Part 43 (1/2)

And, curiously enough, he was not disappointed. Downey was a rough, vigorous business man. He took no notice of the boys beyond a brief ”Morning, Sam,” till he saw that Yan was making very fair sketches.

All the world loves an artist, and now there was danger of too much a.s.sistance.

The cases could not be opened, but were swung around and shades raised to give the best light. Yan went at once to the bird he had ”far-sketched” on the pond. To his surprise, it was a female Wood-duck. He put in the whole afternoon drawing those Ducks, male and female, and as Downey had more than fifty specimens Yan felt like Aladdin in the Fairy Garden--overpowered with abundance of treasure.

The birds were fairly well labelled with the popular names, and Yan brought away a lot of sketches, which made him very happy. These he afterward carefully finished and put together in a Duck Chart that solved many of his riddles about the Common Duck.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Fish-Ducks, Sawbills, or Mergansers]

[Ill.u.s.tration: The River Ducks]

(See description below.)

Far-sketches showing common Ducks as seen on the water at about 50 yards distance. The pair is shown in each square, the male above.

N.B. The wings are rarely seen when the bird is swimming.


Largely white and all are crested, wings with large white areas in flight.

1. The Sh.e.l.ldrake or Goosander (_Merganser america.n.u.s_).

Bill, feet and eye red.

2. The Sawbill or Red-breasted Merganser (_Merganser serrator_). Bill and feet red.

3. Hooded Merganser (_Lophodytes cucullatus_). Bill and feet dark, paddle-box buff.


The males usually with s.h.i.+ning green and black on head and wings, the females streaky gray-brown.

4. Mallard _(Anas boschas_). Red feet; male has pale, greenish bill. Known in flight by white tail feathers and thin white bar on wing.

5. Black Duck or Dusky Duck (_Anas obscura_). Dark bill, red feet, no white except in flight, then shows white lining of wings.

6. Gadwall or Gray Duck (_Anas strepera_). Beak flesh-coloured on edges, feet reddish, a white spot on wing showing in flight.

7. Widgeon or Baldpate (_A. americana_). Bill and feet dull blue; a large white spot on wing in flight; female has sides reddish.

8. Green-winged Teal (_A. carolinensis_). Bill and feet dark.

9. Blue-winged Teal (_A. discors_). Bill and feet dark.