Prodigy Sefiria’s Prograher Ranks 035 (2/2)
「Look ! In other words even the leader, inside yourself still can't fully accept it right
It means that if it's not because of his et the same treatment with such a brat
like 『Second naht
that therebehind this I'm sure」
Hisable to speak his mind so frankly like this in front of the person itself, it's so that deserve an admiration ne
No , perhaps he has that much of pride and really can't bear it
Even if I were in the opposite side, next to the position that reat effort, and then suddenly there's a baby that has gotten on that place, it's not soh
In addition even if the old et the saht
The fact that myself amuses his majesty , it's because I am still a baby
In other words, it's because I'y』
Even the ainst those words
She can't object those words
Although maybe it's because she is too surprised that she can't even say anything
If the three wizard-saht here, I wonder what kind of expression will they make
The reason is because it was his
One must prioritize either one, and one must hold either one
The difference between ician's leader and Bozra-san, is only their priority about those thing
In other words, the icians who do not recognize the fact that I'm in this place
Un , well, honestly is not so that bothers me a bit
It wouldn't change anything even if I didn't receive their recognition, and if they're ive me relatively easy jobs
Although it's not a bad thing for me
Also, the word 「Therebehind this」 said by Bozra-san, he also has a quite sharp perspective
Although his majesty empero, prime minister dono, and also wizard-sama tachi didn't reveal it In the end , this elevation to peerage on the led with the empire's ulterior motive after all
Because of that I ah, I think that I will fade-out as a useless personnel when they're ht of ic but
「Oi, brat
Ehat if you also said so」
Since Bozra-san was saying soive a reet a upper hand on the discussion in this place
Forht never came into my mind
and thus the reason for me to suck up to him in this place, is totally nonexistence
On the top of that, I aher ups of the chivalry order and ician division I think that perhaps this is the best chance to ascertain the amount of people that see me favorably
Since I just becaician, also I just beca
When there's an accident where I can't rely on anybody ,it's not really good right
Wizards-sa all over the place and seeet the chance of audience with his majesty emperor or prime minister-dono
In this place one person or two people, if I build a connection with a trustworthy influential person, and on the top that , assuher position in the future this is not a bad move at all I suppose
Besides ,I also a the situation where I employ Nervia-san
And thus for that reason, there's also a fact that I wanted to ood achievement
This is surely, a situation that is called as ”Godsend”
Nowfor this reason, let's say so that will leave a bit impression to everybody over here I want them to think that I am a person they want to associate with even after this after all
Fortunately this Bozra-san is also a ”trouble child”
and even the person who bears animosity towards those conduct, it shouldn't be small
That is why just because even if I have a little confrontation with him, their impression of me will not deteriorate that much
As I turn ht to Bozra-san who made a wicked smile, and I lick my lips with slurps ( ちろり)
(1) : (TL : roughly 2 years old , or so that's what is I read on the internet )
(2) : ( obocchan : Young master of a wealthy family )
TL : This chapter was somewhat hardI pray ED-kun and TLC-san will have it easy :9also the unedited chapter is 1800 words (0-0”)