Part 48 (1/2)

The mystic number is 5, union of male (3) with female (2) and final resolution of conflict between Verwirrung Verwirrung and and Zweitracht Zweitracht.

The governing Tarot trump is number 6, the Lovers, in which the woman looks upward at the angel (Eris, the biogram) and the man looks at the woman (the logogram, yang, reaches synthesis with biogram, yin, only through reconciliation with the female). Hence, the upsurge of feminism in such periods, together with a renewed emphasis on clans, tribes, and communes.

Typical Virgos manifesting Grummet Grummet traits are Charlie Parker, Antonin Artaud, Louis Lingg, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Grandma Moses, Lodovico Ariosto, Greta Garbo, Hedy Lamarr, and Goethe and Tolstoy (who manifested strong yin values while never quite getting reconciled with the women in their own lives. Tolstoy, however, as the cla.s.sic dropout, is an archetypal Grummet persona and almost completed the Sufi course of ”quit this world, quit the next world, quit quitting!”). traits are Charlie Parker, Antonin Artaud, Louis Lingg, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Grandma Moses, Lodovico Ariosto, Greta Garbo, Hedy Lamarr, and Goethe and Tolstoy (who manifested strong yin values while never quite getting reconciled with the women in their own lives. Tolstoy, however, as the cla.s.sic dropout, is an archetypal Grummet persona and almost completed the Sufi course of ”quit this world, quit the next world, quit quitting!”).

After Grummet Grummet, of course, authority has collapsed entirely, and the biogram stands on equal footing with the logogram. Hodge and Podge being once again in dynamic balance, a new Verwirrung Verwirrung period begins, and the cycle repeats. period begins, and the cycle repeats.

Since Weishaupt dreamed this schema up while he was under the influence of several hallucinogenic drugs, one should regard it with some skepticism. It is certainly not true in every detail, and there is no theoretical or empirical demonstration that each of the five ages must always have 73 permutations. The fact that Grummet-Virgo Grummet-Virgo personalities (and all other of the five personality types) are born in all ages, even if they come to dominance in their appropriate epochs, leaves many mysteries still unsolved. In short, all that a sober scholar can say of the Illuminati theory of history is that it makes at least as much sense as the exoteric Marx-Hegel, Spengler, Toynbee, and Sorokin theories. personalities (and all other of the five personality types) are born in all ages, even if they come to dominance in their appropriate epochs, leaves many mysteries still unsolved. In short, all that a sober scholar can say of the Illuminati theory of history is that it makes at least as much sense as the exoteric Marx-Hegel, Spengler, Toynbee, and Sorokin theories.

The[image] , who regard all Illuminati theories as false projections onto the external world of inner spiritual processes, are particularly skeptical about this one, since it involves several false correlations between the , who regard all Illuminati theories as false projections onto the external world of inner spiritual processes, are particularly skeptical about this one, since it involves several false correlations between the I Ching I Ching and the Tarot, the Zodiac, etc. and the Tarot, the Zodiac, etc.

Finally, it should be noted that of all the people Hagbard employed as resonance for the vibes used against the Saure family in Ingolstadt, only Lady Velkor, Danny Pricefixer, and George Dorn were not Virgos. Hagbard evidently believed that the Illuminati magical links work when Illuminati activities are occurring in a given area-and, hence, virtually all of ”his” people at the festival were Virgos and thereby linked with the Grummet/Huan-59/Trump 6 chain of astrological a.s.sociations. On the other hand, the presence of three non-Virgos shows Hagbard's pragmatic approach and his refusal to be ruled even by so exact a science as astrology Grummet/Huan-59/Trump 6 chain of astrological a.s.sociations. On the other hand, the presence of three non-Virgos shows Hagbard's pragmatic approach and his refusal to be ruled even by so exact a science as astrology.*

In this connection, when George Dorn and his mother went to Radio City Music Hall to see The Lotus Position The Lotus Position, the last movie made by the American Medical a.s.sociation before their tragic deaths, they happened to meet a tall Italian and a very beautiful black woman whom he introduced as his wife. Mrs. Dorn didn't catch the Italian's name, but it was obvious that George had a very great admiration for him. On the bus back to Nutley, she decided to straighten the boy out.

