Part 8 (1/2)
Who made it?--I made it.
Where did you put it after you had made it?--I put it into the common pantry, where all the family used to go.
Did you observe any particular person busy about there afterwards?--No, n.o.body; Miss Blandy told me on the Monday she had been in the pantry (I did not see her) stirring her father's water gruel, and eating the oatmeal out of the bottom of it.
What time of the Monday was this?--This was some time about the middle of the day.
Did Mr. Blandy take any of that water gruel?--I gave him a half-pint mug of it on Monday evening for him to take before he went to bed.
Did you observe anybody meddle with that half-pint mug afterwards?--I saw Miss Blandy take the teaspoon that was in the mug and stir the water gruel, and after put her finger to the spoon, and then rubbed her fingers.
Did Mr. Blandy drink any of that water gruel?--Mr. Blandy drank some of it, and on the Tuesday morning, when he came downstairs, he did not come through the kitchen as usual, but went the back way into his study.
Did you see him come down?--I did not.
When was the first time you saw him that day?--It was betwixt nine and ten. Miss Blandy and he were together; he was not well, and going to lie down on the bed.
Did you see him in the evening?--In the evening Robert Harman came to me as I was coming downstairs and told me I must warm some water gruel, for my master was in haste for supper.
Did you warm some?--I warmed some of that out of the pan, of which he had some the night before, and Miss Blandy carried it to him into the parlour.
Did he drink it?--I believe he did; there seemed to be about half of it left the next morning.
How did he seem to be after?--I met him soon after he had ate the water gruel going upstairs to bed. I lighted him up. As soon as he was got into the room he called for a basin to reach; he seemed to be very sick by his reaching a considerable time.
How was he next morning?--About six o'clock I went up the next morning to carry him his physic. He said he had had a pretty good night, and was much better.
Had he reached much overnight?--He had, for the basin was half-full, which I left clean overnight.
Was any order given you to give him any more water gruel?--On the Wednesday Miss Blandy came into the kitchen and said, ”Susan, as your master has taken physic, he may want more water gruel, and, as there is some in the house, you need not make fresh, as you are ironing.” I told her it was stale, if there was enough, and it would not hinder much to make fresh; so I made fresh accordingly, and I went into the pantry to put some in for my master's dinner. Then I brought out the pan (the evening before I thought it had an odd taste), so I was willing to taste it again to see if I was mistaken or not. I put it to my mouth and drank some, and, taking it from my mouth, I observed some whiteness at the bottom.
What did you do upon that?--I went immediately to the kitchen and told Betty Binfield there was a white settlement, and I did not remember I ever had seen oatmeal so white before. Betty said, ”Let me see it.” I carried it to her. She said, ”What oatmeal is this? I think it looks as white as flour.” We both took the pan and turned it about, and strictly observed it, and concluded it could be nothing but oatmeal. I then took it out of doors into the light and saw it plainer; then I put my finger to it and found it gritty at the bottom of the pan. I then recollected I had heard say poison was white and gritty, which made me afraid it was poison.
What did you do with the pan?--I carried it back again and set it down on the dresser in the kitchen; it stood there a short time, then I locked it up in the closet, and on the Thursday morning carried it to Mrs. Mounteney, and Mr. Norton came there and saw it.
Do you remember Miss Blandy saying anything to you about eating her papa's water gruel?--About six weeks before his death I went into the parlour. Miss Blandy said, ”Susan, what is the matter with you? You do not look well.” I said, ”I do not know what is the matter; I am not well, but I do not know what is the matter.” She said, ”What have you ate or drank?” upon which I said, ”Nothing more than the rest of the family.” She said, ”Susan, have you eaten any water gruel? for I am told water gruel hurts me, and it may hurt you.” I said, ”It cannot affect me, madam, for I have not eaten any.”
What was it Betty Binfield[11] said to you about water gruel?--Betty Binfield said Miss Blandy asked if I had eaten any of her papa's water gruel, saying, if I did, I might do for myself, a person of my age.
What time was this?--I cannot say whether it was just after or just before the time she had spoken to me herself. On the Wednesday morning, as I was coming downstairs from giving my master his physic, I met Elizabeth Binfield with the water gruel in a basin which he had left. I said to the charwoman, Ann Emmet, ”Dame, you used to be fond of water gruel; here is a very fine mess my master left last night, and I believe it will do you good.” The woman soon sat down on a bench in the kitchen and ate some of it, I cannot say all.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Miss Mary Blandy (_From an Engraving by B. Cole, after a Drawing for which she sat in Oxford Castle_.)]
How was she afterwards?--She said the house smelt of physic, and everything tasted of physic; she went out, I believe into the wash-house, to reach, before she could finish it.
Did you follow her?--No, I did not; but about twenty minutes or half an hour after that I went to the necessary house and found her there vomiting and reaching, and, as she said, purging.
How long did she abide there?--She was there an hour and a half, during which time I went divers times to her. At first I carried her some surfeit water; she then desired to have some fair water. The next time I went to see how she did she said she was no better. I desired her to come indoors, hoping she would be better by the fire. She said she was not able to come in. I said I would lead her in. I did, and set her down in a chair by the fire. She was vomiting and reaching continually. She sat there about half an hour, or something more, during which time she grew much worse, and I thought her to be in a fit or seized with death.
Did you acquaint Miss Blandy with the illness and symptoms of this poor woman?--I told Miss Blandy when I went into the room to dress her, about nine o'clock, that Dame (the name we used to call her by) had been very ill that morning; that she had complained that the smell of her master's physic had made her sick; and that she had eaten nothing but a little of her master's water gruel which he had left last night, which could not hurt her.
What did she say to that?--She said she was very glad she was not below stairs, for she would have been shocked to have seen her poor Dame so ill.