Part 19 (1/2)
f.a.n.n.y could not help perceiving that his brow was slightly clouded.
”Baron,” she said, ”I have begged you to come and see me, because I do not want to go to the altar with a lie on my soul. I will not deceive G.o.d and yourself, and therefore I now tell you, frankly and sincerely, I do not love you, baron; only my father's will gives my hand to you!”
There was no perceptible change in the young baron's face. He seemed neither surprised nor offended.
”Do you love another man?” he asked quietly.
”No, I love no one!” exclaimed f.a.n.n.y.
”Ah, then, you are fortunate indeed,” he said, gloomily. ”It is by far easier to marry with a cold heart, than to do so with a broken one; for the cold heart may grow warm, but the broken one never.”
f.a.n.n.y's eyes were fixed steadfastly on his features.
”Mr. Arnstein,” she exclaimed, impetuously, ”you do not love me either!”
He forced himself to smile. ”Who could see you--you, the proud, glorious beauty--without falling in love with you?” he exclaimed, emphatically.
”Pray, no empty flatteries,” said f.a.n.n.y, impatiently. ”Oh, tell me the truth! I am sure you do not love me!”
”I saw you too late,” he said, mournfully; ”if I had known you sooner, I should have loved you pa.s.sionately.”
”But now I am too late--and have you already loved another?” she asked, hastily.
”Yes, I love another,” he said, gravely and solemnly. ”As you ask me, I ought to tell you the truth. I love another.”
”Nevertheless, you want to marry me?” she exclaimed, angrily.
”And you?” he asked, gently. ”Do you love me?”
”But I told you already my heart is free. I love no one, while you--why don't you marry her whom you love?”
”Because I cannot marry her.”
”Why cannot you marry her?”
”Because my father is opposed to it. He is the chief of our house and family. He commands, and we obey. He is opposed to it because the young lady whom I love is poor. She would not increase the capital of our firm.”
”Oh, eternally, eternally that cold mammon, that idol to whom our hearts are sacrificed so ruthlessly!” exclaimed f.a.n.n.y, indignantly. ”For money we sell our youth, our happiness, and our love.”
”I have not sold my love. I have sacrificed it,” said Baron Arnstein, gravely; ”I have sacrificed it to the interests of our firm. But in seeing you so charming and sublime in your loveliness and glowing indignation, I am fully satisfied already that I am no longer to be pitied, for I shall have the most beautiful and generous wife in all Vienna.”
”Then you really want to marry me? You will not break off the match, although your heart belongs to another woman, and although you know that I do not love you?”
”My beautiful betrothed, let us not deceive each other,” he said, smiling; ”it is not a marriage, but a partners.h.i.+p we are going to conclude in obedience to the wishes of our fathers. In agreeing upon this partners.h.i.+p only our fortunes, but not our hearts, were thought of.
The houses of Itzig, Arnstein, and Eskeles will flourish more than ever; whether the individuals belonging to these houses will wither is of no importance. Let us therefore submit to our fate, my dear, for we cannot escape from it. Would it be conducive to your happiness if I should break off the match? Your father would probably select another husband for you, perhaps in Poland or in Russia, and you would be buried with all the treasures of your beauty and accomplishments in some obscure corner of the world, while I shall take you to Vienna, to the great theatre of the world--upon a stage where you will at least not lack triumphs and homage. And I? Why should I be such a stupid fool as to give you up--you who bring to me much more than I deserve--your beauty, your accomplishments, and your generous heart? Ah, I shall be the target of general envy, for there is no lady in Vienna worthy of being compared with you. As I cannot possess her whom I love, I may thank G.o.d that my father has selected you for me. You alone are to be pitied, f.a.n.n.y, for I cannot offer you any compensation for the sacrifices you are about to make in my favor. I am unworthy of you; you are my superior in beauty, intellect, and education. I am a business man, that is all. But in return I have at least something to give--wealth, splendor, and a name that has a good sound, even at the imperial court. Let me, then, advise you as a friend to accept my hand--it is the hand of a friend who, during his whole life, will honestly strive to compensate you for not being able to give his love to you and to secure your happiness.”
He feelingly extended his hand to her, and the young lady slowly laid hers upon it.
”Be it so!” she said, solemnly; ”I accept your hand and am ready to follow you. We shall not be a pair of happy lovers, but two good and sincere friends.”