14 Wandering Souls (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 25370K 2022-07-22

Eclipse Association Mage Tower, Delmar City

On the same day, Little Soul arrived in Delmar City Lord Nisus Bell was in his office signing a few documents on his table. When suddenly you're the knock on his door.

”You may come in” seen entering the room was Lord Velar holding a glowing orb in his hand that kept changing color. It looked like he captured a rainbow in the sphere.

”Nisus the task force I had assembled has discovered the source of the disturbance a few days ago”.

putting down his paperwork Nisus looked at velar ” that's great news now then tell me what did you find”. He states as he leaned back in his chair.

”The source of the disturbance was a large cluster of Souls. We found them more than a week's journey away from Delmar City. ”

”Souls, how could there possibly be a large cluster of wandering souls here? could some magi have set them loose here or is it another strange phenomenon as a result of that bygone era?

” I cannot fully confirm nor deny this was purposely done by a group of rogue Magi or just another new thing our world has decided to plague us with but this might actually be a blessing in disguise”.

”A blessing what do you mean explain yourself?”.

”look for yourself and you will see” velar handed the colorful spear two Nisus. As he inspected it he noticed what was wrong with the souls inside.

He was flabbergast because there were thousands of different souls but, thousands of souls alone would never make someone like him speechless he could reap that many lives in a sing breath. What astounded him was that not a single soul belonged to their world.

”Velar this its a gold mine with all these souls we could concur so many worlds. The number of resources this will bring the Eclipse association will be endless”. Before Nisus could start daydreaming Velar popped his bubble”.

”That is exactly what I thought when I first discovered the souls, the same with the other magi around me. That's when it turned into a race to collect the most souls any none aggregation pact we had was immediately put on hold it was a complete free for all, a few rank one magi ended up dying. We ended up losing three rank 1 magi the loss was not great but it still stung.