46 Mirrors Image (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 24460K 2022-07-22

Desmond stared directly at the man shown inside his mirror as afraid as he was Desmond tried to speak with him ”hel ...” before he could even speak Desmond felt something grab his neck. The man in the mirror had his right hand raised towards Desmond it was at that moment he felt someone grab his neck hard.

Desmond found it hard to breathe as the invisible force chocked him even harder, he tried using his hands to pull away what was there, but Desmond only grabbed air as he was being strangled harder. The man in the mirror lifted his right hand that was still in a grabbing position and Desmond lifted up with him.

Desmond was dangling in the middle of the room despite for air kicking and flailing his arms around while the man in the mirror watched. Seeing that Desmond could only handle a little more of that kind of torment the man in the mirror left the bathroom mirror.

The mirror above the sink rippled as the Mirror Man's full body came into full view his mage robes were studded dark gray with an outline of black. He looked at Desmond with indifference as he willed Desmond's flowing body closer to him.

”You were the only survivor from the attack on Vincent Marino's base correct tell me everything you know. Who dared pose as one of us to fraudulently claim to be a member of Secret Visage is a sin that can be cleaned with only death”. The Mirror Man loosened the hold he had on Desmond's neck allowing him to breathe a little. With fresh air in his lungs, Desmond tried to scream for help, but he was quickly strangled again shutting him up for good.

”Trying to scream for help isn't going to work” with that said the Mirror Man swished his finger in the air a bit which made the room shimmer a bit in Desmond's eyes. Desmond had no Idea what the Mirror Man did, but he felt it sealed his fate.

”There now no matter how much you scream no one will hear you” the Mirror Man looked at Desmond struggle as he chuckled ”well don't get too comfortable I know I'm a great host and all, but you did try to call for help and I don't like that”.

With a simple flick of his wrist, all the fingers on Desmond's left hand were broken. Desmond couldn't even scream out in pain because he was still being chocked.

”Well come on then out with the answer already I have other people to kill they don't always do it for me”. He loosened his grip on Desmond once more he started sobbing pleading with the Mirror Man to let him go it was truly a pathetic sight. Desmond may have toughened it out when inside the Clover Forest and when he faced down Vincent and his crew, but he was completely out of his depth against this guy.

Desmond's ignorance of the world shielded him from the overwhelming suppressive force of the people who really run the world the magi. After eating those souls Desmond was enlightened a bit on his position in the world and some of the terrifying groups like Secret Visage who people have nothing nice to say about them. He knew of the kinds of things these people have done and was going to happen to him now that he upset them.

The Mirror Man was getting bored of the old man's plea to let him go, drowning out the noise he looked at the watch on his wrist and became upset when he realized he had gone over the time limit he gave for himself.