”A man who respects himself and his own race,” she began, ”would never think of marrying into the colored.” the colored.”

”Shut up, Ma,” George said politely.

”That's no way to talk to your mother,” the fine lady said, going ahead blithely. ”Now, your father had some radical ideas, and he tried to get the unions to accept the colored the colored, but he never thought of marrying into them, George. He had too much self-respect. Are you listening, George?”

”How did you like the AMA?” he asked.

”Such wonderful young boys. So clean-cut. And that darling sister of theirs! At least they didn't think there was anything attractive about long hair on men. Do you know what long hair makes men look like?”

”Like girls, Ma. Is that right?”

”It makes them look worse than girls, George. It makes them look like they're not really men, if you know what I mean.”

”No, I don't know what you mean, Ma.” George was profoundly bored.

”Well, I mean a little little bit on the lavender side.” She t.i.ttered. bit on the lavender side.” She t.i.ttered.

”Oh,” he said, ”you mean c.o.c.ksuckers. Some of my best friends are c.o.c.ksuckers, Ma.”

At this Simple piece of factual information, the remarkable lady turned red and then purple, and then twisted in her chair to look out the window in angry silence for the rest of the trip. The curious thing is that, before George could get the courage to shut the old battleaxe up that way, he first had to try to shoot a cop and then try to shoot himself and finally take has.h.i.+sh with Hagbard Celine, and yet she was a Virgo and he was a Capricorn.

* Do you believe that? Do you believe that?* This sentence may manifest a lapse into mockery or mystification by otherwise sober authors. This sentence may manifest a lapse into mockery or mystification by otherwise sober authors.


Ha.s.sAN i SABBAH AND ALAMOUT BLACK When the Prophet died in 4632 A.M.,* the true faith was almost immediately shattered by conflict between the s.h.i.+te and Sunnite parties. More than a century of religious and civil warfare followed, and by 4760 A.M. the s.h.i.+tes themselves had split and given birth to a subsect known as the Ismailis, or Ishmaelians. It was out of this group that Ha.s.san i Sabbah formed the Order of the in 5090 A.M. the true faith was almost immediately shattered by conflict between the s.h.i.+te and Sunnite parties. More than a century of religious and civil warfare followed, and by 4760 A.M. the s.h.i.+tes themselves had split and given birth to a subsect known as the Ismailis, or Ishmaelians. It was out of this group that Ha.s.san i Sabbah formed the Order of the in 5090 A.M.

Ishmaelian religion had already at that date become a nine-level affair in the manner typical of mystical secret societies. Those of the lowest grade, for instance, were merely informed that Al Koran Al Koran contained an allegorical meaning in addition to its surface teachings, and that their salvation lay in following orders. As a neophyte progressed through the various grades, more and more of the allegories would be explained, and a doctrine would gradually emerge which is, in essence, that taught by all the mystics of East and West-Buddhists, Taoists, Vedantists, Rosicrucians, etc. The doctrine is, in important aspects, unspeakable (which is why the trainee required an contained an allegorical meaning in addition to its surface teachings, and that their salvation lay in following orders. As a neophyte progressed through the various grades, more and more of the allegories would be explained, and a doctrine would gradually emerge which is, in essence, that taught by all the mystics of East and West-Buddhists, Taoists, Vedantists, Rosicrucians, etc. The doctrine is, in important aspects, unspeakable (which is why the trainee required an imam imam-the Ishmaelian equivalent of a guru guru-to guide him in the nonverbal aspects); the ninth and highest grade, however, had no parallel except in very strict Theravada Buddhism. In this ninth grade, which Ha.s.san attained shortly before founding the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m, it was taught that even the personal mystical experience of the seeker (his own encounter with the Absolute, or the Void, or the Hodge-Podge, or G.o.d, or G.o.ddess, or whatever one chooses to call it) should be subject to the most merciless a.n.a.lysis and criticism, and that there is no guide superior to reason. The Ishmaelian adept, in short, was one who had achieved supreme mystical awareness but refused to make even that into an idol; he was a total atheist-anarchist subject to no authority but his own independent mind.

