Part 34 (1/2)
”About the Mona Fiesta. It's to be observed here on the Old Ivison Place. It always is. And--and you're supposed to know it.”
”How explicit you aren't! Well, what--”
”s.h.!.+ There they are! I can't explain now.”
Oliver's thoughts were moving swiftly, and he did not put them aside even when he saw his gate being opened to a large company of hors.e.m.e.n.
”I've got you,” he said. ”Your little attempt at subterfuge has failed again. Those are the Showut Poche-dakas coming?”
She nodded in her slow, emphatic manner.
”Uh-huh! I see. And you might have told me many days ago that they would come. And if that isn't so, you could have got here much earlier tonight to warn me in time. But that would have given me an opportunity to question you, and this you didn't want. So you waited till they were almost upon me, then made a Sheridan dash to warn me, when there would be no time to answer embarra.s.sing questions. Pretty clever, sister! But you see I'm dead on to your little game.”
Her laugh was as near to a giggle as he had ever heard from her.
”You're a master a.n.a.lyst,” she praised. ”I'll 'fess up. It's just as you say. You know my nature makes it necessary for me to dodge direct issues, where your mystery is concerned. But they're right on us--go out and meet 'em.”
”You'll wait?”
The foremost riders of the long cavalcade were now abreast the cabin, and Oliver Drew stepped toward them as they halted their ponies.
The strong light of the full moon was sufficient to reveal the wrinkled-leather skin of old Chupurosa Hatchinguish, who rode in the lead, sitting his blanketed horse as straight as a buck of twenty years.
Oliver reached him and held out a hand.
”Welcome to the Hummingbird,” he said in Spanish.
”Greetings,” returned the old man, solemnly taking the offered hand.
”The July moon is in the full, brother, and I have brought the Showut Poche-dakas for the yearly Mona Fiesta to the spot where our fathers wors.h.i.+pped since a time when no man can remember.”
”Thou art welcome,” said Oliver again, entirely lost as to just what was expected of him.
Chupurosa left the blanket which he used as a saddle. It was the signal for all to dismount, and like a troop of cavalry the Showut Poche-dakas left their horses. They tied them to fenceposts and trees out of respect for the landowner's rights in the matter of gra.s.s.
”Is all in readiness?” asked the ancient chief.
”Er--” Oliver paused.
A hand gripped his arm. ”Yes,” Jessamy's voice breathed in his ear.
”All is in readiness,” said Oliver promptly.
Jessamy then stepped forward and offered her hand to Chupurosa.
”h.e.l.lo, my Hummingbird!” she caroled mischievously in English.
”The light of the moon takes nothing from the Senorita's loveliness,”
said the old man gallantly.