88 The Sacrifice Part 1 (2/2)
”Those sons of bitches I'm going to kill them” Desmond yells at the top of his lungs before his entire body was once again thrashed about in pain inside the cage. The guard had shocked Desmond once more for making to much noise.
Annoyed by Desmond's talking the guard in front of Desmond's cage bent down to talk to him he said ”jeez, It doesn't matter whether your asleep or awake you can't stop making noise can you princess. Keep that up and guess who's going up next after that woman up there”.
Desmond didn't need to think much to figure out what was going on, the biggest question he needed answered was how much danger was he in. That answer came quickly as he witnessed what happened on the stage in front of him.
Cornel raised both his hands in the air wide and kept them there while the fire of the blast furnace raged behind him. The woman wriggling next to him pulled the chains keeping her bound with all her energy to no avail as Cornel began to speak.
”Brothers and sisters today I am glad, I am glad because many of our friends still draw breath as they risk their lives rallying people against the magi. I am glad for the sacrifices that have been brought to us today, but most of all I am glad to see you all here. To see your children here, even though we hold these ceremonies in filthy inconvenient areas.
To hide from the sight of those who would do us harm. You still come here when we call because you believe, you believe in a change that is the stuff of dreams, but let me tell you all this now it is because you believe and because you dream that we can keep fighting. For that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart I thank”.
Many people were touched by Cornel's words they stood up and praised Cornel for helping them pave the way to a better future.
Cornel let the crowd applaud him for a bit before he settled them down.
”Please stop, today isn't about me it's about those filthy magi and how we are going to beat them. You all know how we're going to do it so let me hear you say it”.
That same word was repeated over and over again as the crowd stomped their feet in their seats mimicking waring drums. They anxiously awaited blood and Cornel had full intention of giving it to them.
”That's right through sacrifice we will gain the strength to defeat the magi. They want us to think that all the gods are dead so we wouldn't pray to them and gain strength greater than theirs. Over 400,000 years ago this is how it was done, devout believers like ourselves would pledge to one true God and receive boons for our continued worship and service. It is nothing like today were the magi keep everything for themselves to oppress the people of this world.
We may not have been able to reach one of those gods yet, but it will happen and it won't happen when people only sit with their heads down. So, stand up everybody, stand up and let's begin the sacrifice”.