Part 14 (1/2)
On hearing of my experience, the sister exclaimed, ”Why! G.o.d's promise, 'My G.o.d shall supply all your needs,' was fulfilled at that time.”
In 1915 I was on the Atlantic ocean on my way to Europe, and the captain came to me a number of times on the voyage, saying, ”I am afraid you are going to have trouble if an English boat catches us before we get to Norway, because you claim to be a Norwegian by birth and a minister. We think you are a German by birth and a doctor. We had one sailing with us the last trip from Saint Paul, Minnesota and he spelled his name 'Susage'
and was a German and a doctor. You spell your name 'Susag.' He had a goatee like you and looked just like you, and we think you two are brothers. We believe you are an American citizen, and if you acknowledge that you are a German and a doctor, we believe we can be a help to you. We will guarantee to the English people that we will take care of you and take you back to America the next trip.”
I thanked him and smiled and said, ”But I am still a Norwegian and a preacher, and I believe I am going to stand the test.”
Sure enough a number of us were apprehended by an English war s.h.i.+p, and they sailed us into Kirkwall, Scotland and put nine of us (me included) under arrest. The fourth day a high official came from London to examine our papers, and I was the first one to march in between two rows of soldiers with bayonets on the guns ready for action. The captain and first mate were present to see how I was coming out. Finally a soldier called, ”Halt!” and I a.s.sure you, I stopped and smiled at them all. I saluted the officer and handed him my papers After he had examined them thoroughly, he said to me, ”Where were you born, Reverend?” I said, ”in Norway.” ”What City?” ”Stienkjer,” I answered. ”Will you tell us that in your own tongue?”
I did so; then he folded my papers nicely and handed them, back to me, smiled and saluted and said, ”Pa.s.s on; you are ok.” I enjoyed the experience very much.
When the Lord saved me, he called me into the ministry. I knew the ministry were securing half fare on railroads, but did not know that they had to be ordained before they could get it. But I did know that the Lord had ordained me for the Ministry. So I went to the depot agent in my home town, and asked him if he would sign for me so I could have the benefits of clergy rates. He had known me for some years, so told me he could if I would swear that I was a preacher. I said, ”No, I can't swear. If you can't take my word for it, I'll go without a permit.” He said, ”If you can't swear, I will sign for you.” So I sent in my application to the clergy bureau, and a few days later I received the permit, but there was a little slip with it which said, ”Are you wholly engaged in gospel work, or do you do some secular work?” I studied and prayed about it and wrote the clergy bureau and sent the permit back and said, ”When I travel, I do nothing but gospel work, but when I am home, I preach twice on Sunday and once a week, and through the week I do whatsoever my hands find to do. I do not want any railroad bill against me in the day of judgment. So if you find upon this explanation that I am worthy of your courtesy, I will be very pleased to receive the permit, and if not, I thank you.”
A few days later, the permit was returned to me with a letter saying, ”Please accept our courtesy. We are not afraid of being imposed upon by a man like that.”
When I was ordained, the brethren said, ”Now you can get half fare on the railroads.” ”Well,” I said, ”I have had that almost seven years already.”
When I explained to them they were astonished.
I was the evangelist at the South Dakota State Camp Meeting one year. After the meeting was over and I had received my offering from the committee, a brother came to me and wanted to give me $50 extra but I refused to accept it. ”Why,” he said, ”Don't you need it?” ”Yes,” I said, ”I need it badly, but I do not feel I can take it.” ”Well,” he said, finally after much persuasion, ”If you won't take it, I'll put it in the bank. For the Lord told me to give it to you, and I don't want it, and it will be there until you call for it.”
About nine months later, I needed money and wrote him to see if I could borrow it until the next camp meeting. He sent it right away and wrote saying, ”Thank G.o.d, it is out of my hands, and I'll never take it back again.” At the next camp meeting, I tried again to pay it back, but I failed, so I went to prayer and asked the Lord what I should do. The Lord said, ”You give Brother Renbeck fifteen dollars for a new suit, and you keep the rest for your family.” (In those days one could get a good suit for fifteen dollars).
I looked for Brother Renbeck and finally he came. He had been weeping, although he still seemed happy. ”Why have you been weeping?” I asked. ”I need a new suit, and I went out and prayed and the Lord told me I could get a new fifteen dollar one.” I reached my hand out and said, ”Here is your fifteen dollars.” He stepped back and said, ”No, no! I couldn't take it from you. You need it worse than I do.” I explained to him how it was, and he accepted it and praised the Lord. In those days we didn't know any different than to trust the Lord.
At one time while on the train in North Dakota, I sat down in the company of twelve ministers, representing that many denominations. While listening to them I decided that this was the time for a little fellow to keep his mouth shut. One young minister appeared to be the leader in the discussion standing with his Greek Testament in his hand. Finally he turned to me and said, ”Are you a minister too?” I told him I was. ”What denomination do you belong to?” I told him Church of G.o.d. ”Well,” he said, ”If you belong to the Church of G.o.d, you have a horn in our side.” I had met three of them once and they surely horned me. I said, ”Yes, I've got a horn and I pity the minister that hasn't got one.” (The horn represents power in scripture). ”But,” I said, ”I use that on only one preacher.” ”Who is that,” he said. ”The devil.” ”Well,” he said, ”If you have one you have not showed it to us because you have kept still.” Then turning, he pointed to each of the ministers individually asking each one what visible church of G.o.d he belonged to, and each answered, naming their own denomination. Then he said, ”I belong to the visible Church of G.o.d Congregational.” I spoke up then and said, ”I belong to the visible Church of G.o.d.” Then he slapped his hand on the arm of the seat and said, ”You've got me, Brother.” Then I said, ”You see me, don't you?” ”Yes,” he said. ”I see you, shake hands.”
Then he asked me how far I was going, saying that he would like to have a talk with me.
I told him I was going to Bismark, to which he said, ”It is too bad that I change at the next station.”
That ended the conversation. They seemed to have no more to say.
When I was holding a meeting in a certain state, some of the church said there had been a couple of preachers holding services across the street from the Church of G.o.d chapel, and some of the saints had attended their meetings and became confused. They wanted me to preach against it. I said, ”I cannot do that. The Word of G.o.d says, 'Thou shalt not judge a strange servant.' But I will pray the Lord to help me to meet them to get acquainted with their teaching.” I did pray earnestly that I might meet them. Later I came to a town where I had to stay all night. I found twelve preachers there who were trying to start a new spiritual mushroom or work, and of the twelve preachers, two of them were the a.s.sociation preachers who had been holding the meetings across from our chapel in the town previously spoken of. I went to their service that evening and sat and prayed earnestly that if G.o.d was displeased with this new work they were trying to start, that the minister who was going to speak that night would have the hardest time preaching that he ever had in his life.
A minister arose to preach. His preaching was Biblical, but he had a hard time, while the other ministers kept on praying, ”Lord, give the brother the anointing.” He worked and perspired until all of a sudden he sat down.
The ministers huddled together and talked and prayed and finally sent one of their number out into the audience to talk with the people. He finally wound up at me. He asked me a number of questions, whether I was saved and sanctified, and then left. But the ministers seemed to be dissatisfied, and sent another minister to me to investigate. At last he said, ”I suppose the sermon tonight scared you.” I said, ”No, that was a good sermon and I have been preaching that way for over thirty eight years. That is the way the apostles preached.”