15 A Path Forward Part 1 (2/2)
While walking down a less populated sidewalk little soul and the other people around him heard an explosion beneath their feet. It wasn't that loud but it was loud enough the catch everyone's attention.
There was murmuring all around people were wondering what was going on. There was another booming sound but this time it sounded like thunder. The sound was crisp and clear yet it most certainly didn't come from the sky.
” What's going on? Does anyone know?” these were the questions repeatedly asked. The thunder kept booming again and again seemingly more violent each time.
The noise was coming from under antique shop when suddenly it exploded. The explosion completely leveled the shop. The area where the building stood was engulfed in flames some people even hot caught on fire a bit. A huge pillar of smoke rises up into the sky while one of the other buildings next to it was catching on fire.
People were screaming in fright trying to keep their distance from the burning buildings. Even Little Soul could feel the heat coming from the fire.
When suddenly a person came running out of the flames breathing heavily and his left arm injured. He was wearing a brown trench coat and brown pants. Following closely behind was another man wear blue jeans a leather jacket a white with shades he was covered in tattoos from that went all the way up to his neck.
He was carrying another man in his left hand dragging him by the collar on his shirt. As he walked through the flames calmly as if the flames did not even hurt him.
”Stay back you psychopath,” the coated man said with genuine fear in his voice. As he creates a fireball in his hand and chucks it at the other man.
The guy dragging the other man didn't even bother dodging. He took the fireball directly it exploded with the force of a grenade. The man in blue became engulfed in fire, the explosion kicked up dust but it was not enough to obscure the burning man.
As Little Soul thought the man to be dead he saw the burning man lift up his right hand and flick outward. It created a bolt of lightning that pierced through the other man's chest hitting the wall of the building on the other side of the street. He spasmed a bit before falling to the ground.
Little Soul had no idea if that man was dead or not but, he didn't care. ”Magic that was magic it had to be there can be no other explanation. I can't believe it magic actually exist in this world. I have seen all the strange creatures and environment but I can explain that with science. This, on the other hand, is entirely different”.
Little Soul could feel tears forming in his eyes. why wouldn't he cry after what he had just seen after what he had been through? To truly know that this was the world for him. He didn't need to second-guess it, this was magic. What so many people in his old world long for what they dreamt about but could never bring to forwishen.
This let him know it was all worth it. He knew what he wanted to do, who he wanted to be it was a magician. He bet no one else ever felt they're calling so clearly before.
”Hay you sir” grabbing the shoulder of the closest person next to him on the sidewalk he began trying to get answers”.
”What is it?” the lanky middle-aged man said trying to be as polite as possible to the old man just as he was raised.
”Who is that man in blue over there?” quickly stated without any form of restraint by the old man.
”Can't you tell just by looking it is an official magi from the Order Of Peth. Their tattoos are a dead giveaway”.
” The Order of Peth I see and there is that word magi again so that was what it was referring to”. The old man's eyes got wider in the realization of the things he was oblivious to.
”What do the people in the order of peth do?”
Surprised by that question the middle-aged man looked at him in confusion ” are you by any chance feeling ill everyone knows that the order of peth is a group of punishers. There a clan that stands on their own but also outsources their skills to other Clans and is allied with the Morpheus Council so their punishers are given special permission to hunt down other rogue Magi or handle any other strange phenomenon dealing with magic.
Little Soul was extremely enlightened by all this he must know more.