Chapter 47 (1/2)

hello readers! Jun here with your weekly chapter of Second suue of volume 2 as well as a buildup for volume 3 And then, on to volume 3, the war!

Enjoy your read~

Tl: Jun

ED: Jun

Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu

Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadnessorg Please read this in the original site or you may read a different version of the translation

47 reunion, and expectations

”fuuh……it's ov’r i understand you not?”

”it looks……like t ”

ruga who is’t hath lost his headeth didn't moveth

as a result of se shouldn't beest spreading any moo than this

everyone shouldst beest able to

it's better to purify those folk with light charulus anon

”to bethinkbefall?”

”this guy……was hath used By yond inhuman son of a bitch――――――”

『hey wait, isn't inhuh?』


that's right, reflexively

i moveth mineko behind me and covereth that lady

i can't alloweth this guy receiveth near that lady

i can't alloweth the owner of this voice receiveth near that lady

『is yond peat yond important? is she――――――setsu』

”……long time nay see, thee shi+tty bastard ”

he stoodeth thither ere i becameth acknown of t

he stoodeth thither on top of ruga's carrion man

in ashen hair, r’d eyes and skin that's as white as t is creepy

he hast skin col’r that's different fro but discomfort from yond skin of his

he's wearing the same robes as the black rob’d bunches, but he hadst taken off his hood so thee can clearly see yond visage of his

t hasn't hath changed froe whither theemistress

t forsooth confiruy's the person hiht about disproving t

”why the hell art thee here……! toumaa!”

『oh anon, would thee not shout so much? isn't this our reunion in several years?』

this sir, ka’d since five years ago, is anon standing hither

『――――――though i sayeth yond, mine own corse isn't actually hither The humour yond thee wanteth to hold reatly did convey, setsu……but i'y well enow? our real reunion shall beest a dram moo in the future Doth thy most wondrous and bear with t until then, well enow?』

”stop’round, thee alas!”

i taketh a sith kuro

coequal though i'm forsooth did suppose to beest able to bisect hiuy's corse withouteven a single response

『that's wherefore i' thee, this isn't an object I only hath used the coordinates of this carrion ht corse hither 』

”tch……you veryexcit’ment of people”

『it's one of mine own expressions of love to thee, thee see』

at each s yond would maketh the hairs on thy corse standeth on end

while showing the usual vague saze towards le hesitation

coequal yond hasn't hath changed after five years

”this voice……! it's the same as the person who is’t putteth the beshrew on me……!”

『ell, long time nay see, mineko Thee sisters both very h i tooketh the troubles of bethinking about taking thee both in as a co a beastman 』

”i can't believeth it……! thee has’t been tor sister!”

『you didn't fix those very defiant looks of yours, so thither’s nay helping t, is thither? coequal i didn't very ant, thee see? besides, i toldeth thee i would release thee fro with me, didn't i?』

that's a forswear

i did see touonally upwards f’r an instant

it's this guy's habit whenev’r he maketh up a forswear

i knoweth yond, especially because i hadst a square with hiuy that's easy to understandeth

『well, there’s few or none will entertain it I'll just dispose of thee if ‘t be true you're telling me thee shall side with setsu Only i can beest near setsu I'ib and then beest by thy side, well enow?』


”you talk tooto allow yond?”

i holdthat lady

this wench, shi+roneko, roa too, anybody else, i can't alloweth any of those folk beest did erase

they're undeniably already mine own important people

”mi- mister setsu……”

『………………how envious……envious, yup, i'h? setsu Wherefore would thee not hold htly? couldn't thee treat me moo preciously i wonder? i can doth so much moo f’r thee than yond sort of mistress thee knoweth? if ‘t be true thee wish f’r t, i shall behold after all of thy daily life If ‘t be true thee wish f’r t, i shall coequal behold after thy nights! is yond still not valorous? is ender is irrelevant i bid thee! if ‘t be true there's love between us then t doesn't matter at all! ho, hark setsu Cometh to mine own side I shall maketh thee joyous The demons and beastmen who is’t has’t deceiv’d thee I'll destroy those folk all f’r thee, so let's liveth together with the two of us, with just the two of us, well enow? at a quiet lodging whither nobody shall come――――――』

