33 The Boss part 5 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 27830K 2022-07-22

Crouching behind the desk I pull Nick's body to the ground and search him for more ammo. His bullets weren't the same for the gun I was using so I took his revolver, there were mostly normal bullets on him, but he did have 6 enchanted bullets hidden in his innermost pocket.

I did the same check on Vincent he had a small double barrel Derringer pistol with on shot left and a fully loaded custom made silver desert eagle that was engraved with a floral design.

I look at my new gun with wide eyes ”My god it really is my birthday” this gift really boosted my option on Vincent if he was still alive I would be singing him praises right now.

Arming myself once more with my remaining 3 Glocks, 1 revolver, enchanted flintlock and all the ammo everyone provided me I feel like I'm ready to take on the world.

Ross moves closer towards me worried about him I try to shoot at him, but his friends kept me at bay with their covering fire. Being shot at with enchanted bullets is way scarer than being shot at with normal ones.

The force from the bullets kept pushing the desk around I had to use the bodies of Vincent and Nick to keep the desk from moving too much. Seeing this get me no were fast I rummage around my guts again in search of a magic scroll I look through what I had left and seen the perfect one for the job.

I had my flintlock and Glock ready for what I was going to do, next I activated the scroll by tearing it up aiming for the ceiling when I did.

The scroll lit aflame forming a green ball of acid that shot upwards and exploded on the ceiling. Raining down acid on everyone below except me since I wasn't In the splash radius.

Ragnar told me that the spell acid splash was while considered an intermediate spell is versatile making it useful In many situations and that the acid is strong enough to melt stone.

So you could imagine the kind of reaction I would get from people who were very familiar with this popular spell.

Some of the acid landed on them but they were quick enough to angle the furniture to protect themselves which is exactly what I wanted. I started with Ross he picked up the desk above his head while still slanting it towards me but it was enough. His actions left a gap big enough for me to unload my Glock into his legs.

He screamed in pain as he lost his grip on the coffee table and falling down on a pile of acid that corroding away the floor and now eating away at his back. He tossed and screamed for help, but none came his friends were cursing my name as they watch him flop on the floor.

I didn't stop there aimed my flintlock at the tilt sofa to my left shot it and blasted the tilt sofa over there heads leaving them completely exposed. They both were in bad positions with nothing close so they take off in different directions while firing at me, Otis was running to were Clement was and Claire was running towards me.

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I swapped guns for another Glock then aimed for Otis instead of Claire since having 2 people shielding themselves from me using the coach again would have been annoying to deal with.