Part 4 (1/2)
_Windsor Herald_, which t.i.tle was inst.i.tuted 38th of Edward III., when that monarch was in France.
_Chester Herald_, inst.i.tuted in the same reign.
_Richmond Herald_, inst.i.tuted by King Edward IV.
_Somerset Herald_, inst.i.tuted by King Henry VIII. about the time when that monarch created his son Henry Fitzroy Duke of Somerset.
_York Herald_, inst.i.tuted by King Edward III. in honour of his son, whom he created Duke of York. {38}
_Lancaster Herald_, also inst.i.tuted by Edward III. when he created his son Duke of Lancaster.
The heralds were first incorporated as a college by Richard III. They were styled the Corporation of Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants of Arms.
Concerning Pursuivants of Arms, Berry remarks that these officers, who are the lowest in degree amongst officers of arms, ”were, as the name implies, followers, marshals, or messengers attendant upon the heralds. Pursuivants were formerly created by the n.o.bility (who had, likewise, heralds of arms) with great ceremony in the following manner. One of the heralds, wearing his master's coat, leading the person to be created pursuivant by the left hand, and holding a cup full of wine and water in his right, came into the presence of the lord and master of him who was to be created, and of whom the herald asked by what name he would have his pursuivant called, which the lord having mentioned, the herald then poured part of the wine and water upon his head, calling him by the name so a.s.signed to him. The herald then took the coat of his lord, and put it over his head athwart, so that part of the coat made for the arms before and behind, and the longer part of it on both sides of the arms of the person created, and in which way the pursuivant was always to wear it. This done, an oath of fidelity was administered to the new-made pursuivant, and the ceremony concluded.”
This curious method of the wearing of the tabard by a pursuivant has long since been discontinued, if indeed it was ever generally adopted, a point on which I have by no means been able to satisfy myself.
The appointment of heralds and pursuivants of arms by the n.o.bility has long been discontinued, and there are now only four pursuivants belonging to the College of Arms, viz.:--
_Rouge-Croix_, the first in point of antiquity of creation, is so styled from the red cross of St. George, the Patron Saint of England.
_Blue-Mantle_, so called by King Edward III., in honour of the French coat which he a.s.sumed, being blue.
_Rouge-Dragon_, so styled from the red dragon, one of the supporters of the Royal arms of King Henry VII. (who created this pursuivant), and also the badge of Wales, and
_Portcullis_, also inst.i.tuted by Henry VII., and so named from that badge, or cognisance, used by him.
The duties of a pursuivant are similar to those of a herald; he a.s.sists in all public processions, or ceremonies, such as Royal marriages, funerals, installations, &c., and has certain fees for attendance upon such occasions. Pursuivants likewise receive fees upon creations of peers, baronets, and knights, and also donations for attending court upon the festivals of Christmas, Easter, Whit-Sunday, All {39} Saints, and St. George's Day, and a small salary payable out of the Exchequer. They wear a tabard of damask silk, embroidered with the Royal arms, like the heralds, but no collar of SS.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 13.--Officers of Arms as represented in the famous Tournament Roll of Henry VIII., now preserved in the College of Arms.]
Of the Heraldic Executive in Scotland, Lyon King of Arms (Sir James Balfour Paul), in his book ”Heraldry in relation to Scottish History and Art,”
writes: ”At one period the Lyon was solemnly crowned at his inauguration, and vested with his tabard and baton of office.” The ceremony was a very elaborate one, and is fully described by Sir James Balfour in a MS., now in the Advocates' Library. There is also an account of the coronation of Sir Alexander Durham, when Laurie, the minister of the Tron Kirk, preached from the text, ”What shall be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour?” The crown was of gold, and exactly similar to the Imperial crown of Scotland, save that it had no jewels. Now the Lyon's crown is the same as the English King of Arms. The crown is only worn at Royal coronations.
At that of Charles I. at Edinburgh in 1633, the Lyon carried the vessel containing the sacred oil. In addition to his strictly armorial appointment, the Lyon is also a King of Arms of the Most Ancient and Most n.o.ble Order of the Thistle.
Heralds and pursuivants formed an important part from very early times not only of the Royal Household, but also of those of the higher n.o.bility, many of whom had private heralds. Of these officers there is a very full list given by Dr. d.i.c.kson in the preface to the Lord Treasurer's Accounts. Of heralds who were or ultimately became part of the King's Household we meet with Rothesay, Marchmont, Snowdon, Albany, Ross, and Islay; Ireland, Orkney, and Carrick are also mentioned as heralds, but it is doubtful whether the first and last were ever more than pursuivants. Of the latter cla.s.s of officers the following were in the Royal establishment: Carrick, Bute, Dingwall, Kintyre, Ormonde, Unicorn; but we also find Aliszai or Alishay, Dragance, Diligens, Montrose, Falkland, Ireland, Darnaway, Garioch, Ettrick, Hales, Lindsay, Endure, Douglas, and Angus. Of the latter Garioch was created by James IV. for his brother John, Earl of Mar; Hailes in 1488, when Lord Hailes was made Earl of Bothwell; while Lindsay and Endure were both evidently attached to the Lindsay family, as were Douglas and Angus to the n.o.blemen whose t.i.tles they bore. In 1403 Henry IV. of England granted a pursuivant under the t.i.tle of Shrewsbury to George, Earl of March, for services rendered at the battle of that name, but we do not find that the office was continued.
