Volume V Part 13 (1/2)
Here's to the sodger who bled, And the sailor who bravely did fa'; Their fame is alive, though their spirits are fled On the wings of the year that's awa'.
Their fame is alive, &c.
Here's to the friends we can trust When the storms of adversity blaw; May they live in our song, and be nearest our hearts, Nor depart like the year that's awa'.
May they live, &c.
TUNE--_'Comin' through the rye.'_
Oh, dinna ask me gin I lo'e thee; Troth, I daurna tell: Dinna ask me gin I lo'e ye; Ask it o' yoursel'.
Oh, dinna look sae sair at me, For weel ye ken me true; Oh, gin ye look sae sair at me, I daurna look at you.
When ye gang to yon braw, braw town, And bonnie la.s.sies see, Oh, dinna, Jamie, look at them, Lest you should mind na me.
For I could never bide the la.s.s That ye'd lo'e mair than me; And oh, I'm sure, my heart would break, Gin ye'd prove false to me.
Love flies the haunts of pomp and power, To find the calm retreat; Loathing he leaves the velvet couch, To seek the moss-grown seat.
Splendid attire and gilded crowns Can ne'er with love accord; But russet robes, and rosy wreathes, His purest joys afford.
From pride, from business, and from care, His greatest sorrows flow; When these usurp the heart of man, That heart he ne'er can know.
[9] This lyric and the following are printed from the author's MSS.
TUNE--_'Where they go, where they go.'_
For twenty years and more, b.l.o.o.d.y war, b.l.o.o.d.y war; For twenty years and more, b.l.o.o.d.y war.
For twenty years and more We heard the cannons roar To swell the tide of gore, b.l.o.o.d.y war!
A tyrant on a throne We have seen, We have seen; A tyrant on a throne Who thought the earth his own, But now is hardly known To have been.
Who rung the loud alarm To be free, To be free?
Who rung the loud alarm To be free?