Part 26 (1/2)
18. _Memories of the Life of Wm. Henry Cranstoun, Esqre_. London.
Printed for J. Bouquet, at the White Hart, in Paternoster Row. 1752.
Price one s.h.i.+lling. Brit. Mus. (June 18, 1752.)
19. _The Genuine Lives of Capt. Cranstoun and Miss Mary Blandy_.
London. Printed for M. Cooper, Paternoster Row, and C. Sympson at the Bible Warehouse, Chancery Lane. 1753. Price one s.h.i.+lling. Brit. Mus.
20. _Capt. Cranstoun's Account of the Poisoning of the Late Mr.
Francis Blandy_. London: Printed for R. Richards, the Corner of Bernard's-Inn, near the Black Swan, Holborn. Brit. Mus. (March 1-3, 1753.)
21. _Memories of the life and most remarkable transactions of Capt.
William Henry Cranstoun_. Containing an account of his conduct in his younger years. His letter to his wife to persuade her to disown him as her husband. His trial in Scotland, and the Court's decree thereto.
His courts.h.i.+p of Miss Blandy; his success therein, and the tragical issue of that affair. His voluntary exile abroad with the several accidents that befel him from his flight to his death. His reconciliation to the Church of Rome, with the Conversation he had with a Rev. Father of the Church at the time of his conversion. His miserable death, and pompous funeral. Printed for M. Cooper in Paternoster Row; W. Reeve in Fleet Street; and C. Sympson in Chancery Lane. Price 6d. With a curious print of Capt. Cranstoun. Brit. Mus.
(March 10-13, 1753. As the t.i.tle-page of this pamphlet is torn out of the copy in the Brit. Mus., it is given in full. From pp. 3-21 the tract is identical with ”The Genuine Lives,” also published by M.
22. _Parricides!_ The trial of Philip Stansfield, Gt., for the murder of his father in Scotland, 1688. Also the trial of Miss Mary Blandy, for the murder of her Father, at Oxford, 1752. London (1810). Printed by J. Dean, 57 Wardour St., Soho for T. Brown, 154 Drury Lane and W.
Evans, 14 Market St., St. James's. Brit. Mus.
23. _The Female Parricide_, or the History of Mary-Margaret d'Aubray, Marchioness of Brinvillier.... In which a parallel is drawn between the Marchioness and Miss Blandy. C. Micklewright, Reading. Sold by J.
Newbery. Price 1/-. (March 5, 1752.)
Lowndes mentions also:--
24. _An Impartial Inquiry into the Case of Miss Blandy_. With reflections on her Trial, Defence, Bepentance, Denial, Death. 1753.
25. _The Female Parricide_. A Tragedy, by Edward Crane, of Manchester.
1761. 8vo.
26. _A Letter from a Gentleman to Miss Blandy_ with her answer thereto. 1752. 8vo. (Possibly the same as ”A Letter from a Clergyman.”)
The two following are advertised in the newspapers of the day:--
27. _Case of Miss Blandy and Miss Jeffries_ fairly stated, and compared.... R. Robinson, Golden Lion, Ludgate Street. (March 26, 1752.)
28. _Genuine Letters between Miss Blandy and Miss Jeffries_ before and after their Conviction. J. Scott, Exchange Alley; W. Owen, Temple Bar; G. Woodfall, Charing Cross. (April 21, 1752.)
29. Broadside. _Execution of Miss Blandy_. Pitts, Printer, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6 Great St. Andrew's St., Seven Dials. Brit. Mus.
30. _The Addl. MSS._, 15930. Ma.n.u.script Department in the Brit. Mus.