Part 8 (1/2)
Roy jumped up and down and screamed, ”The ball! Get the ball!”
But the man stood there, mouth open, and watched Pete chug along, now midway between second and third. Roy took off running for the outfield. He pushed the fielder out of his way and retrieved the ball, but by the time he gave it a heave toward home, Pete was only a few feet from home plate. Pete's peg leg thudded on the plate a few seconds ahead of the ball. The catcher didn't even try to snag it-just stood grinning at Pete and shaking his head.
”Two to two!” Bennett grabbed Pete around the middle and lifted him in the air. ”Two to two, Pete! We're tied! We're tied! And we've still got one more out to go!” Their teammates raced forward, surrounding them. Everyone patted Pete's back, congratulating him.
The umpire shooed them away from home plate. ”Get your next batter up here. Game's not over yet.”
Roy stomped around, smacking his players on the arm and bringing everyone under control. Then he stormed to the pitcher's mound. A furious gleam lit his eyes.
Bennett, gesturing toward Roy, whistled through his teeth. ”I don't envy the poor sap who bats next. Roy's out for blood. Who's up, Ted?”
Ted pointed at a skinny, pimple-faced youth named Parker Potts. ”Him.”
Bennett stifled a groan. The young man didn't look strong enough to heft a bat, let alone swing it. But Bennett grinned and threw his arm around Potts's shoulders. ”Get on up there. Doesn't even matter if you strike out. Game's gonna end at three innings no matter the score, just like we agreed, and we're already tied. So they can't say they skunked us. That's all that matters. So swing away, Parker-swing away!”
Parker took Bennett at his word and swung away, missing the ball three times in a row and bringing the game to an end. Bennett turned, expecting his teammates to congratulate him for bringing Pete into the game, but to his surprise, everyone crowded around Pete instead. The Delta Tau Delta men, half of the Beta Theta Pi team, and at least a dozen spectators surrounded him, asking how he learned to pitch like that. Didn't it hurt to run on his peg leg? If they got a game together next, would he be able to pitch for them?
Bennett stood back, his jaw slack, while Pete received the attention and Bennett was ignored. He spun around in disgust and came nose to nose with Roy, who scowled into his face.
”Think you're pretty smart, turnin' that cripple into a hero?” Roy hissed the words, his voice raised only enough to reach Bennett's ears. ”Well, I saw the pledge list. Saw your name-and his.” Roy sent a disparaging look past Bennett in Pete's direction. ”As president of Beta Theta Pi, I I decide who pledges and who doesn't. And if you think you're gonna sneak into my fraternity, you better think again.” decide who pledges and who doesn't. And if you think you're gonna sneak into my fraternity, you better think again.”
Roy stalked off, waving his hand as a silent command for his teammates to follow. Most of them scuttled after him, but three stayed behind, worming their way in front of the Delta Tau Delta men. They leaned in close to Pete, gesturing and talking excitedly.
Bennett propped one fist on his hip, shaking his head in disgust. He'd carefully plotted to bring Pete into the group, but he hadn't antic.i.p.ated being b.u.mped by him! Exactly how had the tables been turned? He yanked the hat from his head and smacked his leg.
The puzzled female voice came from behind Bennett. He turned and found Alice-Marie watching him, her head tipped to the side. She held a small pink parasol over her head, the ruffled brim shading her face from the sun. Even so, her nose glistened with perspiration, and curls stuck to her forehead and cheeks. He grunted, ”Yeah?”
Her rosy lips formed a pout. ”My, you're so grumpy. And after such an incredible display of athletic prowess. Why, do you realize you were competing with some of the school's very finest athletes? And you met them run for run.” She shook her finger at him. ”I would never have taken you for a sore winner.”
Bennett heaved a sigh. ”I'm not sure I won anything today, Alice-Marie.”
She glided forward two steps, bringing her skirts into contact with his pant leg. She smiled, twirling the little parasol. ”The day isn't over yet . . .”
Only a fool would have missed the implication, and Bennett was no fool. But for once, he wasn't in the mood for flirtation. There were bigger battles to be won-namely, finding a way to get in to the most prestigious fraternity on campus. He stepped away from Alice-Marie. ”I'm hot and tired. I'm gonna go to my room and cool off.”
She gave the gra.s.s a stomp. ”Bennett Martin, I never would have guessed you'd be as ill-tempered as my buffoon cousin. Why, Mother says we shouldn't even claim that part of the family-they all behave like such bohemians.”
How did Libby tolerate this girl's senseless prattle? ”What are you talking about?”
”He's always been insufferable. He simply can't bear to be bested in anything-not even a simple game of checkers! So I wasn't at all surprised to see him stomp away like a spoiled little brat. But I expected you to-”
Bennett caught Alice-Marie's hand. ”Roy's your cousin?”
