received a telegram which meant nothing to him, yet caused suspicion enough for a two-thousand-mile trip. It explained that the operator, in sending two messages, had, through absent-mindedness, put them both on the wire to the same person, when they were addressed separately, that he later had seen his mistake and corrected it. Barry smiled grimly.
”Thanks very much, Operator,” he murmured. ”It isn't every mistake that turns out this lucky.”
Then slowly, studiously, he compared the messages again, the one he had received, and the one on the hook which read:
J. C. Blackburn, Deal Building, Chicago, Ill.
Our friend reports Boston deal put over O. K. Everything safe.
Suggest start preparations for operations in time compete Boston for the big thing. Have Boston where we want him and will keep him there.
It was the same telegram that Barry Houston had received and puzzled over in Boston, except for the address. He had been right then; the message had not been for him; instead it had been intended decidedly _not_ for him and it meant--what? Hastily Houston crawled over the railing, and motioning to Ba'tiste, led him away from the station.
Around the corner of the last store he brought forth his telegram and placed it in the big man's hands.
”That's addressed to me,--but it should have gone to some one else.
Who's J. C. Blackburn of Chicago?”
”Ba'teese don't know. Try fin' out. Why?”
”Have you read that message?”
The giant traced out the words, almost indecipherable in places from creasing and handling. He looked up sharply.
”Boston? You came from Boston?”
”Yes. That must refer to me. It must mean what I've been suspecting all along,--that Thayer's been running my mill down, to help along some compet.i.tor. You'll notice that he says he has me where he wants me.”
”_Oui_--yes. But has he? What was the deal?”
”I don't know. I haven't been in any deal that I know of, yet he must refer to me. I haven't any idea what he means by the reference to starting operations, or that sentence about the 'big thing.' There isn't another mill around here?”
”None nearer than the Moscript place at Echo Lake.”
”Then what can it be?” Suddenly Houston frowned with presentiment.
”Thayer's been going with Medaine a good deal, hasn't he?”
”_Oui_--yes. When Ba'teese can think of no way to keep him from it.”
”It couldn't be that he's made some arrangement with her--about her forest lands?”