131 Shady Dealings Part 4 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 44880K 2022-07-22

Vine Street, Delmar City

In a shopping district located in The Underground is a store that's not as glamorous as many others that have always somehow manage to catch a customers eye from a far. But what it lacked in physical appeal it made up for in absolutely nothing else. The store was as close to a dump as a person could get without it literally being a dump.

Trash and junk was randomly thrown everywhere while insects and rodents actively made their their presence known by hissing, snarling like a rabid dog, and walking over the feet of everyone that went to that shop. Anyone that came there was considered a trespasser to those things. They clamed that land years ago and that clam still held strong.

Corvo's Shop was a true gem when Desmond found the place he was flabbergast by what he was seeing. To live or even work in such a place is hard to imagine and thats coming from someone who's currently living in a sewer. The own of the shop could have given the most obsessive horders a run for their money. As filthy as it was outside it somehow got dirter the the further he went in. Desmond had to dig himself a path out of a sea junk just to get to the shops entrance. During Desmond's travel to the front door he stumble upon a few other saps that had to go through the same thing as him to get the information they needed.

Those people pointed him in the right direction allowing him to reach the front door easier. When Desmond finally arrived at the entrance he heared the screams of an unlucky person that encroached to far into layer of one of the beasts that lie beneath the trash. Desmond could do nothing for that person he was to far away. Desmond could only pray for that persons soul and hope that he himself wouldn't become part of the trash on his journey back.

Once Desmond stepped into the filth shack that had Corvo's sign up top Desmond was presented with a different scene. The shop was clean and possessed many antique items that filled the shelves and hung from the ceiling. The shop gave off a scholarly aura that was a completely unexpected vibe someone would expect to see when they first came in. The shop was so charming and well decorated Desmond felt as though it almost made up for the trip there.

Desmond walked around a bit till a man at the counter caught his eye. The man looked to be in his 40s, he was well groomed, had a small beard but no mustache, a monocle in his right, and a fance suit. If Desmond saw him on the streets he could only assume the man live a good life in high society. Now Desmond wasn't sure what to think about the man because when Desmond inspected him he could tell that he was an advanced rank apprentice but as Desmond inspected closer Desmond could see that the energy circulating through him didn't move properly. Desmond quickly figured out that was because the man was severely injured bringing his cultivation journey to an end.

As Desmond was inspecting the man the shop keeper said to Desmond, ”welcome to Corvo's Shop, I'm Corvo the owner of this beautiful antique establishment and there person who you need to call if there's anything you need”.

Corvo spoke like a gentleman but with a playful and cheerful attitude anyone who spoke with him would instantly know how out going he was. Desmond know that once Corvo finished introducing himself that he should immediately start speaking the secret code because if he says it any other time after Corvo won't accept it and just play dumb.

”Ohh, that's nice to hear then if you don't mind me asking do you have any refreshments the trip here was tiring”.

”Of course we do sir, now tell me what you would like water, juice, or maybe a little liquor would satisfy your thirst”.

”None, of that I would like tea if you have it”.

”Excellency choice and what kind of fince china would you like it surved in?”

”That's far to fancy for me I've always lived a simply life and think my self no better than any other so serve it in a dirty boot if you have one”.

After Desmond and Corvo's exchange of words ended Corvo looked at Desmond a bit differently then politely asked, ”are you a member of the purifiers since you know that code I can only assume you are”.

”No i'm not I just have a bit of history with them is all so someone kindly pointed me to you and told me what to say”.

”That's fine whether you are or not makes no difference my shop serves all parties since you know the code you are given premium service so tell me what would you like”.

Desmond was cheering like a little girl inside after pretending to be one guy he was finally able to find an informant that knows a bunch of stuff related to the city's underworld.

”I would like to know the location of a secret gathering were I can buy and trade items. The place must be mid tear, none of the small ones comprised of wannabe losers and none of the high tear one's I know you need an invite to get in”.

Corvo's thought about Desmond's request for a bit and then told him that the price was 4 magic crystals. Desmond was stunned by how cheap it was but then he remembers 4 magic crystal was equivalent to 40,000 U.S which is a years salary for most people. While cheep to Desmond most people's hearts would ache at such a number. Only things related to magic, cultivation and a few other things are expensive. So its enough for someone who wants to live the life of a mortal but not even close for those who seek to reach the top.

Desmond paid the man his money and then Corvo explained how he could locate what he's searching for through ads on the news paper. Corvo took out a local news from under the counter and pointed at a normal looking add that showed a gathering was being held tonight in the underground. Desmond was happy there was a meeting tonight because it ment he didn't have to stress himself by out waiting.

Once that was over Corvo asked, ”is there anything else I can help you with?”

Desmond only came to know where and when a gathering was being held and didn't care about anything else the shop sold but that didn't mean nothing in the shop caught his eye. While Desmond was talking to Corvo his eyes constantly fell upon a remarkable outfit. A black hooded cloak draped over a lether outfit with many pockets and straps. The boots and gloves looked tough while the design made it look like it was streamline for speed allowing the wearer to have great maneuverability. It was the coolest rouges outfit Desmond had ever seen. Desmond knew it would be silly to buy something like that yet alone wear it in public but the Weeaboo in him said something different.

”How much for that outfit back there”.

Corvo looked behind him and said, ”you have a good eye that outfit is a Thomas clint original he based the outfit off of what he originally war during his youth, you know before he decided to become a fashion designer”.

”How much”.

”Though it is an originally its not one of his enchanted works so the price will only be 7 mage stones ($3500 U.S)”.