7 New discovery (1/1)

Unusual world Loyalscum 23000K 2022-07-22

Inside the monster's stem was a smooth spherical gem it radiated a soft light as little soul held it in his hand. ”It's so beautiful why would this plant Monster eat this” little soul inspected the green gem but could find nothing strange about it on the outside. so you tried injecting his soul into it to see if there was any difference.

When little soul did that the gem burnt his soul a little. ”awe ... how is that possible?” when little soul touched the gem with his soul he could feel something inside. ”It's still alive ... that plant monsters still alive inside this gem. Could it be like me a Wandering soul trapped in some vessel?. Do other creatures have these too if so do I?”.

Little Soul dove into his body in search of a similar gem inside him. That's when he found a small red Speck even smaller than a bean. The light it gave off was insignificant compared to that plant monsters gem same with the size the two were in completely different leagues of their own.

This interest Little Soul to no bounds but, he could not study the gems further here. The forest was too dangerous, he thought he was being careful yet, he was still drawn into a fight.

Before setting off little soul decided to tend to his wounds. Yep, three broken ribs, two of his fingers were broken, a fracture in the back of his skull, and skin was torn from the thorn field Vines. The wounds hurt a lot they made him groan in pain. The wounds wouldn't have been able to kill him but healing such wounds was hard on Little Soul. He had to use the threads that he made to stitch up such wounds and that whittled away at his soul.

Little soul popped his ribs back in place then use his soul threads to keep them there. He used them to fix his skull and straighten his fingers. He then proceeded to walk over to the vines checking them all to see if there were still loose bits of his skin on them so he could patch himself up.

Once he was finished little Soul's stomach started to grumble. He had not eaten anything since he got this body. knowing he was surrounded by danger and that it was not going to get any safer anytime soon he decided to sit down and eat something from his backpack.

since this old man's body had no teeth he could only eat soft foods and liquids, which there were plenty of. most of the food was in some kind of paste form but he didn't mind. he smacked his lips and sucked on the spoon as he was eating it was weird eating without teeth the first time. The food tasted like bananas not little souls favorite but it's not like he had many options.

It was nice eating for the first time in who knows how long. Little soul let out the happy chuckle of an old man as he bared his toothless gums to the world.

With his belly filled he decided to move out once more. This time he used his soul to perceive the world as to not be drawn into another illusion. He can also use his body's eyes so it is like having two people keeping watch at the same time.

he had only been walking for about 30 minutes in the when he saw dawn break ”what its morning already, how long did that plant monster have me in its grasp? It only felt like a few minutes”. Astounded by this little soul realize just how deadly Illusions were.

Walking further through the forest little soul heard something in the distance. It was sound rushing water, walking toward the sound he discovered a wide river flowing through the forest. He saw no animals around the river which was a bit strange but I guess it just meant he was lucky cause all the animals around here were far stranger.

Little soul looked at himself noticing all the blood and how he reeks. so, he decided to go over and wash himself up. Next to the river, he dunked his hands in cleaning his forearms and face. Then took off his tattered clothes and backpack, he had his loaded gun nearby the river as he washed himself clean. The water was cold it got into all the gaps in his skin as it dripped down his body.

As he was washing himself little soul saw his reflection, the reflection of an old man with white dirty hair and rough wrinkly skin. That's when he noticed he was drowning. When little soul witnesses his own reflection in the river he became enchanted. He jumped into the river to save himself from drowning in the river.

”How in the world did I think I was drowning, this makes no sense” fighting against the current he made it back on land when his leg was grabbed by a scaly blue hand. The hand wanted to pull him back into the river and it almost succeeded.

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Little so grab the edge of the riverbank, shoving his fingers deep into the Earth as he clawed his way back onto land then kicked away the blue scaly hand and that had a hold of his leg.

With his leg free little soul ran toward his gun he placed at the riverbank. That's when three ghastly figures popped out of the water onto land. they look kind of like humans but were uglier, smellier, had fins and gills, long claws and we're blue.

They bared their sharp teeth and fangs at me as they hist. I made my way to the loaded gun picked it up, quickly shooting one of them in the chest. The monster closest to the river got shot now it had a large hole in its chest as it flew backward into the river and got whisked downstream.

The rest of those fish-men things jumped back startled before lunging right at me. I had no time to reload or pick up that knife. so, I dropped the gun and tried to punch at one of them to the left of me, it dodged and clawed at me. I barely managed to avoid it before the second one came rushing at me.