Prodigy Sefiria’s Prograher Ranks 010 (1/2)

One day, a few days after 『The incident of Onii-chan disappearing』, this kind of thing started

Since that incident, the villagers who often visited ain

And then, those unco voices which were directed at er to decipher this book

Onii-chan has stopped reproachingfather’s book

On the contrary, Onii-chan beca all of the villagers that have stopped

… Perhaps, a pitied by this little kid?

Then, one day, the village chief, Bashbal-Ojiichan, gathered all of the elders in the village to visit my house

As for htened out of

I was feeling rather pessi the life ahead If in the end they accused me a demon child and treated me horribly

But the truth was exceeded my wildest expectation

Chief was took his sweet time and made me listen to a certain 『Story』

So a summary of it would be as follows

First, it seeion exists in this place It’s at the level that the likes bishops and monks make up the ranks and the believers very zealous

Even in my previous life, in the era before science was discovered I heard that people used to piously pray to God

Perhaps, this world’s culture level is far behind compared to 20th century Earth where science prospers … Since I have only seen this village so far, I can’t even start to guess

The hu national power into their ainst the derasp, maybe they turn to mythical fancy instead of science to compensate

And then, for a country fa to the war and the faesic to soften their 『fear towards death』

Thus, even this village is no exception to have some believers rooted in it Furthermore, it’s the one that is est sect of them all

The name is —– 『Heroes Creed』

The fundamental story behind it, well ~ it’s a common one

First, it’s said that there exists two 『Gods』

One was 『the God who reigns over creation』who created this world’s land, sky, and the human race

The other was 『the God who reigns over destruction』who brings forth calamities, death and the demon race into this world

There are various opinions regarding the origin of the demon race, but the y“ that leaked from the destruction God ly had been the starting point of the demon race [1]

The two pillar Gods that have opposed each other since the world’s birth seeenerated the discord between the current human and demon races Some have even said that this is a proxy war between the two Gods [2]

What I have explained till now is the round of this myth

Fro to the bit about 『Hero Creed』