She huffed. ”Isn't that what I just said? On my father's side, second cousin twice removed. Or something equally ridiculous. But it doesn't matter. I don't care for his boorish behavior, and right now I certainly don't care for yours! So-”
”I'm sorry.”
She stopped and gave him a skeptical look.
He ducked his head and peeked at her, attempting to appear sheepish. ”I'm hot and tired, and you're right-I got cranky. It won't happen again.”
”Well . . .” Alice-Marie swayed slightly, making her skirts dance. ”I suppose I understand, seeing as how you've been playing hard under the hot sun. But”-once again, she pointed her finger at him-”don't expect me to always be so forgiving. I don't care for being barked at.”
Bennett held up his hand, as if making a pledge. ”No more barking.” He offered an impish grin, and Alice-Marie giggled. ”Now . . . I do need to cool off, so how about you and me walking to town for a dish of ice cream or a soda?”
Alice-Marie's eyes flew wide. ”On Sunday? The drugstore won't be open.”
Bennett groaned. His parched throat begged for something cold. ”Well then, the dining hall. They've always got the lemonade crock ready.” She still seemed uncertain, so he added, ”After that, maybe we could take a walk . . . get to know each other better?” He tipped his head, offering another grin.
Finally she laughed and waved her hand at him. ”Lemonade does sound wonderful after sitting in the sun.”
He offered his elbow, and she took it. He curled his hand over hers and turned her toward the dining hall. ”Now, Miss Alice-Marie, I want to hear all about your family. Let's start with your father's side-second cousin, twice-removed. . . .”
There were times, during the week following the baseball game, Bennett actually wanted to punch his best friend in the nose. But he didn't. Deep down, he knew it wasn't Pete's fault that everyone was suddenly enamored with him. But Bennett couldn't help but be jealous. His plan to establish himself as an important man on campus by besting Roy and his buddies had only succeeded in turning Pete into the campus hero. ”Peg leg Pete” they called him-and without an ounce of hostility or sarcasm.
Everywhere Bennett went-in the dining hall, in the cla.s.srooms, out in the courtyards-Pete's name came up. He supposed, seeing as how he was Pete's buddy, the others a.s.sumed he wanted to hear them sing Pete's praise. But they were wrong. By the end of on Thursday, Bennett was ready to escape. So when he charged out of the engineering building and spotted Alice-Marie on the lawn with a couple of other girls, he trotted over and slipped his arm around her waist.
”Hey, sugar. You done with for today?”
The other two girls giggled and ducked their heads, sending moon-eyed glances at Bennett through their lashes. At least the ladies still seemed to fancy him. That was flattering, but it could end up bringing resentment from some of the fellas. He needed to watch himself. Except with Alice-Marie. She had the potential for getting him in with the Beta Theta Pi crowd.
Alice-Marie flashed a haughty grin at her friends. ”Why yes, I am finished for the day.” She fluttered her lashes.
”Good.” He patted his pocket, where coins won in a c.r.a.pshoot behind the dormitory a couple of nights ago jingled. ”We never got that soda on Sunday-let's get one now.”
She crinkled her nose. ”But it's nearly dinnertime. Won't a soda spoil your appet.i.te? Perhaps we should wait until after we've visited the dining hall.”
Bennett had no desire to enter the dining hall and listen to another round of Pete-praise. Besides, he didn't care for Alice-Marie acting like she was his mother. He almost told her to forget it, he'd just go on his own, but he remembered in time that he might need his relations.h.i.+p with her to ensure a spot on the pledge list for the Betas. According to Chester, Roy hadn't scratched it off yet, but that could change.
He forced a grin. ”Aw, c'mon, sugar. The drugstore sells other stuff, too. I'll even buy you a frankfurter-two, if you're really hungry. That'll be dinner.”
The other girls giggled again, and Bennett was certain if he asked either of them to eat a frankfurter with him, they'd jump at the chance. Alice-Marie initially grimaced, but when she saw her friends' reaction, she tipped her head and offered a coy smile. ”Very well, Bennett, tonight we shall feast on greasy frankfurters with mustard and onions.”
He didn't miss the touch of sarcasm, but he chose to ignore it. ”Good.” He grabbed her hand and tugged. ”Let's go.”
”My books!” she cried, attempting to pull loose.
He groaned and turned to the other girls. ”Would one of you take Alice-Marie's books to her room for her?”
Both girls immediately reached for the books. Alice-Marie plunked the stack into the closest pair of hands and then laughingly turned to Bennett. ”My, you are eager!”
He didn't bother with a reply, just grabbed her hand again and took off at a trot. She caught her skirts with her free hand and trotted alongside him. When they reached the street, Alice-Marie gasped out, ”Please, Bennett! Can't we walk walk?”