110 Peculiar Friend (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 53970K 2022-07-22

Desmond immersed himself with the new power he felt inside his body. As he took a moment to look around the room Desmond saw the color from everything he looked at fade away.

”Gray, all I see is black and gray it's similar to how I see magic particles in the air, but this new sence is completely different from it”. Desmond said as he shifted his eyes to his flaming had.

”This fire is the only thing that's color won't fade while even my arms have turned grey. Why is that?”.

[From what you are describing you have awakened a natural ability that ever spirit entity has called specter's gaze. It allows you to see a person's soul even thew walls it's just as useful as a spirit's magic sight. Typically most humans can't see magic until they reach rank 1 nor can they see a person's soul unless they use some kind of spell or tool to aid them in forcibly inspect someone's body.

Since soul fire is comprised of spirit power you are able to see it clearly. Soul fire can not only burn both hot and cold it can directly damage a person's soul. It can purity, be used in creating mystic items and heal the undead, but I must warn you few people possess a soul fire.

While it is commonly seen amongst undead living people can not naturally weald it unless it has been reforged by a master who specializes in creating things like artificers or if find the special kind naturally created in the wild. That Makes it a treasure people will think they can simply steal from you when the actual chance of that is low since your soul fire isn't an item, but a symbol of your life].

Desmond felt a bit down after gaining the ability to create soul fire because Desmond hated fire related spells it stemmed from his hatred of fire elemental mages. While Desmond believed fire elemental mages were powerful and deserved every bit of recognition that they earned.

Desmond also felt that they were so common that he couldn't respect them anymore. That's why Desmond never once considered walking down the path of an elementalist. It had no relation to him almost blowing himself up and setting himself on fire every time he tried to cast fire spells.

”Is my transformation done yet?” Desmond asked because he didn't want to be kept in a box for hours.

[Yes you are stable now so you can go. I have already informed Seraphine of your condition. She wants you to get cleaned up and join them for dinner].

”it's finally time for me to find out why seraphine keeps saving my life” Desmond said to himself as he remembered the day he was almost killed by Zane and nearly shit himself at the same time only to be saved by seraphine.

”Uhh, I just hope Zane isn't there”


The dining room was circular and had a glass dome for a ceiling. In its center was the ruined form of Theotera. The hall's massive size was enough to fit in over 1000 people, but that space was taken up by the skeletons of 6 gigantic giants that lived during the era of the fallen. On their bodies was the same once immaculate now tethered armor they died in. Their forms still gave off a strong intimating presence as they stood arms raise towards Theotera.

The light in the room danced on the giant's armor which reflected the polished obsidian floor and the figures of two figures arguing. Their near endless bickering filled the room if anyone was eating the large spread of food on the table they would have had their meal spoiled.

Ragnar and Zane were always at each other's throats this fight of theirs was no different. They both had a foot firmly planted on top of the table as they attempted to strangle each other. Ragnar had partly transformed into a werewolf his claws dug deep into Zane's neck latching hold of whatever Zane kept hidden under his cloak. While Zane had two meaty gorilla paws around Ragnar's neck.

Both of them were strong enough to tear apart a tank from earth like it was toilet paper, but both of them struggled with breaking the thin layer of skin the other had on them.

”You hack of a mage your nothing, but a phony. Your not a real mage and never will be”. Ragnar said as he struggled to speak.

Zane laughed at Ragnar's statement his voice was clear unimpeded Ragnar's hold on his neck or whatever Zane kept hidden under his cloak, ”that shows what you know a mage studies the arcane in a bid to unravel the mystery of the universe and come to the pinnacle of truth regardless of who or what you may be so long as you walk down a path in pursuit of truth you are a mage.

”You still suck. Why am I even friends with you, every time I see you I want to kill you?”.

”Its because you know you need me you wouldn't be alive today if not for me”.

Ragnar's veins bulged on his neck he visibly became even madder after what Zane said to him ”You've attempted to kill me more times than you tried to save me and it was for dumb things too. I remember when you left me for dead in the middle of nowhere because I snored too loudly ounce while I was still injured and couldn't regenerate, but not before you attracted every beast you could to me”.

”That was one time you can't still blame me for that it doesn't mean I'm actively trying to kill you”.

”One time my ass what about the time when we fought that djinn. You prioritized killing its slaves, destroying everything it owned, and stealing every piece of valuable loot in front of it just to piss it off while me and Seraphine had to take care of it by ourselves. Djinns are powerful we almost died that time because of you”. Ragnar shouted at Zane with enough force to almost blow the hat off the top of his head.

”What you're mentioning is nothing more than isolated incidences. They each only happened one time completely independent from the other it proves nothing. Your false accusations hurt me deep all I have ever been was helpful and supportive I think you owe me an apology”. Zane said as he plew smoke up Ragnar's nose just to piss him off more.

”How about I throw you out into space instead of ripping whatever it is you call ahead off. Will you accept that as an apology you fake mage”.

”Your people skills really are shit it's why you have so few friends luckily you will always have me I'm nothing like Seraphine she's always faking it in bed with you what we have is real”. Zane laughed as Ragnar's claws dug deeper inside him.