21 Lord-class I True Unlife (1/2)

This was truly a warm scene. The reunion of mother and daughter filled me with warmth for a moment… Before another kind of warmth came…

”Cough, Cough… Madam Mary, could you please put on your clothes so we can talk?” I interrupted, visibly embarrassed, my little virgin heart couldn't bear the sight, and all I could think of was the word 'shaved'…

Although Mary is a young and beautiful woman, she's already an Initiate Magus like me. From the documents I received from Artmer, it seems she was a prospect count, bastard daughter of the Veritas King, and the founder of the Low Terrace Lineage.

It seems 80% of the startup nobles come from an extra-marital relationship from a major household. Sometimes, it's not uncommon for a great genius to ascend from a bastard to member of the main household.

Noticing me, Mary straightened herself, covering her body with the robe she was using before. Keeping Violet behind her, like a mother hen, Mary looked at me. Her eyes were so ferocious, that it seemed obvious she was Violet's mother. Her pressure was a thousand times bigger than Violet's… I still don't understand why this killing intent doesn't faze me? Shouldn't this be the kind of thing that makes one paralyzed?

With a noble demeanor set, Mary spoke.

”Who are you, necromancer? And who's your friend?” She said, without a hint of politeness, looking at me and sixth('s clone, that she sees instead of the space rift,) with caution.

”My name is Kyle Adley. I bought you and Violet as slave, although I do not intend of using both of you as so. I had an agreement with your daughter, that I would cure you for a price.” I said, but then paused when he killing intent increased tenfold. ”Also, please don't attack me. I have turned you into a ghoul, so I can still kill you if I want. I hope you won't do something we'll both regret.”

Mary didn't seem to take the threat well, and her killing intent increased once again. But when I was starting to get too nervous to continue this conversation with coherent sentences, Violet saved me.

”Don't worry mom. We can trust him.” She defended me, unexpectedly.

Both me and Mary were surprised. Why would Violet put in a good word for me?

”Why do you say so?” Mary asked.

”Because he looks like a pussy. A noble scholar than probably spent most of his life shut in on his office reading books and exercising his right hand, a waste of society that only stays alive because he has a surprisingly good brain in his head.” Violet described me in an incredibly accurate way with a grin in her face, although neither me or Mary knew where that came from… But that grin seemed familiar somehow.

A perverted and timid scholar(otaku) is definitely more trustworthy than a necromancer.

Mary nodded, still in guard but not as much as previously. It seems that as a war veteran, she can smell a coward as long as she maintains a clear mind.

”Kyle Adley…” She closed her eyes and deeply tried to recall the name. ”I never heard of the Adley family, no, I am sure such name doesn't exist within the central continent as a major family, so you must either be an upstart bastard or a small inheritor… But it's still better than a peasant necromancer… However, you still haven't explained your friend's identity.” She analyzed and pointed out Sixth's existence again.

Before I could make up an excuse, Sixth answered.

”Just an observer, I don't interfere in mortal matters unless it's interesting, so just keep up the conversation normally.” Sixth said, not concealing his godly status.

Mary was surprised for a moment, as anyone would be after seeing a god, but calmed herself instantly. (Because Sixth helped her to calm down.)

”I see… To be able to catch the attention of a god, you must be an exceptional individual… It seems a God's eyes do seem more than a mortal's.”

”I am not a noble yet, just a scholar under Lord Angus of Red Stone. I also have another identity as Dread Lord Vrygewig, friend of Artmer of Black Gold, who bought you and your daughter.”

Hearing my former identity, she was unfazed, but got surprised again after I mentioned Artmer.

”The boy from Black Gold? So, you do have some connections… Are we in East Argent?”

I nodded.

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