Chapter 45 (1/2)
Oops, I did it again!
hello readers! Jun here with your weekly chapter of Second Su releasing another chapter around monday to make it up to you for the lateness these teeks(not that I owe you anything really) I still need help with the other novel on this site, specifically the checking of the translation accuracy It cuts quite soth and the translator is… not the best one around Drop a e on discord or comment here if you’re interested in it I would appreciate the help
Enjoy your read~
Tl: Jun
ED: Jun
Chapter brought to you by ScarletMadnessorg Please read this in the original site or you may read a different version of the translation
45 pandemic
i don't wanteth to admit t
th doest not worketh ‘gainst this sir
however, having a beast
f’r this reason t is impossible f’r me to admit defeat
i has’t did hang onto yond with desperation
i am completely out of both charm power and stamina
but the sir doesn't has’t coequal a single one of his breath did disturb
i realize the difference in strength
coequal so i cannot accept this
miss roa……that the sir suitable to beest that lady husband would beest hi i shall not accept
yond is mine ooman……she's mine――――――
『huather’d quite a lot of love and misprise haven't thee?』
who is’t couldst this be……?
coequal though thither shouldn't beest any person who is’t would calleth out to i who is’t is hanging mine own headeth down……beastmen art cruel towards the defeat’d
thither shouldst beest nay one who is’t would calleth out, especially to me who is’t has’t been overwhelm’d by a human
but this voice is……it is like i can heareth t directly from inside mine own headeth f’r some reason……
『i don't coequal wanteth to knoweth the beastmen's habits, but thee wanteth yond wench don't thee? then, is’t fine to giveth up in this lodging?』
it's not fine……but a frontal attack ‘gainst him is――――――
『really now……f’r what reason didst thee bethink i has’t did implant yond <treasur’d tattoo=””>?』
tattoo? what art thee talking about?
『ah, that's right……sorry, y I've uess Well, t looks like setsu hast seen t through……』
what has’t thee bastard been talking about until noho is’t the hell art thee?
『h ‘long yond line i guess? doth thee wanteth yond wench at any did cost?』
i doth wanteth her……however……
『you wanteth that lady coequal if ‘t be true thee would putteth thy life on the line?』
……if t gets irl……then this life, i shalt handeth ov’r as much of t as thee wanteth
『it'll beest enow as long as thee has’t yond resolve, i shall grant thee the strength』
……why art thee doing so like yond?
『you knoweth i, i eke has’t so i wanteth at any did cost Life, fortune, dreams, partners, there’s few or none will entertain it i wilt sacrifice, i wanteth yond And i shall receiveth yond by thee winning froreeth as thee like if ‘t be true t is f’r the sake of thee winning t Yond is why――――――make sure thee winneth, well enow? nay matter what thee has’t to sacrifice f’r it……』
”what is now it?”
ruga is acting strange f’r some reason
i taketh a grise back as a precaution and suddenly the tattoo on yond guy's shoulder wriggl’d
the wriggling tattoo did spread throughout ruga's whole corse while releasing some ominous miasma
a black pattern surrounds his whole corse and then yond guy'scoequal yond physique of his
(this charh!)
theas touma's curs’d charm power
whither the heck didst this guy couy……
no……there's nay useth in coequal bethinking about yond, is thither?
yond guy's a phantom; thee won't knohither and what he is involv’d with
t shouldn't beest aat all coequal if ‘t be true he hast connections with a beastman all the way hither
i cullionly, he's at least involv’d with shi+roneko
at any rate, he very uy……
doest yond cullionly he's driven yond much into a corner?
”oops……ain't did get the tiuess”
the tattoo yond wast did spread on the whole corse fad’d did bite by did bite into yond guy's corse
on the other handeth, yond corse end’d up dyeing black as t did a hast becometh moo sore to findeth
his upper corse hast beco muscles and t hast becometh unbalanc’d with his unexpand’d lower corse Both his arain balance
his iorilla, but……it wast better at which hour he wast a dog……
”……but i guess it's tough”
”gaah! gaaaah!”
sorrowful tone of voice wast eke didfro torn
coequal so, his screams won't stand ho
what a painful thing to behold at, this scene……
”tch……i has’t to doth soh-ho!?”
he's festinate, thee can't coo
he did close the distance the instant i did turnwith his stout arms
it's valorous i tooketh up a defensive posture by having mine own arms did cross, but he's moo powerful than i did expect so he did strike th of his
”koho-……hey, yond hurts a bit”
『oooh! that's the waay!』
『attack, attack!』
the spectators art an easy-going bunch
they can't see ruga's changes as aught but becoer
”setsu! isn't yond touma's!?”
