81 Universal Language Part 5 (1/1)
As Leopold looked at the half breed beast, his disgusted look turned into disapproval not only because of what she is, but also because the bar would allow someone like that to come in and mingle with the rest of the fine folk here.
Leopold's insides were burning with rage, he knew demi-humans had no place living with humans. Yet, they lived with everyone else anyway because of some deal the great and powerful magi made a long time ago after they beat everyone else into submission. It was stuff like that which lead to walking freaks like the khajiit hybrid Leopold was looking at.
Unable to contain himself Leopold uttered, ”what are you doing here freak? You think you can waltz in here and buy a drink like everyone else. People like them have a hard enough time finding work in this city as it is, they don't need cheap demi-human scum sitting next to them. Reminding them of why their family has to cut back on their food or why they can't buy new clothes. You bastards offer to work for less stealing jobs from people that need it and ever since more of you came because of the Loran Isles incident things just keep getting better.
In his anger, Leopold started to raise his voice as he said, ”It was hard enough finding an affordable home already with the limited space this city has. All because of beasts like you some people have to live with three people per room other five. That's no way to live and that's why I mean it when I say if you want a drink you should be on your knees slurping it up of the floor like the rest of your kind you filthy animal”. His tone and words clearly conveyed how repulsed he was by the khajiit woman, but the woman didn't care she just kept drinking.
Becoming more enraged because the demi-human woman was ignoring him Leopold shouted at her, ”hey are you listening to me?”. The woman didn't respond she kept having one drink after the other. The bartender across from them who was serving the woman heard everything Leopold said but was going to do nothing about it.
Not because he agreed with Leopold rather because he knew who the person he was talking shit to was. The bartender was just waiting a little bit longer to have a good show while hoping the woman didn't make to much of a mess.
Leopold's shouting drew the attention of others from Gresham, seeing people paying less attention to him than they already were Gresham looked around for the problem. Seeing Leopold yelling at some woman in the back he asked him what the problem was.
Leopold said to Gresham, ”Don't you see its a fucking demi-human why else do you think I'm pissed”.
Gresham seeing some of the people getting rowdy after what Leopold said quickly intervened because he knew not everyone had the same views. People needed time to open their eyes to the truth.
”Gentleman please, now you must understand my colleagues have led hard lives they and I bet many of you have as well. We suffer at the hands of the magi and even our friends have been forced out on to the streets. Things like that leads to all kinds of different takes on a subject as sensitive as this one. Views of which every man and woman is entitled to, but aren't because the magi don't allow it. The Purifiers support you and whatever views you may have without judgment”.
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Out of the corner of Gresham's eye, he could see some people starting to get up a couple of them had empty bottles in hand. Gresham wasn't able to pacify the crowd he wasn't afraid to fight the crowd he knew there was a high chance of that happening before he came to the bar. Leopold and Robert knew that two, but they followed him anyway to help spread the word about what was wrong with this world.
Desmond heard what both of those guys said clearly and understood everything he needed to know. Desmond had no problem with people fighting for there rights, against any kind of injustice, or for higher wages, but what he couldn't stand for was racism. Desmond didn't support it in the slightest if Leopold hadn't had that outburst of his then Desmond might have held a little bit of sympathy for there cause.
While downing a glass of the Nymph's Delight Lance burped then said, ” Those Purifier guys have been making a lot more noise lately. Some of those Idiots even vandalized a few statues depicting the magi at a couple of parks. They speak of about overthrowing the magi, but I bet they don't even have a plan if they did they wouldn't do small stuff like that. Besides, how do you even go about dismantling what the magi have built”.
The rest of the group tuned into what Lance said and started to listen, ” It can't be done every clan is like there own nation each one is completely self sufficient, has there own army, weapons, and multiple other planets they can run to when things get bad. Normal people defeating them is like trying to understand the entire universe while you have lived inside a well your whole life, it's simply impossible”.
John looking back and forth between the groups of people getting ready to beat up the three purifiers added to what Lance said saying. ”Your right but despite them just blowing smoke out their butts they do have a large following along with many sympathizers. I see spokesman like them around Memorial wall all the time”. John was about to say something else when he saw Desmond getting up and walking over towards the purifiers.
”Desmond what are you doing?” John uttered to Desmond.
”I'm just going to introduced myself to those fine gentleman over there,” said Desmond as he pushed through a few people in front of him to be first.
Seeing Desmond joining the rest of the crowd John asked the rest of the guys at the table ”so what should we do now, join him”.
Roy still enjoying himself said, ”if he's gonna start a fight here we might as well participate before we get kicked out”. Lance and John agreed, finished the bottle of Nymphs Delight without Desmond then went to back up their friend.