31 The Boss Part 3 (1/2)
A resounding boom reverbed In everyone's ears as Vincent Marino got launched backward by the force of the enchanted bullet. The world slowed down In everyone's eyes you could make out clear signs of shock and anger on all of Vincent's subordinates as they simultaneously reached for there guns.
If you looked at me you would see my crazy eyes and the biggest grin in the world while fresh blood dripped from my chair onto the floor as I pull out another blood-covered item from inside my guts.
”Why did I do that whats wrong with me I shouldn't have shot him there could have still been some wiggle room for me to talk my way out. Killing those monsters outside is one thing but a fellow human how could I cross that line so easily.
It was like my mind just went to the darkest place it could find envisioning the worst possible outcomes than just acted”. There was still a big grin on my face but I was beating myself up inside for what I just did.
It's far too late for any regrets now I have to follow through on this shit show I just started. I unfurl the scroll In my hands, having no time to rip it I say its name out loud, ”Earth Spike Surge!”.
The scroll In my hand-activated instantly burning up then turning into dazzling little lights, the ground beneath my feet bulged upwards before coming back down creating a wave spreading outward that shot out over a dozen earth spikes in all directions.
No one was prepared for my attack and neither was myself, I was just making it all up as I tried to not get killed.
The earth spikes shot out at a modest speed, not fast enough that it was impossible to dodge but still slow enough that you could follow it with your eyes as it was coming at you.
If everyone wasn't already caught off guard I'm not sure if that spell would have hit anyone.
Claire used her left arm to stop the spike from hitting anything Important that decision completely mangles her left arm tearing it in half making it hang by only a few strands of flesh as blood gushed out from her new stump, but that quick thinking saved her life.
Nick had a strange blue glow on him, he managed to completely dodge everything with the grace of an acrobat. Ross punched the earth spikes coming at him same with Clement they both turned the earth spikes into rubble. Otis didn't have to do anything besides moving an inch to the right, the earth spikes spread out too far making them much less effective.
The scrolls' effect wasn't ideal, but it was good enough to buy me enough time so I could slide over vincent's desk and hold my ground. A bit of my blood spilled on the desk and some more splashed out when I landed but to me having stomach cut open and guts spilling out could be considered a superficial wound.
Cutting open my own stomach hurt and shoving all the weapons I had inside myself while having to walk around with them in me was very uncomfortable yet, in the end, I'm happy I did it despite me screwing everything up by shooting Vincent. It was the weirdest lapse of judgment I ever had.
While on the other side of the desk I realize there wasn't even a need for me to flip it over the desk was like a small fort. The Inside of the desk was reinforced and had 5 Glocks attached to the sides. Despite it getting hit with a bunch of bullets there wasn't even a dent just a few scuff marks.