48 Magic Poisoning (1/2)
magic poisoning happens when too much foreign magic builds up inside a person. the healing potions may be beneficial to people but drinking them in large quantities over a short period of time results in the potion damaging the host body and in extreme cases killing them. the amount of potions a person can drink before they become poison varies greatly. a person with a strong body and High magic resistance can drink more conversion than a person with a weaker body and low magic resistance like Desmond.
to remove the effects of magic poisoning you must remove the toxins from your body. this can be done in many ways but Desmond doesn't know any of them. So Desmond's only option is to take the long way around the problem and endure through the pain.
leaking black blood through his orifices onto the floor Desmond was curled up in a ball finding it hard to breathe as he coughed up more black blood. holding his chest Desmond found the connection to his body weakening a bit his movement slowed down as his body became sluggish and screamed and in more pain. his painful shrieks were heard by only the rats that kept him company. some of his veins turn black and his skin seemed to become a shade paler.
while it does hurt this was the least amount of pain that Desmond had to suffer through. he found this little bit of pain laughable compared to what he already endured.
Desmond knew the effects of magic poisoning would last a while without the proper way to remove it. so he waited about 30 minutes to fully get use to the effects of magic poisoning before he started taking what you needed and heading home.
giving up was a bit challenging or him with the connection to his body weekend by the magic poisoning Desmond moved with the grace of a drunk man at a bar.
stumbling his way over to the chest Desmond started rummaging around for what he came for. The books on illusions, magic traps, intermediate rune set, and a few others. Desmond look through some of the books and realize a problem he didn't know the basics of creating a magic circle that was at the book store Hunter's Bizzare. realizing the problem Desmond took out 200 magic crystals from the stockpile he had in one of the chests and placed them in a sack that held some magic mushroom ingredients which he already throughout.
filled up on everything he could carry Desmond returned home. he didn't leave through the same way he came in case someone was there waiting for him. he left through a much further manhole cover. there were people walking around but not many Desmond waited there until the coast was clear when it was he quickly left the area and took a coach back home.
the ride home was quick on the way Desmond constantly coughed up more blood, but he was just happy nothing happened when he went to retrieve those books.
back home to his dimly lit room that had the windows, tables, and any other shiny surface completely covered with whatever he could find that's been lying around Desmond felt sad. looking at what his life has been reduced to anyone would feel the same. being forced to cower in fear of any reflective surface and the looming danger of a powerful Mage organization back to have committed worse atrocities than Hitler. while still being a probable suspect in the murder of Vincent and his crew.
”All I wanted to do is practice Magic how did things turn out like this” depressed by his situation Desmond shoved his sofa next to the door to make sure it was closed. then took a long needed nap he didn't even think about cleaning the blood stain bathroom because he was going to focus all his energy tomorrow's Adventure exploring the World of Magic.