138 The Proposition (2/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 95330K 2022-07-22

Howell raised his brow and spoke in a sarcastic tone as he talked to his brother.

”Stolen? I stole nothing the reason I was able to take what those people had was because they broke the rules and stole from me. You of all people dear brother should know that I always follow the rules to the letter”.

”Howell you can not keep doing these things you commit all these misdeeds that make people spit on our family name. You act like a child Howell, what do you think our aunt and uncle will say about this”.

”Why should I care about the thoughts of those third rate mages. Their both nothing more than a waste of space anyway”.

”Take that back Howell their our family they took us in, raised us, and helped get us into this school. We owe everything we have to them”.

Howell could only sigh at his brother's stupidity, he couldn't even realize the real reason why their aunt and uncle took them in was only for their inheritance money. Howell knew that their aunt and uncle owned multiple businesses that were failing a few years ago. The timely death of Howell and Warren's parents saved there business. Howell knew all about it but he never told his little brother. In Howell's opinion if his brother couldn't figure out something as simple as that on his own then he was useless to his plans.

”Your blind Warren but I'm not going to open your eyes for you”.

”I can see just fine Howell I can see that - uhh ... your skin it's red, covered in puss, and bursting blisters. Wait a second there's a stone on your head too that stone, don't tell me that you, WHAT DID YOU DO TO FERRISE!”.

”Oh, him well you see Ferrise and a few of his friends were tarnishing the reputation of this school. When I saw them walking down the wrong path and knew that they couldn't be saved. So, I took them off that treacherous road and guided them down to the underworld. There no need to thank me its what any good student would do”.

Warren couldn't believe what he heard. While Warren was stunned by the news Howell tried to walk past him to get to his room. When Warren saw Howell trying to walkway he tried to stop him. Warren grabbed Howell's shoulder but when he did ...

*Bang*, *Crack*

Without Warren noticing Howell had his finger pointed at Warren's right knee and out of Howell's finger shot out a bullet that tore threw Warren's knee and shattered it. Speed was not Warren's strongest point so even with his inhuman reflexes the bullet still hit him. The sound of Howell's hidden weapon firing off and Warren's scream attracted many people's attention.

Warren supported himself with his other leg and a near by poll so he didn't fall down but he did tightly grip his leg in pain. Howell then said to Warren as affectionately as he always has these words.

”I am in a good mood so I will leave you with only that small wound but don't ever come to me with the problems of others ever again. I don't have time to listen to repetitive drivel about people who cower behind you to get to me”.

Howell didn't say anything to Warren after that he promptly left towards his room leaving his brother to bleed out where he stood.


Inside Maverick's room Maverick when he entered went straight towards a large metal cabinet that stored all sorts of spare limbs Maverick created in advance for any situation. From the cabinet, Maverick pulled out a fresh new pair of legs that looked exactly like his old ones. An artificial layer of skin that Maverick developed covered the entire thing while runes inside the legs made them stronger and more durable. Maverick didn't care about losing his legs he was striving to become a mechanical adept anyway which is a group of people that love to augment their bodies so it's not like it mattered much.

Maverick didn't immediately attach his new legs instead he moved towards a dissection table with his new legs and laid down on it.

”Edna start procedure-12 remove infected skin then decontaminate my body. Once that is complete graph a new layer of skin onto me and attach the legs with serial number 2443690”.

[Understood while the medical procedure is being conducted does master wish to be incapacitated?].

”No, just sedate me. While that is going on pull up all information I have on a man named Desmond Gillies”.


Rows of information hovered above Maverick as it was displayed via holographic projection. Maverick looked thew everything regarding Desmond Gillies that he had but it wasn't much and most of it was far too normal. Most of the information Maverick had was so normal that it was suspicious. Maverick was disappointed in what he was seeing till he saw a bounty posting for a 1000 magic crystals. The bounty wasn't official but it was a clue to find out more information about Desmon. Yet, In the end, Maverick had too little information to go on to effectively plan for the future”.

”Edna mark everything related to the man named Desmond Gillies as important and inform me about it immediately”.

[Understood. Notification alert maked as important]


When Maverick saw that the alert was about Desmond's apartment complex on fire Maverick didn't know what to think about it. Was it a coincidence or could it mean something more?

”Access community camera footage in that area around the time of the fire and download everything”.

[Understood. Access denied city security has been significantly increased because we are currently in war time].

”Check to see if the academy posted any missions to aid the DCPD”.

[There are Exactly 10 separate missions with various rewards currently available].

”Sign me up for one whichever allows me access into there office the most].


As Maverick waited for his body to heal he thought about the proposition he made to Desmond and whether he would accept it or not.


A few hours ago

After the explosion startled everyone the magi that questioned Desmond and Maverick had left leaving Desmond and maverick together alone. After the magi left Desmond immediately went towards the 3 dead bodies and started looting them. On Ferrise, Desmond found a Magic ring that could significantly reduce a person's weight making them buoyant to the point it looked like they were bobbing up and down inside water. Desmond also found a none enchanted bag with 400 Magic crystals, and 5 advanced scrolls containing the [dark lance] spell.

Linda's only possessed a strange bracelet that Desmond didn't know the effect of while Gerald's loot was even worse than Linda's because he only had a frog in his pocket. Was it magical, did it possess some kind of hidden secret? Desmond didn't know all he knew was that he went through hell because of those people and wasn't leaving empty handed.

After acquiring everything off the bodies Desmond checked the conditions of the morrow beatle and Ventricle worms only to discover that they both looked like shit. The beatle was flipped over and twitching while the worms were somehow spitting out blood. After Desmond saw that he got everything of value he decided to leave.

”Just going to leave like that without even a goodbye. Someone as old as you should have better manners than me”.

Desmond had hoped Maverick would stay quiet while he left but he was obviously hoping for too much. Desmond turned to face Maverick and said to him, ”what do you want kid I'm busy, or do you want to fight me too?”.

”I wish for nothing of the sort I simply wish to make a proposition to you”

”Oh, and what would that be?”.

”It will be a mutually beneficial agreement for both of us. I scratch your back you scratch mine that sort of thing”.

”I see an what is it that you think I can do for you and what can you do for me?”.

”I'm sure an experienced man such as your self can provide any number quality skills to any group as for myself I am a student at Twilight Academy meaning that I have access to a lot of knowledge. Most of which I can't sell so long as it belongs to the academy but that doesn't mean what I have is useless. I can purchase all kinds of restricted items and give them to you, I can get easy access to all kinds of buildings, I have knowledge about a plethora of black market deals. I can even provide aid In a few discreet jobs that you have planned. I offer all this and more all you have to do is agree”.

A friend on the inside Desmond knew how amazing something like that was. Desmond lacked useful people like that and needed friends of his own badly. He knew powerful people but he sadly couldn't call any of them friends.

”I'll can sider your proposal but let me warn you I never want to see this shit show happen again. I know it was you that caused all this to happen all because I traded that healing potion with you earlier. Coincidences do happen but not like this, you did something to the items I traded with you didn't you”.

”I admit it I did place a tracker on those items I sold you, but I assure you it won't happen again”.

”Your a crafty man Maverick and honestly one of the most dangerous kinds of people that I've seen. Your shrewd, cynical, and above all shameless, honestly it might be interesting working with you but only time will tell if we do”.

Maverick had a devilish smile on his face as he said, ”you flatter me too much”.

After that, the two parted way and whether their paths will cross again in the distant future remains a mystery.

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