137 Dawn Of War (2/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 72600K 2022-07-22

Mystic items don't grow on trees and acquiring one depending on its rank becomes exceedingly difficult especially for one that matches your affinity and combat style. The mystic item that Minerva possesses was upgraded by her. She used an already existing rank 4 mystic item that she possesses and with it concocted a recipe that allowed her to reforge it. Creating a recipe to create a mystic item or even reforge it is not easy at all. Minerva was only able to do it was because she was a refinement path grandmaster. But even despite that creating the recipe to upgrade her item was not a simple task and took her over 120 years to achieve that alone.

The actual refinement process in its self was another hurdle all together because the materials needed to reforge a mystic item at such a high level can easily bankrupt a large clan and put them in debt. Not only that but because of the difference in rank between Minerva and the mystic item she was reforging meant Minerva was unable accomplish the task by utilizing her own power.

It was only through the aid of someone or something stronger than herself that she was able to reforge the mystic item. Yet, even then such a massive task bears an immense risk of death. A risk that would be pointless to take because most people can't us items or equipment that are to far out of there rank. If it wasn't that Minerva was in desperate need for that mystic item to be at rank 5 she would have never taken such a huge risk in creating such a thing.

Every soldier around Minerva scattered as fast as they could. There existed a massive dome like shield that protected the entirety of Delmar City but the shield had an upper limit to what it could handle and an attack supported by a grade 5 mystic item was definitely pushing that limit. Minerva gently pushed her hand forwarded after she did so one of the 50 story tall statues of mages clasping their hands activated.

Delmar City which is jointly protected by 3 super guilds, 12 large guilds, and multiple other medium and small guilds is not easily threatened. There may be no being who is stronger than rank 3 in all if Delmar City but there are the one hundred and thirty four 50 story tall statues placed all around Delmar City all of which have rank 4 combat power. None of the statues can express the strength of a real rank 4 powerhouse or ever beat one but it doesn't mean they aren't exceedingly powerful.

The massive statue launched off the ground and shot towards Minerva at a speed that shouldn't have been possible for such a large object. In an instant the palm of the statue collided with Minerva's attack and the collision created a blind white explosion. The explosion expanded in all directions destroying everything in its path for 10 square miles. It slammed against the protective shield encompassing Delmar City and some of it energy leaked though.

That energy expanded thoughout the city at a phenomenal speed in a single breath that energy spread into the homes of thousands of citizens living inside of the wall. Memorial wall significantly reduced how far such an attack could spread but it still spread to a large portion of district-D it even reached all of the soldiers and commanders who tried to flee away before hand by using all sorts of techniques and life saving items that they had. But it was all useless because in the next second they all die.

Only a blood mist and tattered clothes remained of those who once were. There was no resistance the difference between the two opposing powers was simply to great. When the explosion died down a huge dust cloud rose from the after math of the collision that generated a 10 mile wide crater beside Delmar City. Memorial wall while it did waver under Minerva's attack it still stood strong.

The results of the collision of Minerva with the statue left Minerva lightly injured while the statue itself only received a few light scratches. Fresh blood escaped Minerva's lips the taste delighted her as she seductively liked her lips. Though the damage to the statue was minor Minervawas quite happy with it her mystic item is almost completely useless when used against inorganic targets. Plus the difference between rank 3 and 4 is incredibly vast for a mystic item to boost her combat power to even lightly damage a rank 4 target is already a huge achievement.

In Theotera rank 1 is the bottom tier standard for not dying instantly when you walk outside by yourself. They are typically highly skilled combatants, who have a large assortment of abilities, can destroy large plots of land by themselves, but are still used as common foot soldiers by everyone. Rank 2 combatants can wipe out an army by themselves while people at rank 3 can survive a nuke at point blank range. The power of a rank 4 is the equivalent to that of a natural disaster. While rank 5s can destroy entire plants by themselves and anything beyond that is bull shit.

[Note From Author: Just because an item is at rank 5 doesn't mean it can destroy entire worlds it just means that if used correctly it has the power to damage or threaten the life of someone at that rank].

Seeing as he job was complete Minerva turned to leave the magus statue only automatically responds to direct threats since it received no orders to stop Minerva it didn't try to stop her.

”Leaving already, but I just got here that's so rude of you”.

Those word made her stop for a moment and turn around. Once she did a charming middle age man with black hair, green eyes, and a scholarly aura floated nearby. Though the woman before him just recently killed thousands that were under his command there was no rage burning in his eyes only an endless sence of calm.

”Nisus Bel to what do I owe the pleasure to your visit”. Minerva said jokingly.

”You attack the city I manage and kill thousands under my watch isn't that reson enough”.

”I can't believe what i'm hearing to think that such weaklings are still in your view. If I tell other about this they'll think you've gone soft”.

”You can test out for your self how soft I've gotten Minerva”.

Minerva burst out laughing from Nisus's invitation to battle, ”You know I was only joking like hell I'd randomly start a fight with you I'm not looking to die”.

”You say your not looking to die but here you are”.

”I'm just here to take a few cheep shots at you while I still can. Its not everyday someone like me can spit in the faces of 3 super clans and all those other smaller clans you have under you all in one day”.

”Using the war to your benefit I see but you do realize this event will just make our clans start fervently hunting you down. They may even send a rank 4 elder after you for this or simply just to retrieve that grade 5 mystic item in your possession”.

”I fear no one and besides you should be more worried about them over there then me”.

Nisus had already noticed the peculiarity far off in the distance. The sound of wild beasts roariing and stomping on the ground endlessly sounded clearly in the night.

”It seem like the elves have made their move”.

”Yes, and that is also my signal to go”.

Abruptly Minerva's body started to break apart as she disappeared into a blood mist. Nisus did try to stop her such an action would be meaningless he only watched her fade away and once she did his body did the same.


Eclipse Association, Delmar City

Inside the Eclipse Association branch tower Lord Nisus Bel opened his eyes. What spoke to Minerva earlier was only a mental projection that he created. Immediately after opening his eyes put his hands on a crystal ball in front of him and made an announcement.

”This is an urgent announcement today Delmar City was attacked by rogue blood mage Minerva The Crimson Cloud. In the attack she took the live of an unknown amount of fellow colleagues and citizens. Though she escaped before we could apprehend her I assure you all that the Eclipse Association condemns her actions and the actions of those like her. She will be brought to justice and pay for the crimes she committed. Along with that I bring even worse new the enemy is approaching our doorstep. But it is not a time to feel fear it is time to fight and show our enemies who they should fear”.

A loud cheer reverbed throughout the Eclipse Association it even overcame the blaring siren echoing through the city. After that announcement was made Nisus switched to call Velar Kadyn.

”Velar arrange a meeting in the war room with all the clans acting managers if they can't make it let their representatives attend”.

”I shall do so right away”.

There conversation didn't last long but it got to the point. Trouble was brewing and depending on how its handled will decided the futur of Delmar City.