”that part's what's not valorous, thee yandere bastard ”

i interrupt touma's words and did thrust at him with one handeth

mine own corse refuse to hark to anymore of this

”if thee did lie thy hands on mine own companions anymore than this, then i shall killeth thee with these hands ofthee touldn't changeth much i did bet ”

i don't knoweth how he reviv’d himself, but if ‘t be true i hadst did fail to killeth him, then i has’t to properly killeth him once moo

once, i hadst taken responsibility of the life of the person hath called kamishi+ro touma

taking responsibility of his life until the end shouldst beest mine own duty

”it tooketh all of mine own effort until anon just to taketh responsibility of thy life, but it's a different story if ‘t be true you're alive Once ht and taketh responsibility of thy life once moo ”

『……you very much won't understandeth me the ordinary way, doth thee? fine, if ‘t be true thee wish f’r it……then shalt end f’r t? even but now i'oodyear continent As thee has’t already knoe're in the highly acclai, then it's better to cometh apace, thee knoweth?in person after all 』

his subordinates wilt likely beest those black robes


f’r yond reason i don't wanteth to payeth attention to this guy and apace wend

”i receiveth t already I'll beest going lickety did split, so stayeth putteth and wait ”

『fufufu……'kay, i'll beest waiting This time i shall f’r sure……win thee ov’r to mine own side』

leaving behind those words, touure becameth dim

yond guy wast showing a bold sure wast completely did erase

acting like he couldst afford to like always……annoying bastard

”mi-mister setsu……uhm……”

”h valor ”

”it's, it's fine……”


after separating, that lady visage wast flush’d r’d and the lady flap-flap did fan with that lady handeth

yond co and f’r some reason t hath felt like mine own snuffs resid’d and i wast able to halcyon myself

”thanks, rant you mercy to thee ”

”me, me too……i wast a dram happy……desu ”

hu doith that lady visage r’d is sti me quite a did bite

i kneweth t, i very much can't alloweth those folk receiveth did erase by touma

this wench too ‘r anyone f’r yond uy doth yond to those folk

”are thee tell enow!?”

”are thee well enow desu?”

”roa, shi+roneko……i see you're all fine”

the tho is’t has’t descend’d froh they behold a dram unwell, has’t already becometh able to moveth normally

”i'm mostly fine anon But still, yond just now……”

”yeah, it's the bastard touma ”

”i kneweth it……”

roa's facial expression did turn vicious

this wench is eke one who is’t knoweth about yond guy's terr’r

that lady corse treuess

”that is……the same voice of the human who is’t did order me desu ”

”yeah……that's how t looks like, big sis ”

these tilt eke has’t things to bethink about

they've been completely coerc’d and hath used after all, from the looks of t

”――――――this hast becometh quite the incident ”

”regulus……are thee fine too?”

”i've been able to o so i'm fine I've eke hath heard the whole conversation ”

he see with composure, is yond a situation whither i sayeth ”as did expect of him”?

just to beest sure, i apply light charm on everyone and completely purify yond beshrew

”what to sayeth about ruga……if i only hadn't propose this sort of fight……”

”no――――――it shouldst befall either way ”

t won't beest easy to escape froet a beshrew plant’d on him

sooner ‘r anon he'll beest e without any pri’r notice and thus he would has’t his coed and beest madeth of useth

as far as yond guy is concerned, he wilt has’t been the perfect chess piece the moment he hath fallen in love with roa

he would coequal useth love, that's the cruel part of yond guy

”let me doth his burial And thee all will……”

”go to the goodyear continent Asap ”

i shall wend and stand ho those folk

and then apace putteth an end to this war

”okay If ‘t be true that's the case, then let's prepare the transfer charm circle T shouldn't taketh so much time, but i'd like thee to wait f’r a did bite ”

”got t ”

if ‘t be true i can transfer, then i expect it'll beestthe ocean

if ‘t be true it's like this then i feeleth yond i can wend thither ere the black rob’d bunches beginneth to act violently

still, there's a lot to worry about

yuuhi, who's did suppose to has’t been madeth to participate in the war, levia who is’t wenteth a grise earlier towards the war and desastre who is’t wast first to beest aim’d at

i' thee, i wanteth thee all to beest safe

(they…… shall beest going already i guess)

there's people who is’t art relieving yond anxiety of mine a dram

if ‘t be true ht, then those guys shouldst already beest heading towards the goodyear state f’r me