78 Universal language Part 2 (2/2)
Lance said with a mouth full of popper fish to Roy, ”you should be thanking him for bringing you back to your senses before you actually did something stupid like buy something you couldn't afford”.
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Roy refuted what Lance said and told him ”thats impossible no dwarf like me would lose there reasoning just because of a few drinks”.
Everyone stopped eating when they heared what Roy said while John got some food stuck in his throwt and had to spit it out. Not believing a word of what Roy mentioned John said to him, ”you a dwarf do you even know what a dwarf is It would be more believable if you said you were a giant”.
The others agreed including Desmond everyone knew what dwarfs where there was no need to explain them, but Roy looked nothing like a dwarf. Roy was a husky man a bit hairy, but not overly so like a dwarf he looked more like a normal human then anything else.
Roy wanting to settle everyones doubt explained that both his parents where dwarves, but they where not full blooded dwarves. Over the generation other things got mixed into their family blood line thats why both him and his sister don't look like Dwarves.
Desmond had questions about the science of all that, but he just let it slide because the physiology of thing on this world where most likely different then his old one. Now knowing that his friend was a dwarf Desmond asked him something, he knew it was a long shot, but he might as well ask him and find out.
Waving at Roy to get his attention Desmond said to him ”Roy I know that Dwarves are considered to be some of the greatest botanist in the world. A major change from the famed metal workers you're race used to be because you're race lost a large amount of the techniques you're people developed over the generations. All because of the after math during The War of The Fallen, but I must know does your family have any of those forging techniques or any thing else i'll gladly pay to copy it down”.
Even if the hope was small and even though he know there was most likely nothing there Desmond was still heart broken learning his family had nothing like that.
”Information like that depending on what it is is next to priceless. I know that many clans have found all kinds of things related to ancient dwarven techniques and a few old households that have lasted a couple thousand years should definitely have some. Besides that if you want quality weapons and armor you have to go to the fire giants like everyone else”.
Learning that he could get weapon made by actual fire giants Desmond wasn't nearly as heart broken as before because having things made by fire giants were way cooler than dwarves.