Part 4 (1/2)

12. What is vellum, and how was it made?

13. Who invented paper, and when?

14. Who introduced it into Europe, and when?

15. What made the use of paper common, and why?

16. What writing material was invented in the 19th century?

17. What are some of its advantages and disadvantages?

18. What are tablets and how were they made and used?

19. What kind of ink did the ancient people use?

20. When were irongall inks invented?

21. What kind of ink did the early printers use?

22. What did the ancient writers write with?

23. What was the form of the ancient papyrus book?

24. What effect did the use of vellum have on the form of the book?

25. Describe the evolution of the bound book.

26. When did books become popular as compared with rolls?

27. What were some of the advantages of the book as compared with the roll?

28. What can you tell of the make-up and appearance of a ma.n.u.script roll?

29. What can you tell of the make-up and appearance of a vellum book?

30. What can you say of the lettering, s.p.a.cing, etc. of early ma.n.u.scripts?

31. Give some account of the introduction of (a) word separation, (b) paragraphs, (c) sentences, (d) punctuation.

32. What did the writer do when the words did not fit the line?

33. What can you say about t.i.tles, running heads, and numbering of pages?

34. How were quotations indicated?

35. How were mistakes treated?

36. What use was made of abbreviations and contractions?

37. How do you p.r.o.nounce ”ye” and ”yt,” abbreviations for ”the” and ”that,” and why?