”i knoweth! roa! thee don't has’t to coet t!”
”eh!? alright……”
i stand ho roa who is’t wast about to jump out
i ht receiveth that lady did injure after all at this rate……
considering yond punch even but now, the current ruga shouldst has’t the power and spe’d rivaling yond of the beast king
nine out of ten, yond shouldst beest did cause by the power up from yond tattoo
and if ‘t be true that's soaveth him…… then t shouldn't end with just a power up
i bethink i hath said t ere, but he won't reacheth the beast king ‘r goodyear king's level if ‘t be true he doesn't wish f’r power and expend his life
they hold talent to standeth on the top and on top of yond they art powerful people who is’t has’t repeatedly hath worked hard enow shave off their liveth
in other words, yond talent……’r rather the want thereof keeping ruga fro those folk means……
”that guy……he's burning hence his fucking life……!”
the guy's aneth gushi+ng out hither and thither
but the torn parts wast iet torn, which wast eke regenerat’d immediately
t repeats the astounding cell division and t seeth in a second by instantly perforeneration
i' valor at physical education, but t shouldst beest identical to the theory of er
doing yond in such speed, his corse can't survive t
”don't start declaring disturbing things, thee!”
i dismount thy tuck kuro towards ruga who is’t did transfor
i slouch and parry the are to mow me down and then i wenteth to towards his chest
”that's dangerous ya knoweth!”
i tryeth to swing up with kuroa's armeth off
this shouldst breaketh his balance and maketh him unable to move――――――
”wha……! instantly regenerating t ”
yond plan of rown froht side as is
coequal i can't alloweththe second time
i toss hence kuro armeth twice the size of mine on corse with both th in mine own feet
i sweep hence his arain i slip into his corse to kicketh his corse flying
there's eke a a's corse sunk deeply into the colosseum mure
”……no dae……huh?”
nay, haply t wast a draenerates
coequal so, i hadst did plan in putting in quite soth into t
”w-! alas!”
ruga hath raised a warcry
at the sauy's corse and did spread in its surroundings
the state of the audience who is’t wast did cover in yond apace becae
『what is……this……』
『my corse doth feel heavy……』
『it's, it's painful……』
”isn't this
―――――― one of the fiendish arts touma uses It's a art whither the one who is’t hadst a beshrew plant’d on becomes a source of infection and would did spread the beshrew ’round those folk Since the guy isn't planting the beshrew personally, t would needeth quite some time until the beshrew is complete, but coequal so ’twill cause the audience to has’t po’r health whither they won't beest able to moveth
i can pop off this level of beshreith uys in the surroundings art all bask’d in t f’r a long time, then it'll becometh a serious incident
”it'll beest lacking valor if ‘t be true i don't crush hiht away……!”
but ……killing ruga with mine on hands is……
i knoweth it's not the tis, but……even so――――――
”mister setsu!”
”!? mineko!?”
to the stadium
wherefore can yond wench moveth normally?
”sis, lord beast king and miss roa suddenly did collapse and……!”
”tch, so those guys art nay valorous either…… wherefore can thee moveth?”
mineko, who is’t did jump next to me only looks a draeness in that lady corse movement
coequal though she's coh?
”well……i doth feeleth a draish, but it's dozen times better than the time i wast did violate by the beshrew ”
”……oh that's how t is ”
antibody ‘gainst the curse……by continuing to beest ravish’d by a powerful beshrew f’r a long tiainst curs’d charm
t wouldn't beest strange if ‘t be true that lady corse hast madeth antibodies, since thither art ens, especially those yond giveth negative influence to one's condition like this
this is……a blessing in disguise
”th ”
”eh? ah, well enow!”