”Such men are dangerous,” as Caesar observed, and certainly they are dangerous to the Caesars; the Ishmaelians were being persecuted throughout the Moslem world, and strong efforts were being made to exterminate them entirely when Ha.s.san i Sabbah became Imam of the whole movement.

It was Ha.s.san's cynical judgment (and many Illuminated beings, such as the Lamas of Tibet, have agreed with him) that most people have no aspiration or capacity for much spiritual and intellectual independence. He thereupon reorganized the Ishmaelians in such a way as to allow and encourage those of small mind to remain in the lower grades.

The tools of this enterprise were the famous ”Garden of Delights” in his castle at Alamout (a good duplication of the Paradise of Al Koran Al Koran, complete with the beautiful and willing houris the Prophet had promised to the faithful)- and a certain ”magick chemical.” Those of the lowest grade were brought to Alamout, given the miraculous concoction, and set loose for several hours in the Garden of Delights. They came out convinced that they had truly visited heaven and that Ha.s.san i Sabbah was the most powerful Holy Man in the world. They were a.s.sured, furthermore, that if they obeyed every order, even at the cost of their own lives, they would return to that Paradise after death.

These men became the first ”sleeper agents” in the history of international politics. Where the three major contending religions of that time in the Near East (Christianity, Judaism, and orthodox Islam) insisted that it was an unforgivable sin to deny one's faith, Ha.s.san taught that Allah would forgive such little white lies when they served a worthy purpose. Thus, his agents were able to pa.s.s themselves off as Christians, Jews, or orthodox Moslems and infiltrate any court, holy order, or army at will. Since the other religions had the above-mentioned prohibition against such deception, they were unable to infiltrate the Ishmaelians in turn.

The use of these agents as is discussed pa.s.sim pa.s.sim in the novel, and Weishaupt's opinion that Ha.s.san had discovered ”the moral equivalent of war” is an interesting commentary. Ha.s.san never had to send an army into battle, and armies sent against him were soon stopped by the sudden and unexpected deaths of their generals. in the novel, and Weishaupt's opinion that Ha.s.san had discovered ”the moral equivalent of war” is an interesting commentary. Ha.s.san never had to send an army into battle, and armies sent against him were soon stopped by the sudden and unexpected deaths of their generals.

One of Ha.s.san's successors was Sinan, who moved the headquarters of the cult from Alamout to Messiac and may (or may not) have written the letter about Richard the Lion-Hearted which George recalls in the Third Trip. Sinan, contemporaries claimed, performed miracles of healing, conversed with invisible beings, and was never seen to eat, drink, or perform the functions of urination and excretion. He was also credited with telepathy and with the ability to kill animals by looking at them. It was he (and not Ha.s.san I Sabbah, as many popular books state) who ordered two of the lower members of the Order to commit suicide in order to impress a visiting amba.s.sador with his power over his followers. (The two obeyed, leaping from the castle wall into the abyss below.) Sinan also made attempts to form an alliance with the Knights Templar, to drive both orthodox Christians and orthodox Moslems out of the arena, but this evidently fell through.

The Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m were finally crushed, despite their powerful espionage and network, when the whole Middle East was overrun by hordes of Mongols, who came from so far away that they had not been infiltrated. It took several centuries for the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m to make a comeback as the nonviolent Ishmaelian movement of today, under the leaders.h.i.+p of the Aga Khan.

Finally, it was at Ha.s.san i Sabbah's death that he allegedly uttered the aphorism for which he is best known, and which is quoted several times in the novel: ”Nothing is true. All is permissible.” The orthodox Moslem historian Juvaini-who may have invented this whole episode-adds that as soon as these blasphemous words pa.s.sed his lips, ”Ha.s.san's soul plunged to the depths of h.e.l.l.”

Ever since Marco Polo recorded the story of the Garden of Delights, Western commentators have identified Ha.s.san's ”magick chemical” as pure has.h.i.+sh. Recent scholars.h.i.+p, however, has thrown this into doubt, and it is clear that has.h.i.+sh, and other marijuana preparations were well known in the Near East for thousands of years before Ha.s.san ever lived; for instance, the plant has been found in grave mounds of late Neolithic Man in the area, dated around 5000 B.c., as Hagbard mentions in the novel. It is implausible, then, that the ingenious Sabbah would have tried to pa.s.s this drug off as something new and magical.