In Scotland heralds appear at an early date, though none are mentioned as attending the coronation of Alexander III. in 1249; nor is there any account of any such officers accompanying that sovereign when he did homage to Edward I. at Westminster in 1278. In the next {40} century, however, armorial bearings were quite well known in Scotland, and there is an entry in the Exchequer Rolls on 10th October 1337 of a payment of 32, 6s. Scots for the making of seventeen armorial banners, and in 1364 there is another to the heralds for services at the tournaments; while William Petilloch, herald, has a grant from David II. of three husbandlands in Bonjedward, and Allan Fawside gets a gift of the forfeited estate of one Coupland, a herald (_temp._ Edward Baliol).[2] The first mention of a herald, under his official designation, which I have met with in our records occurs in 1365, when there is a confirmation under the Great Seal by David II. of a charter by Dugal McDowille to John Trupour or Trumpour ”_nunc dicto Carric heraldo_.” Sir James Balfour tells us that the Lyon and his heralds attended the coronation of Robert II. at Holyrood on 23rd May 1371, but whether or not this is true--and I have not been able to verify it--it is certain that a Lyon Herald existed very shortly after that date, as in the Exchequer Rolls mention is made of the payment of a certain sum to such an officer in 1377; in 1379 Froissart says that a herald was sent by Robert II. to London to explain that the truce had been infringed without his will and against his knowledge, and on 8th April 1381 a warrant was issued in London for a licence to ”Lion Heraud” of the King of Scots, authorising him to take away a complete suit of armour which he had bought in that city. It is not, however, till 1388 that we find Lyon accorded the Royal style. In that year a payment is made ”_Leoni regi heraldorum_,” but at the audit following the battle of Otterburn he is called _defunctus_, which suggests that he had been slain on that well-fought field. The Lyon appears in several emba.s.sies about this period both to England and France, and one Henry Greve, designed in the English Issue Rolls as ”King of Scottish Heralds,” was at the Tower of London in 1399, either at or immediately after the coronation of Henry IV. From 1391 onwards there is frequent mention of one Douglas, ”Herald of the King,” and in 1421 he is styled ”Lyon Herald.”
Of the German officers of arms they, like the English, are divided into three, known as _Wappenkonige_, _Herolde_, and _Persevanten_.
These, like our own officers, had peculiar t.i.tles; for example _Suchenwirt_ (an Austrian ducal herald), _Lub-den Frumen_ (a Lichtenstein pursuivant), _Jerusalem_ (a herald of the Limmer Palatinate), _Romreich_ (an Imperial herald). About the middle of the sixteenth century, the official names of the heralds fell into disuse; they began to make use of their ancestral names with the t.i.tle of _Edel_ and _Ehrenvest_ (n.o.ble and honourable), but this did not last long, and the heralds found themselves thrown back {41} into the old ways, into which the knightly accoutrements had already wandered.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 14.--The velvet tabard of Sir William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms from 26th April 1677 to 10th February 1686.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 15.--William Bruges, the first Garter King of Arms, appointed 5th January 1420. (From an illuminated MS. in the Museum at Oxford.)]
The official dress of an officer of arms as such in Great Britain is merely his tabard (Figs. 13, 14, 15). This garment in style and shape has remained unchanged in this country from the earliest known period of which representations of officers of arms exist; but whilst the tabard itself has remained unaltered in its style, the arms thereupon have constantly changed, these always being the arms of the Sovereign for the time being.
The costume worn with the tabard has naturally been subject to many changes, but it is doubtful if any attempt to regulate such costume was ever officially made prior to the reign of Queen Victoria. The tabard of a pursuivant is of damask silk; that of a herald, of satin; and that of a king of arms, of velvet.
The initial letter on page 1 is a portrait of John Smert, Garter King of Arms, and is taken from the grant of arms to the Tallow Chandlers' Company, dated 24th September 1456. He is there represented as wearing beneath his tabard black breeches and coat, and a golden crown. But Fig. 15 is actually a representation of the first Garter King of Arms, William Bruges, appointed 5th January 1420. He is represented as carrying a white staff, a practice which has been recently revived, white wands being carried by all the heralds at the public funeral of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. In Germany the wands of the heralds were later painted with the colours of the escutcheons of the Sovereign to whom they were attached. There was until recently no official hat for an officer of arms in England, and confirmation of this is to be found in the fact that Dallaway mentions a special licence to Wriothesley Garter giving him permission to wear a cap on account of his great age. Obviously, however, a tabard requires other clothing to be worn with it. The heralds in Scotland, until quite recently, when making public proclamations were content to appear in the ordinary elastic-side boots and cloth trousers of everyday life. This gave way for a brief period, in which Court dress was worn below the tabard, but now, as in England, the recognised uniform of a member of the Royal Household is worn. In England, owing to the less frequent ceremonial appearances of the heralds, and the more scrupulous control {42} which has been exercised, no such anachronisms as were perpetuated in Scotland have been tolerated, and it has been customary for the officers of arms to wear their uniform as members of the Sovereign's Household (in which uniform they attend the levees) beneath the tabard when making proclamations at the opening of Parliament or on similar occasions. At a coronation and at some other full State ceremonies they wear knee-breeches. At the late ceremony of the coronation of King Edward VII., a head-dress was designed for the officers of arms. These caps are of black velvet embroidered at the {43} side with a rose, a thistle, or a harp, respectively for the English, Scottish, and Irish officers of arms.