143 Uniqueness (1/2)
He wasn't scared, anxious, or the least bit worried. Only a few extreme things can cause his emotions to fluster. Like Sergeant Freeman but that's mostly just because Sergeant Freeman instilled absolute fear into Desmond for a year straight. After what Zane's will did to him he was almost completely numb to everything and instead of worrying about everything Desmond began to look at the world around him objectively.
It was a state of mind that allowed Desmond to further appreciate the beauty in the horrifyingly difficult world that he was thrown into. Theotera was a land of swords and magic but it was also high tech enough to reach further into the stars than his old world ever could. Yet, despite how advanced it was the law of the jungle still ruled supreme. Meaning that with enough strength anything was possible. While Desmond didn't truly pursue strength as much as others he did pursue knowledge. All the knowledge that the secrets of magic could provide to him.
While other advanced civilizations would call it barbaric, it was still simple cold cut and beautiful. It was a place someone like Desmond could truly be free to do whatever he wanted without objection even something like kill all his friends. It was a horrendous and immoral thing to do, but in Desmond's defense, they smelt, so good.
Ever since Desmond woke up and Zane's well discovered what his soul fire's ability most likely was Desmond has been fighting back against an intense hunger. His hunger wasn't physical but came from the depths of his soul. Before Desmond could smell souls but that was only when they were exposed and it wasn't that intense. Now Desmond can smell the souls of people even when they are inside of a body. He can tell exactly where someone has been and where they are going.
While souls don't actually have a smell that people are used to like cookies or bacon they do have spiritual energy and emotions. Spiritual energy is something many people know about and are capable of hiding but emotions are something even high ranking powerhouses have difficulty hiding. Emotions are capable of permeating the air and if strong enough can stay in the same place for years.
Ever since the city was attacked people all over have been drenching the town in worry and fear. That many twisted emotions all at once turned the town into a bakery were only Desmond could smell what's cooking.
A Few Hours Ago
Inside Desmond's secret base Desmond was still laying on his mattress. Desmond's eyes twitched vigorously showing that he was moments away from waking up. While Zane's will waited for Desmond to awaken he rummaged threw Desmond's spoiled and found that he risked his life and obtained nothing, but trash.
The low grade ring of levitation, 5 advanced scrolls with the spell [dark lance], and magic crystals that Desmond obtained from Ferrise's body was absolute trash in Zane's will's eyes. The bracelet Desmond obtained from Linda's body was halfway decent because the bracelet was made with the essence of a low grade earth elemental.
The bracelet's ability allows it to reduce the cost of magic needed when using earth related spells and shortens casting time for the user. While the bracelet is decent its still complete trash because its only useful for those at an apprentice level and is useless to Desmond unless he uses an earth related spell.
The frog that Desmond brought oddly enough was a storage pouch. Since most apprentices are dirt poor they have to get creative and cut corners were ever they can. The frog Desmond brought is proof of that because its a special type of frog that's rare in the region that they are currently in. That frog while small has 7 stomachs and can compress the things put inside of it.
Inside the frog Zane's will found the [ignition gloves] Desmond originally sold, a scroll on how to train in a martial art technique called [rising dragon], 670 magic crystals, and some cheap alchemy ingredients he doesn't even want to mention. To someone at an apprentice level, all that was a fortune Zane's will has the knowledge of a great mage who has seen to much and been alive too long to be moved by any of it.
As Zane's will criticized Desmond's loot Desmond awoke from his slumber. Once Desmond awoke he didn't move or make a sound he simply turned his head and watched Zane's will rummage threw the things he brought back. Desmond watched for a short while before Desmond asked, ”what are you doing?”.
Zane's will wasn't startled or surprised he already knew Desmond was awake the moment he woke up. Zane's will didn't turn around to speak to Desmond he kept doing what he was doing as he replied, ”I'm looking threw the stuff you and have noticed its nothing but junk. Just look at this marrow beatle and ventricle worms for example. How in the world are they useful? Did you buy it or did you take it off those apprentices you killed?”.
”I bought them. I was planning on using them to enhance my body”.