Some have suggested that Ha.s.san, who was known to have traveled much in his youth, might have brought opium back from the East and mixed it with has.h.i.+sh. The scholarly Dr. Joel Fort goes further and argues, in The Pleasure Seekers The Pleasure Seekers, that Ha.s.san's supercharger was wine-and-opium, with no marijuana products at all. Dr. John Allegro, in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, argues that both Ha.s.san and the first Christians actually achieved the paradisical vision with the aid of amanita muscaria amanita muscaria, the ”fly agaric” mushroom, which is poisonous in high doses but psychedelic (or at least deleriant) in small quant.i.ties.

The present book's suggestion-Alamout black, an almost pure has.h.i.+sh with a few pinches of belladonna and stramonium-is based on: (1) the strong etymological evidence that the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m were somehow somehow involved with has.h.i.+sh; involved with has.h.i.+sh; (2) the unlikelihood that wine, opium, mushrooms, or any combination thereof could account for the etymological and historical a.s.sociation of Ha.s.san with has.h.i.+sh; (3) the reasons previously given for doubting that has.h.i.+sh alone alone is the answer; is the answer; (4) the capacity of stramonium and belladonna (in small doses) to create intensely brilliant visual imagery, beyond that of even the best grades of has.h.i.+sh; (5) the fact that these latter drugs were used in both the Elusinian Mysteries and in the European witch cult contemporary with Ha.s.san (see R.E.L. Masters, Eros and Evil) Eros and Evil).

Since it is not the intent of this book to confuse fact with fancy, it should be pointed out that these arguments are strong but not compelling. Many other alternatives can be suggested, such as has.h.i.+sh-belladonna-mandragora, has.h.i.+sh-stramonium-opium, has.h.i.+sh-opium-belladonna, has.h.i.+sh-opium-bufotinin,* etc., etc. All that can be said with certainty is that Hagbard Celine insists the correct formula is has.h.i.+sh-belladonna-stramonium (in ratio 20:1:1), and we believe Hagbard-most of the time. etc., etc. All that can be said with certainty is that Hagbard Celine insists the correct formula is has.h.i.+sh-belladonna-stramonium (in ratio 20:1:1), and we believe Hagbard-most of the time.

The exact link between the and the European Illuminati remains unclear. We have seen (but no longer own) a John Birch Society publication arguing that the alliance between the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m and the Knights Templar was consummated and that European masonry has been more or less under Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m influence ever since. More likely is the theory of Daraul (op. cit.) (op. cit.) that after the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m regrouped as the nonviolent Ishmaelian sect of today, the Ros.h.i.+naya (Illuminated Ones) copied their old tactics and were in turn copied by the Allumbrados of Spain and, finally, by the Bavarian Illuminati. that after the Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m regrouped as the nonviolent Ishmaelian sect of today, the Ros.h.i.+naya (Illuminated Ones) copied their old tactics and were in turn copied by the Allumbrados of Spain and, finally, by the Bavarian Illuminati.

The nine stages of Has.h.i.+s.h.i.+m training, the thirteen stages in Weishaupt's Iluminati, the thirty-two degrees of masonry, etc., are, of course, arbitrary. The Theravada Buddhists have a system of forty meditations, each leading to a definite stage of growth. Some schools of Hinduism recognize only two stages: Dhyana Dhyana, conquest of the personal ego, and Samadhi Samadhi, unity with the Whole. One can equally well posit five stages or a hundred and five. The essential that is common to all these systems is that the trainee, at some point or other, is nearly scared to death.*

The difference between these systems is that some aim to liberate every candidate and some, like Sabbah's and Weishaupt's, deliberately encourage the majority to remain in ignorance, whereby they may with profit be endlessly exploited by their superiors in the cult. The same general game of an illuminated minority misusing a superst.i.tious majority was characteristic of Tibet until the Chinese Communist invasion broke the power of the high lamas. A sympathetic account of the Tibetan system, which goes far toward justifying it, can be found in Alexandra David-Neel's The Hidden Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism; The Hidden Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism; an unsympathetic account by a skeptical fellow mystic is available in an unsympathetic account by a skeptical fellow mystic is available in The Confessions of Aleister Crowley The Confessions of Aleister Crowley.

