Prodigy Sefiria’s Prograher Ranks Chapter 001 (1/2)
Work, was so to be searched for without fear of death[1]
The second tie with around 30 person living in there
The village location was roughly a 3 day trip by carriage away from the 『Beorant Ihly twelve thousand people… The village was unbelievably, incredibly remote
Furthermore, almost all of the men were absent, enlisted to the human-demon race war So now, most, if not all the households were in dire straits
The reed to get by in a hand to mouth existence
「Sefi? Sefi~?」
Towards that familiar voice, I looked away from the opened book on the floor towards the sound
The sounds of footsteps headed irl’s face suddenly peeped in
She looked like a junior high school student but, this year she is already turning 19 yeas old
Although it was nothing flashy, she had se, almost transparent blonde hair that suited her own beauty Her purple eyes that looked like jeere really pretty
「Mou, you’re in dad’s room as expected」[2]
Saying that, she — as my mother, Masya-san —– showed a troubled smile
Her hands gently stretched out and easily lifted me up, then she put the book back into the desk drawer
Ah! It was reaaaaaally hard to take that out with this body!
Seeing ently stroked my platinum blonde hair
「It’s still to early for Sefi to be reading books Let’s read it when you becoer okay?」
Mom’s words were, definitely true, in the first place I couldn’t read any of those words
Well, in this poor village, they ht not even have anyone who could read
「Really, already engrossed by books at this age, I wonder who do you take after?」
That “this age” phrase was so I want to retort back to mother…
I h student…! Not to mention, she’s already a mother of two, of course anyone would be taken aback
… no matter how you think about it, my father was a lolicon
And just like whatinterest in books was definitely unusual
Why? In this world, they didn’t even have the concept of compulsory education
So for the poor people who don’t have much money, not even an adult can read, write, or do simple arithmetic
But, I was different
Because I had thein japan as 『Oiki Chihaya』
Be it fate or mistake, I retained my “previous life’s memory”
The language used was different, because of thatdidn’t e ability should be plenty
Arithmetic, chemistry, history about the paths carved out by previous pioneers and even the skills that I developed as a working adult when I entered into society: everything was still engraved in my head
Because the general knowledge level around e froh to raise my position… probably
However, negligence is forbidden
Certainly if you were to see e than the people in s