64 Refuge Part 3 (1/2)
Bramble Street, Delmar city
On one of the busiest roads in District C was were one of the liveliest restaurants in town stood, but it operated more like a bar than a restaurant. From the outside, the place looked clean and beautiful. Large stones and wooden beams made out the building's outer structure. Seeing inside was a bit difficult because of the stained glass, but the laughter and cheer from inside could be felt outside.
As you enter the restaurant through the heavy hardwood door your welcome by amazing smells and clapping hands. It's as charming inside as it was outside. Round wooden beams support the second floor and the light fixtures attached to them.
The walls were decorated with memorabilia from the owner's younger days as he spent his time hunting down all manner of creatures. The restaurant was packed mostly with locals and a few refugees who were drawn in by the smell and sound.
Several long tables were occupied by, what must have been different groups who bonded together over great food and company. The smaller tables had people who were singing and dancing only a few people seemed to mind more company.
A large sweating figure working in the back wearing a chef's uniform was Roy. He had just finished a few orders with help from the other workers in the kitchen so he rang a bell to call one of the waitresses.
Quickly answering the ringing bell was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her 20s. She had scarlet eyes and long flowing red hair that waved about like fire in the wind. Sally Fox was known as a hidden gem in District C. Her smile brightens up everyone's day making the already pleasant time spent at the restaurant that much better.
Having a bunch of orders stacking up next to him Roy urged sally to hurry up ”move faster theirs another set of food that's almost done. The packed salt gobbler and fog sweet bome go to table 11 while the Strix crumble, dropheogus cake, brind frost lovebird, giggling cookies all go to table 23 on the second floor”.
Sally looked at Roy in confusion ”But, brother the second floor isn't my section”.
Roy was tired but he still had a look of understanding on his face ” I know that right now your gonna have to do other people's tables as well as your own theirs a lot more people in here than usual. I knew that when the refugees came here would be problems, but if this happens every day I'm going to die from exhaustion”.
Roy waved his hand in his face to he cooled himself down while sally got back to work. Despite the place being more full than usual sally didn't grimace over it she worked happily serving every customer with a smile on her face.
Sitting at table 9 all alone was a man wearing a casual dark blue button up shirt with black pants and shoes. He was well groomed just as he always was when he came to the restaurant with the oil in his hair keeping it slick and smooth. His clothes did nothing to hide his muscular figure or his strong shoulders.