Another word about Alamout black: It is not for the inexperienced psychedelic voyager. For instance, the first time Simon Moon tried it, in early 1968, he had occasion to use the men's room in the Biograph Theatre (where he had gone to see Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine while under the influence). After his bowel movement he reached for the toilet paper and saw with consternation that the first sheet hanging down off the roll was neatly stamped while under the influence). After his bowel movement he reached for the toilet paper and saw with consternation that the first sheet hanging down off the roll was neatly stamped OFFICIAL.



On ordinary marijuana or has.h.i.+sh, such illusions occur, of course-but they are not true hallucinations. They go away if you look at them hard enough. No matter how hard Simon looked at the toilet paper, it still said OFFICIAL.



Simon went back to his seat in the theater badly shaken. For weeks afterward he wondered if the Illuminati had some sinister reason for infiltrating the toilet-paper industry, or if the whole experience were a genuine hallucination and the first sign, as he put it, ”that this f.u.c.king dope is ruining my f.u.c.king head.” He never solved this mystery, but eventually he stopped worrying about it.

As for Ha.s.san i Sabbah X and the Cult of the Black Mother, the authors have been able to learn precious little about them. Since they are clearly related somehow somehow to the and the cult of Kali, Mother of Destruction, one can consider them part of the Illuminati, or Podge, side of the Sacred Chao; since they seem to be businessmen rather than fanatics, and since Kali might be a version of Eris, one can consider them part of the Discordian or Hodge side. Amid such speculation and much mystery, they go their dark way, peddling horse and preaching some pretty funky doctrines about Whitey. Perhaps they intend to betray everybody and run off with the loot at an opportune moment-and, then again, maybe they are the only really dedicated revolutionaries around. ”Nothing is too heavy to be knocked on its a.s.s, and everything is cool, baby” is the only summary of his personal philosophy that Ha.s.san i Sabbah X himself would give us. He's a studly dude, and we didn't press him. to the and the cult of Kali, Mother of Destruction, one can consider them part of the Illuminati, or Podge, side of the Sacred Chao; since they seem to be businessmen rather than fanatics, and since Kali might be a version of Eris, one can consider them part of the Discordian or Hodge side. Amid such speculation and much mystery, they go their dark way, peddling horse and preaching some pretty funky doctrines about Whitey. Perhaps they intend to betray everybody and run off with the loot at an opportune moment-and, then again, maybe they are the only really dedicated revolutionaries around. ”Nothing is too heavy to be knocked on its a.s.s, and everything is cool, baby” is the only summary of his personal philosophy that Ha.s.san i Sabbah X himself would give us. He's a studly dude, and we didn't press him.

* Known as the year 52 to Moslems, 4392 to Jews and Scotch Rite Masons, 4320 to Confucians, and 632 to Christians. Known as the year 52 to Moslems, 4392 to Jews and Scotch Rite Masons, 4320 to Confucians, and 632 to Christians.* Medieval magicians knew how to obtain bufotinin. They took it, as Shakespeare recorded, from ”skin of toad.” Medieval magicians knew how to obtain bufotinin. They took it, as Shakespeare recorded, from ”skin of toad.”* An interesting account of a traditional system used by quite primitive Mexican Indians, yet basically similar to any and all of the above, is provided by anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, who underwent training with a Yaqui shaman, and recounts some of the terrors vividly in An interesting account of a traditional system used by quite primitive Mexican Indians, yet basically similar to any and all of the above, is provided by anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, who underwent training with a Yaqui shaman, and recounts some of the terrors vividly in The Teachings of Don Juan, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan The Teachings of Don Juan, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, and Tales of Power Tales of Power. Don Juan used peyote, stramonium, and a magic mushroom (probably psilocyble Mexicana psilocyble Mexicana, the drug Tim Leary used for his first trip).