”Well don't do that its a stupid idea. Those things will only make your body as tough as iron, not even steel. While that may sound strong it's only useful at an apprentice level fight. Your soul fire is more than enough to strengthen your body far better than any average body refinement method.
Since you purchased those things I can only assume that you also purchased the [copper body] training manual as well. Probably in hopes that it will fix the fact that the Ventricle worms and marrow beatle don't improve the toughness of your skin or organs correct”.
”That wasn't my full thought process but kind of, it was more for research than anything else”.
”You fool cultivation is not some kind of game where you can add whatever sounds similar and pleasant to the ears together and expect it to work. Did you not once consider if the marrow beatle, ventricle worms, and [copper body] were even compatible with each other or how the metal will poison your bloodstream if you train in [copper body]?
Not to mention the adverse effects you soul fire will have to your new body especially since you don't have the best control over it. You have to follow your own path in this world and not others don't be sheep. You can use things as a reference, but you shouldn't go further then that if you want to reach the top”.
As Zane's will described a bunch of major flaws that his idea to quickly strengthen his body Desmond realized how he had changed. Zane's voice wasn't as annoying or unbearable as before. Despite everything that Zane is Desmond currently found him to be tolerable.
”If I can't use any of those things that's fine just because I can't doesn't mean someone else can't”.
Desmond said as his gaze drifted over towards Robert's beaten body for a brief moment before landing back on Zane's will. Zane's will turned towards Desmond and said, ”whatever you decide it just better not be another stupid decision. Now, how do you feel?”.
”I have a slight headache but other than that I feel normal. I can even think again now without my mind tearing itself apart”.
”That's most likely more of a placebo effect. The damage is all still there so you shouldn't feel the effects that quickly. It will take around 6 months to a year for your mind to fully heal. You should be able to start casting spells again when your mind is half healed. You just shouldn't overdo it before its fully healed or else you will cause more harm to your mind then now.
During that time you will basically be just as weak as any other mortal, but there is a way for you to still defend yourself. Your not the only one who's had their mind damaged throughout the year's people have developed ways to circumvent that period of weakness. Resulting in a new battle style called rupture. The rupture style is good for close and mid range combat.
It mostly involves two different forms which are violent and gentle. It takes a bit of practice but after that, you will be able to use moves and incantations that have a similar effect to magic. Needless to say, most people don't use this style when their not mentally injured because the drain on their spiritual energy can be quite taxing. But its still a good fighting style that allows you to keep up a good fight with someone for a good while. Giving you the time to escape or something else.
In addition to that, I finished creating the spells that you wanted but since you can't use magic I tweaked them a bit so that they can be used with only your spiritual energy. This is not something that can be done with all spells. It's only because the spells you asked for were based around the usage of your soul fire that I was able to do this.
There are 3 spells the first spell is a type of binding spell called [soul snare] that requires you to make physical contact with your enemy. Once cast it shoots a burst of your spiritual energy inside of your opponent. That burst will make your opponent's soul go berserk and create threads made from your opponent's soul that will physically stick to your opponent binding them. For them to break free they must either have good soul control or they must rip apart there own soul. I doubt any of the opponents you face could do it so that spell if full proof.
The second spell [specter bullet] is similar to [magic missile] except my spell is a bit more lethal. It shoots a projectile that can't be blocked by normal means. It will bypass most defense and strike that person's soul most likely killing them upon contact.
The last spell is called [specter grasp] it originally was a lot more different then the one I'm giving you but your condition made me change it. This spell condenses your soul fire onto your hands into the shape of a claw. This spell is built to enhance the rate at which your soul fire alters the physical state of matter by around 5 times. So, it should only take around 4 seconds for you to change the state of something instead of 20”.
Once Zane's will finished Desmond pondered over the spells and martial techniques for a bit before he realized the severe limitations all those things bring.
”The spells that you've made are quite wonderful but from the sound of it, the amount of spiritual energy that all those things will consume is quite high. I won't be able to fight long using all those things I'll end up unconscious after a couple of minutes. Not to also mention how long it would take me to learn all those things. I'll still be defenseless for who knows how long”.