43 Strange Turn of Events Part 2 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 26860K 2022-07-22

The King of beggars is a world renown rank 6 powerhouse who stands closest to the top in the world. He is one of the best a true prodigy that started his rise from a complete shit hole. The man should have died a hundred times over just from living where he was. He was constantly ill and malnourished to the point he was mostly skin and bone, but he resisted by fighting against his fate allowing the man to become a legend.

His rise was as glorious as a shooting star he stole the amulet of aurora an Item that holds knowledge personal inscribed by a fallen god, managed to transcend the limits of his power and kill a rank 4 cataclysm when he was only rank 3 a feet never before recorded in history, ripped out the oracles right eye which he now wears around his neck, the expanded the area in which we inhabit, and obtained the shattered scepter of Anubis.

”There are things for which a person could admire and fear The King of Beggars, transcend his limits and killing a rank 4 would have been enough to scare a person making them fully consider you a threat including me. The difference between ranks is not simply a lower rank mage could usually never beat a higher rank one especially when the battle is between a rank 3 and 4 the difference between the two is massive. Since such a person even bothered to send an envoy to a lowly rank 3 magi it could only be for one thing.”

Nisus took a second to think then he straightened his back regaining his composure ” you may guide the messenger in”.

The secretary bowed again then left the room returning soon with a hooded rat the size of a human.

Nisus wasn't shaken by the envoy's appearance he already knew that the King of Beggars constantly subjugated the ratmen. The ratmen are a cynical race that is ruled only by the strongest in their group.

How the King of Beggars managed to make a race of self serving giant rats that have no qualms with killing another one of there own simple for not moving out of the way fast enough is unknown to everyone.

Why he did it that's an easy question the ratmen have an innate ability at birth to manipulate poison and spread disease in addition to there high birth rate. They are the last kind of enemy a nation's army would want to fight because they would end up sick from a sudden plague as they are drowned by a sea of rats.

The ratman approached Nisus while the secretary left the room the ratman's arms hanged out of his cloak in front of him having his sharp claws in full view. His whiskers twitched constantly as he sniffed around the room the raman stopped inspecting the room when he arrived in front of Nisus.

”Greetings lord Nisus Bel my name is skern one of The King of Beggars messengers I am here to collect half of the souls that you obtained a few weeks ago on behalf of The King of Beggars. Hand them over to me quickly right now so I may be on my way”. The ratman squeaked ever now and again as he spoke bluntly.

Nisus wasn't insulted by the ratman's lack of etiquette the whole ratmen race is known for how impolite they are ”Skern while I am pleased to know I have something that can interest someone as great as the King of Beggars the thing he wants is not mine to give away. If he wishes to obtain some of the souls in my possession he will have to speak with the chairman of the Eclipse Association”. Nisus stayed as polite as possible to the ratman even though it was at rank 3 like him he knew he could easily kill him if he needed to. The only reason he stayed polite was out of fear of accidentally insulting the person he represents.

The ratman snickered as it squeaked ”Your chairman has already agreed to loan out half of the souls in your possession so hand them over”. Skern extended his paw waiting to receive the souls Nisus had.

Nisus raised his eyebrow after what the ratman said ”the chairman already agreed, but I haven't received any reply from him confirming this”