119 Big Brain and Little Brain (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 43260K 2022-07-22

Clover Forest

The Clover Forest is home to many bizarre and strange magical things one of which are the orcs. Orcs are a brutish race that love the taste of battle and seek it out whenever they can. Their way of life has held strong even after the fall of the gods. They followed and respect the strong, but there is an inequality amongst orcs which is a problem that stems from their DNA. Not all orcs are born the same because of their jeans some orcs are smart and strong while others are weak and stupid or a mix of the two.

During the afternoon nearby an orc stronghold deep inside the clover forests an adult orc named Krug adventured alone. He went out seeking to increase his strength before the coming war. A few years ago an elf diplomat came to the orcs stronghold seeking to cooperate to take down Delmar City. But the leader of the orcs in Krug's stronghold wasn't stupid he knew full well the difficulty in overthrowing the current rulers of Delmar City.

Delmar City was jointly defended by 3 super clans the Eclipse Association, Black Cauldron, and the Order of Peth along with multiply large clans. To be recognized as a large clan a person not only needed the resources, forces, connections, but also at least 1 member who is at rank 4. Unless someone at rank 4 builds their own guild convince someone at that level to do anything is extremely difficulty because not only are they strong there are only around 5,000 known people who are at that level in the entire world.

Giving them the freedom to choose and do almost anything because they're, so few of them. Super clans are incomparable to large clans because to become a super clan 1 of their members has to be a rank 6 demigod. In the entire world their are only 20 living known demigods, and the amount of them who still even bother to interfere with the mortal world or bother build a clancan be counted on 1 hand. The only clan in the entire history of Theotera who was globally recognized as a super clan despite their clan master only being a rank 5 messenger is Providence. A clan souly built by The Oracle from the ground up thousands of years ago.

The orc stronghold leader knew that information clearly, so he wasn't going to break the long standing neutrality pact he had with Delmar City and sacrifice his men for the elves ambitions. Krug on the other hand wasn't the sharpest tool in the shead the day he heard talk about a war was one of the best days of his life. Krug was an adult, so he could make decisions for himself allowing him to leave and join in the war. He could hardly sleep at night as he waited in expectation for the war.

Krug believed war was a place for the strong and for the strong to become stronger, to be recognized, and feared. It was a place Krug believed he belonged because Krug believed he was not only strong, but smart. Muscle is good, but muscle plus brain is better. All the strong in Krug's home showed that, so it was what Krug believed as well. The dumb die, the weak die just the same. Krug was still alive, so Krug must not have been dumb or weak. It was simple logic that's why Krug has big brain.

As Krug adventured into the depths of clover forests the sunrays that shined threw the tree tops showed Krug's body clearly. His ash grey skin was smeard with green and brown paint that helped him blend in better with his surroundings and mask his smell. His yellow teeth gleamed like gold and had enough crust on them that could be spread on bread like butter. Enchanted leather armer with bits of metal covered the parts of Krug that weren't exposed. On his hip was his trusty axe that produced a cold aura when someone touched it and his shotgun gun. While on his back was a strong metallic bow with many different arrows inside of a quiver.

Krug carried with him a few magical means to hide himself, but it wasn't the first time Krug had hunted. He knew the danger of using more energy for something than necessary. Everywhere in Theotera was dangerous, so people prefer to conserve their energy as much as they can to not be defenseless when confronted with unexpected danger. Even amongst orcs a quick and quiet kill is at times more respected than a loud and sloppy one.

Krug maneuvered threw the forests as stealthfuly and as quickly as he could because he was on the hunt for creatures magical cores. But not ever creature though because Krug knew he only had a strong elemental affinity to water, wind, and earth. Any creature that didn't correspond to those elements wasn't on his kill list.

Bushes and trees blurred past Krug's eyes as he made his way towards a different hunting ground than his usual spot. Ever since the announcement of war many more people have gone out hunting for resources to protect themselves with for later. The increase of people lead to many conflicts sprouting up all over. Even human apprentice's have joined into the conflict of resources increasing the death toll on both sides. Competition was fierce, so Krug had to be fiercer.

As Krug maneuvered through the forest his foot steps came to a sudden stop. Krug had caught a whiff of something from his nose and a grinding sound made him pick up his ears.

”Beastie smell familiar, ground rumble, beastie bellow feet”.

Krug put his ear to the ground and listened to the unknown creature move around.

”Beastie not deep, bestie stupid”.