Chapter 1 (1/2)

NPT C1No Protection TonightChapter 1: Under Their Roof

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In my senior year of high school, my parents sent me to study in the city. Since the dormitories had no more s.p.a.ce and they didn't like the idea of me living alone in a rented apartment, I stayed at my tangsao and tangge's house*.

*In Chinese, tangsao, or 堂嫂, means ”cousin's wife”, or sister-in-law. Early in this novel, Tangsao's real name will rarely be used. Another form of tangsao will be saozi, or 嫂子. This is more informal and general, accepted in situations as one's relative's/friend's/ wife. Zhuang Feng (main character) will use Saozi more frequently later on in the novel. Just remember that both tangsao and saozi are and mean the same person.

Tangsao was very beautiful; she had pale, clean skin, large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and long legs. Her taste in clothes was exquisite. Although I was her brother-in-law, she still treated me as an outsider and warned me to follow her rules from day one.

Because Tangge* was often away on business trips, it was just the two of us at home. Tangsao treated me like I was thin air, walking around in a loose nightgown in front of me. Her snow-white legs were unbelievably attractive. Did she have no shame? This was way different from the village widow at home, whose legs were only revealed when she took a bath.

*Tangge, or 堂哥, means ”older male cousin”. Also, the MC is from the countryside.

At first, she still wore a bra, but later on, she started to become much bolder… or was it careless? The two enticing buds on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s poked an impression through the fabric, making my heart race and my face flush. As my body made all the appropriate biological reactions and my thoughts started to trace over Tangsao's seemingly perfect curves, a misconception sprouted in my mind—that Tangsao was purposefully garnering my attention. Maybe, since I was obedient and there was virtually no reason to chase me away, she decided to play dirty with my brain instead.

But despite my best efforts, she still caught my tail in the end.

That day, Tangsao had finished her shower. As usual, I quickly slipped into the bathroom before the steam disappeared so I could try to relax. I always felt like I couldn't breathe with her staring daggers at me all the time. To be honest, I liked Tangsao's strong but not overpowering scent every time she walked by. Looking around, I realized that she forgot to take the underwear that she'd changed out of, and had put it on the edge of the sink.

”Dang, this underwear really is shameless. It's almost as if fas.h.i.+on designers are competing with each other to see who can use the least fabric.”

Ever since my arrival, Tangsao started to dry her clothes in her own bedroom, most likely fearing that I would steal them. I felt hurt thinking that she would hold such a prejudice against me, as if she didn't see me as a human being.

Though I could understand her reasoning; in the years that she'd been married to my cousin, she hasn't returned to her hometown even once. In my village, there was really nothing besides water and electricity. Phone calls had to be made at the local convenience store, the bathrooms were built brick by brick, and mosquitoes flew in dense clouds. Seeing her tapping her iPad all day, scrolling through social media, and watching TV shows, I wouldn't be surprised if she couldn't stand a single minute at my old town.

Suddenly, a dirty, evil idea appeared in my mind but then dissipated in an instant.

”Countryside oafs aren't allowed in my room and don't even think that you can treat this place as your own just because of some family relations.h.i.+p. Know your position. If your tangge hadn't pleaded me, I wouldn't have allowed it at all! If you make trouble, I'll make sure to kick you out!”

Tangsao's cold words wrapped around me like a curse. Lately, I've even had nightmares of myself trudging dejectedly back to my sighing, disappointed parents.

It's all because of Tangsao that I couldn't study properly. But in front of her, I don't even dare to fart.

No, I have to take some form of revenge. So I extended a shaking hand and picked up Tangsao's bright violet underwear. The soft, smooth cloth was pleasing to the touch, and upon a closer look, I discovered a small white stain on the inside. As someone who'd aced biology cla.s.s, I naturally knew that this was something only women would leave behind.

Next, I sniffed it, as if possessed by some devil. There was an indescribable odor, causing my face to redden and heat up. I subconsciously engraved a reminder to myself, that I wasn't doing such a perverted act for the sake of it being perverted, but rather as a way to get revenge and lessen the pressure in order to study with a clearer mind.

Then, I smothered my rock-hard little buddy* with the panties, and draped the bra on my face. The natural, milky smell was too good, and I closed my eyes in pleasure.

*For the Chinese novel veteran readers out there, you may already know that nicknames for ”p.e.n.i.s” can range quite far. In this series, the terms ”spear”, ”rifle”, ”musket”, ”bayonet”, and ”little buddy” are most common.

Although it wasn't my first time masturbating, it was without question my most unforgettable one. I even felt that I was being personally intimate with Tangsao, and sharing the same woman with Tangge. After all, the smells on these clothes were from her most hidden secretions.

Just as I was nearing my peak, I heard knocking on the door. Tangsao had come back to retrieve her underwear, causing me to lose control of myself. s.e.m.e.n sprayed all over her underwear. ”Oh no, if she discovers this, she'll kill me.”