Prodigy Sefiria’s Prograher Ranks 030 (1/2)

Verision Eest country in the continent

Within that country, resides the I with its size and home to 12000 residents

Right now, I am in the middle of audience — inside a place which is called as Beorant Castle, a place whose location is in the center of that Imperial Capital

… In another words, right now I am present in the front of his majesty

「Raise your head Even this one doesn’t have a hobby to let a baby kneel down」

「Y-yes ……」

As I was bathed in sticky sweat, I slowly raised my head ti red carpet, an extravagant throne was present, which I had never seen before except from an ani over there glaring atht even in the dark of night

Yes, a young man ……!

He has an appearance which resembled a man in his twenties, the sixth emperor ・Velhazard・Bard・Beorant[1]

Within this empire, he is the most influential man

「But, I am surprised」

His Majesty Beorant’s golden eyes slowly narrowed, and then, he spoke with a calhout the place

「At the time when this one heard the person who had annihilated that 『Midnight robber group』 was a baby, this one thought that this one’s ears had already gone weird, or perhaps Serlard had finally become an idiot, this one was really troubled」

In response to His Majesty Beorant’s words, the white haired oldnext to his majesty made a twitchy expression

I think, he is the person who the Majesty referred to as Serlard Fro location,like a prime minister

…… But, speaking about those sroup to the extent that his majesty knows about them, eh~

Because none of thenized them as mob robber A to F, you know

「On the top of that …… Oi, Serlard Do you know the list of injuries that the robbers received?」

「Yes, I will read it out loud …… First, the leader Beria suffered with vision disability, had right arm and left foot lacerated, and also blunt traus and bruises all over his upper half body especially on his face, with the addition of sprained neck Screel suffered impaired vision, and his nasal cavity, oral cavity, throat, and bronchial tubes were burned Hosta developed gangrene in both of his knees due to the extreme frostbite, as well as severe lacerations Monteque received bone fractures on his spine, and beating all over his body, and then lastly, ……and the ot nu all over his body, had both of his hands and feet got pierced, with the addition a shattered nose bone fracture, and also seriouscolours like 「Red」 and 「Silver」, or towards the word「Sefi」both induces bouts of insanity」[2]

…… Uuh~ …… eh

Ple-please wait for a ht! Could you not start gossiping!

Ah, Onii-San is vo their eyes at the moment our eyes meet! Cruel!

「…… When this one saw the terrible state of those robbers, this one had suspected the villagers took had revenge by executing them 」

Waa~, even his ht have gone a little too far ……

「Well, it is not a crime to kill robbers Besides, it’s only natural to counter-attack the attackers, that is why, be relieved because this one doesn’t have any intention to give you any punishment」

Then, why did you even bother to read out loud the list of injuries!? The gazes from everyone towardsthe rooo to the toilet to vomit? I-is that so, take care of yourself, okay?

「While looking at the scars on those robbers, certainly, the brutality and the s But the truly surprising thing was, the versatility to use nuician sense」

Was the first part really needed? Couldn’t you have just skipped to the latter half, your Majesty?

「You, how did you learn ic in the first place?」

With his golden eyes, the glare of his h aze, I was still desperately searching for the best answer