58 Dodge Part 1 (2/2)
”What is it you want you fat son of a bitch?”
The chubby man saluted just like the other guy then said ”My name is Roy Fox I joined the reserve unit because I thought that ...” without any warning, sergeant Freeman headbutted Roy than grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him in the balls as hard. Roy dropped to the floor holding his balls as he winced in pain.
”I do not remember asking you for your name nor did I ask about what you were thinking. When you are on a battlefield you do not have the time to think. What you must do is follow orders as they are given when they are given do I make my self clear”.
Sergeant Freeman didn't give Roy the chance to respond because in that moment he spotted dirt on his shoes. It was dirt that got kicked up by Roy when he fell to the ground. After seeing dirt on his shoes at that moment Sergeant Freeman's mind was calm like the surface of a lake. That rippled Just like when someone chucks a stone into it stirring the muck beneath.
To Sergeant Freeman, it was the same calm collective response that he would give to anyone at that moment, but to everyone else, it was something they would never forget.
Sergeant Freeman kicked Roy straight in the jaw while he was still on the floor in pain from being kneed in the nuts and kept kicking him for five minutes straight.
With his shoe bloody and private Roy Fox still on the floor screaming in pain Sergeant Freeman finally calmed down. While Sergeant Freeman was beating Roy no one moved from their spots to help. Whether they were afraid of being next or not didn't change the unanimous decision everyone had in their heads at that moment which was not to mess with Sergeant Freeman.
Sergeant Freeman cleaned off his white leather boots with a handkerchief than explained himself ”you might be wondering why I viciously assaulted private Roy just now so let me explain. Just in case you dumb fucks are somehow just as blind as you are stupid. I am wearing a white ceremonial uniform I wear this to honor the event when I ceremoniously kick your ass for dirtying my uniform.
Now if all of you can put together what a white uniform and dirt field means than I think we can begin. I was going to go to each and every one of you so I could get to know you and introduce my foot up your ass that way, but I have already heard every bull shit excuse for joining the military reserve unit anyway.
So we are just going to start training so I can see which one of you sucks the least, now get running!”. Sergeant Freeman blew a whistle that geared everyone into motion. Scared of the Sergeant no one lagged behind as they started to run around the complex.
”What are you idiots doing you forgot private Roy get your butts back here and take him with you. If one man doesn't finish then no one does”. Sergeant Freeman started shaking his head as he felt he was going to end up swallowed by everyone's stupidity.